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Wow! Worst fasting day so far
17 Apr 2013, 07:00
:frown: I'm on my 6th week of 5:2 and so far have found the fast days OK... not yesterday! I normally just go through until dinnertime but yesterday I started to feel very light-headed and headache-y mid-afternoon so I had something to eat thinking this would keep me going. By the time dinner was ready I still had the headache, and was feeling dizzy and nauseous. I dished up dinner for my husband and kids and then took to my bed (in my head it was in the manner of Mrs Bennet from Pride & Prejudice, but I'm not sure she'd have worn leggings and a vest top! :grin: ). After a nap I felt better so at about 8.30pm my husband brought me up some food but I hardly ate any.

I'm not sure what caused it but I've just started a new job this week (working for two hours over lunchtime in the library at my kids' school), I'd swapped my fast day because my son's birthday was on Monday AND it's my 'time of the month'. I'm hoping it was just these factors that caused this reaction.

Anyone else had an unusual reaction to their usual fast routine?
I've been doing 5:2 for just over 3 months and about half way through I had a wobble. Thankfully it passed after a couple of fasts and now fasting is just second nature. Keep at it, hopefully you will get back to 'normal'.
Thanks wildmissus! I'm hoping this will be the case. I've never dreaded a fast day before but I'm feeling a little daunted about my next one this week!
Sounds like you had a lot going on whilst on this particular fast day, so put it behind you. I think everyone will have days like the one you describe - as a newcomer I like reading the comments from people who have been following the 5:2 plan for a longer period of time so I am prepared for when I have a ghastly fast day!
I think I was a bit blindsided by it too, because I'd found the previous fast days OK - I was very hungry on the other days but didn't feel unwell at all.
Don't worry, these things happen. My 3rd fast was a nightmare (I tried to not eat any carbs) but that was just one.
Headaches might be due to hormonal changes (since it's that time of the month) or lack of caffeine. Are you cutting on the coffee by any chance?
Newbie here.
I've done five fasts so far. 11pm last snack and nothing until dinner next day at 7pm. I have black coffee in the morning and plenty of water.
About 4pm I have 1/2 a beef stock cube and a teaspoon of marmite in hot water. This fends of headaches. After the drink I feel really good. Hope this helps :victory:
TML I don't like coffee so I don't drink it anyway, but I haven't cut out tea on fast days, I just couldn't do it! I just take into account the amount of milk I'm putting in during the week.

Jpartie, might try the stock cube/marmite thing - sounds lovely! Thanks
Hiya, I'm exactly the same today! I knew I was in trouble when I woke up early this morning :-( I've kept on going but I have a blinder of a headache. I'd second the comment that suggested having a stock cube and water, I had one for lunch today :-) 1 Oxo cube with hot water works out at 13 calories - yey! Xx
Eek! Hope you make it through the day Jo. Just think of the food you'll be able to have tomorrow :smile: - isn't that what makes this diet so doable though, the fact that you're not on a treadmill of denying yourself all the time, that it's just a bit of hardship for one day. I love it!
Hi Noddy, woke up not that hungry today (typical!) but had a big bowl of porridge and feel good to go now :)
Yep - I love this way of eating, it is the best! And I do find that I don't want to eat as much as I thought I would on my 'feed' days!x
Yay, well done Jo! It's so satisfying waking up the day after a fast to know that you did it, isn't it? I'm fasting again today and so far am feeling good. Fingers crossed it remains that way :smile:
What did you eat the day before the fast day Noddy? I just had my 17th fast and I had a mega headache all day and felt like I was going to pass out. I have come to the conclusion that it was an overload the day before (feed day) of sugar and carb, which i really had not done since starting this WOE. Generally your reaction to food occurs the day after I believe?
Memory is failing me sadly, I can't remember what I had for breakfast or lunch, but I did nibble at a little bit of the sponge cake I'd made for my son, then dinner was toad in the hole with mash, carrots and gravy. I didn't feel very well that night either so I went to bed early.
I had a very similar experience this week. I am 8 weeks in, my period arrived and I went to bed with a headache. For me I am wondering if it was due to an excess of diet soft drinks on the days before the fast. I drank only water until dinner as usual on the fast day but have decided to try cutting out fake sugar for while.
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