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healthy VS whatever you like.
19 Apr 2013, 22:39
Hey guys, was just wondering what works best for you on your eating you tend to eat super healthy meals on them days or do you find that eating whatever you fancy works just the same? Much advice as possible would be apprechiated :)
I eat what I always ate. Mostly healthy and carefully cooked stuff but I also enjoy a meal out or a take out with lots of dirty, fried junk about once a week.
When I'm starving on the evening of a fast day I fantasise about what high calorie food I'm going to eat tomorrow. But when I wake up I'm generaly not that hungry and end up eating normally.
I have been flat out at work and am not eating particularly healthily. My loss has stalled a bit (although some measurement changes have been good) so I am sure I need to make sure I am getting enough fruit/veg and good protein on these days. I have 2 weeks holidays now to get myself back on track (benefits of school teaching!!).
When I started 5:2 fasting back in September 2012 I ate as before on my 5 days, but since discovering this forum and learning such a lot about diet and health I have definitely moved towards more healthy eating - more greens, more fish, less chocolate, fewer potatoes, fewer take-aways.
But there are still plenty of times when these rules are broken. :wink:
Not super healthy but not junk food either, with the exception of a piece of cake or a dessert and a glass of wine at weekends.
I fast on Monday & Thursday. Then Tuesday & Wednesday I still keep my calorie intake low - like a conventional low calorie diet. On Friday, Saturday & Sunday I have what I fancy, although I'm much better at resisting temptation now I've learned more about my relationship with food since being on 5:2. Now I've reached my target I plan on continuing fasting two days a week to keep my husband company as he still has some weight to lose, and not thinking about it the rest of the week.
I'm very similar to Tass: trying to keep it very healthy on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but Friday evenings are for treats like a takeaway or a M&S dinner, and there's always pudding with Sunday dinner. I'm conscious that I don't want to be too calorie obsessed nor go the extreme of feasting on every feed day.
I generally eat what I like-- that said, if I'm cooking at home, I tend to cook healthy meals or just eat salads and fruit for a meal. But I eat out a lot, maybe 5 or 6 meals a week and those meals vary in healthiness. I don't deny myself anything, but definitely eat smaller quantities, like one or two blocks of chocolate instead of the whole bar (and that is definitely a result of 5:2),
I tend to eat what I want, most of the time that is also healthy. On occasion I will have a glass of wine or home made beer or a small dark chocolate, even rarer a dessert.
Been on 4:3 from start. With the exception of one week doing 5:2. Have been really healthy on none fast days. Have had small amounts of treats on special occasions, and small desserts on most non-fast days....100-130 cal. But really watching what I eat. Being greatly motivated by my wonderful weight loss so far....15 lbs in 6 weeks! I have never in all my life had this kind of success. I am an older 5'4" woman with a very small frame. This is a lot of weight for me. I have never been able to loss like this before. Recently only losing maybe 1/2 lb. a week so I do not want to change anything I am doing at this point.....afraid to mess things up. ;-)
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