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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm a med student and I'm really under stress and extreme pressure these days, because I have a very hard exam and very little time to study, but I don't have any problems on fast days I feel sharper and more concentrated, only around 6 pm my hunger grows and I have some problems, for sure I won't fast the day before the exam nor the day of the exam because I feel too nervous and stressed..
Thanks Peter, some food for thought there! I have been following this plan since early Feb and was on the verge of giving up as the weight loss was far from as good as I hoped and I hadn't noticed much inm the way of other changes. Suddenly its all kicked in over the last couple of weeks.I have FMS/ME and the thing that has given me most grief is the loss of cognitive function and the sheer exhaustion. The pain I can detatch from but the woolly brain is frankly degrading when you have been used to holding down a responsible job. I have combined 5:2 with a lowish carb diet and I am noticing a boost in energy, better sleep and much improved brain function.

For our students it may be a bit late for the effects to kick in for this years study quota but I would give it a shot!
Good to hear things are picking up for you miffy- I was worried we were going to lose you !
Thanks Janeg. Worry not, I have staying power! :lol:

My biggest reason to do the plan was to try and reverse the brain-rot so I had to accept that it wasn't going to see results overnight. Hubby was taken ill while we were out during the week. He had been for an investigation at our local hospital and we had stopped of to shop on the way home. In the past I would have been in a real quandry as I have actually suffered badly from sensory overload and get very disorientated in crowded places.I found my thinking was unusually clear and felt I coped really well to get us both out of the shop and safely home. Something I could not have done just a couple of months ago. :smile: I don't think it could be put down to an adrenaline rush or anything like that as normally that would make me much worse. I'm encouraged. :smile:
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