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Does fasting affect studying?
22 Apr 2013, 09:40
Ok so am thinking about whether to postpone the 5:2 diet. I have been doing it for 2 weeks now and have lost 4kg and 2cm from waist so very pleased with that but I find studying very hard on fast days as I am tired and lack concentration. I am doing a uni course whilst working and have a generally busy life, which is very tiring and stressful as it is even without fasting. Between now and mid June I have 2 big assignments to do and exams so really need to put everything into these. I am not in a huge hurry to lose weight so am thinking of just starting again mid june? What do other people think? Has anyone else found it to affect their studying?
hi, i've just started this diet and was wondering the same thing. i am also doing uni course whilst working as well as having a hectic home life. i plan to give it a go whilst studying but if i feel it gets to hard i will drop it down to 6:1 until uni is over. at the end of the day education is more important right now than looking good in my jeans.
good luck with your studies and the diet.
Yes that's a good idea maybe I will do 6:1 this week and see how I get on and I will try and pick a day when I don't think I will be doing that much studying anyway.
It has only affected concentration for the first three weeks. Afterwards, it does not seem affect my concentration or clarity negatively. On some fast days however, especially if paired with physical exercise, I am quite tired in the evening. And despite having settled into this really well, I wouldn't do a big exam on a fast day
For me, I can get a little bleary-eyed and do have some trouble concentrating. I have been doing the 5:2 for about six weeks. My husband finds it makes him a little grouchy, as well. When I have an important day at work or a long drive, etc, to make, I will move my fast day to a less demanding day in my week.
I am revising all week for an exam next week. Gonna try and fast tomorrow but if I find I can't concentrate I'll just eat something and not beat myself up about it as I can pick the diet up next week when I am back to work and normality. I think lots of strong coffee will help lol! I have been doing this woe for 6 weeks and have lost 8lb and only want to lose a couple more pounds so if I miss one week its not the end of the world. I am trying to eat a bit healthier on normal days so I don't undo all the hard work I have put in already. Good luck with your assignments and exams!
I did find about 3 weeks in I had a really scatty week so, even though some it improves clarity I would be wary if you have study to do or an assignment to write. As you suggest try the 6:1 or do 16 hour window style.
You could also do 5:2 with more calories than 500. Whatever suits you in order to not affect your studying.
I'm a medical student, and we have an exam every Friday so I am constantly studying/under a lot of stress. I never fast the day of an exam or the day before. My fast days are harder before my period, but this week (just after my period) it's been a piece of cake, I had dinner on my fast days for social reasons not because I was even hungry!

A few things that help me be less irritable on fast days. First, not eating breakfast or lunch. I read people did this and at first was like "well, that's not what I do" I have never been a breakfast skipper. But it really keeps the hunger away. I drink a lot of caffeine free tea and water during the day and chew sugar free gum if I need to keep my mouth busy. Save 50 calories for a sugar free hot chocolate at night if you need it a few hours after your last meal too. I feel like it's just something to get used to. I used to always tell myself I would lose weight if I only had more time (to workout, to cook, to sit around and feel hungry without needing to work), but that time never came. Now that I'm 30 I decided nothing is going to get in the way! Good luck!
I am not studying but work in academia (had a few very stressful week recently) and find that my concentration isn't affected on my fast days, it can even be better when I am really focused. As long as I keep myself busy I am not thinking about food. When I was studying at uni I did find eating was an excuse to take a break and the temptation was there all the time. :) If you don't feel happy about fasting on study days then don't, but I don't think it would have adverse affects on your grades. :)
The problem I think I will have is I crave food while revising, mainly due to boredom rather than actually being hungry. Will see how it goes tomorrow
OK so I've managed to carry on 5:2 whilst studying until this week but now uni is getting really stressful so have done 6:1 this week, next week I may carry on with 6;1 or I may postpone will just see how it goes. I am very grumpy and irritable with everyone at the moment even without fasting.
Well done Nikkit and thanks for coming back and letting us know how you're getting on. Even anecdotal evidence is going to be useful I'm sure.
I can understand being grumpy as you are under a lot of pressure. Look after yourself and take a wee bit of me time if you can. If you can't manage 6:1 don't beat yourself up. You could maybe do a mini fast, or the eating window thing that's being discussed on the boards.All your hard work for uni and 5:2 will be worth it in the end. Good luck :clover:
I read or saw on TV that fasting promotes the growth of neurons, so I think it would help with study. There would be more possibility of building links and coneecting thoughts and memorising.

The theory was that a starving man needs to have more brain power to get his food

I found these articles
Fasting can help protect against brain diseases, scientists say
Don't feed your head
Looks like both articles are talking about the same thing - hope they help. I am sure the nerds will have something to say about this.

I am sure fasting will improve study, or force you out to hunt for food!
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