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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm fasting today and have the most yucky headache that does not want to shift :cry:

I'm definitely not dehydrated, have been drinking plenty of water along with my herbal tea

I can't really take any paracetamol, as i have an empty tum - any suggestions??? :?:
Nice bit of fresh air maybe?
Personally I wouldn't worry about a paracetamol on an empty tum - but I guess it depends on if that reacts with you somehow. I know I can't handle co-codamol on an empty tummy, but plain old paras are okay :)
Thanks Moogie, i'm having a walk with a friend after work so fresh air is on it's way
I think i will take some paracetamols - would hate to be sat here for another 2 hours with this head! :bugeyes:

Thanks Izzy - i don't have any boullion or the like with me, so cannot try this option - maybe i should get some on the shopping this week for just these occasions! :like:

I have actually had a couple of coffees today, so i'm happy to rule out the caffine symptom :smile:
Paracetamol (acetominophen) is fine on an empty stomach, but not aspirin (ASA) or ibuprofen! The salty drink seems to help me if I feel a headache coming on (on a fast day) but now I've been following 5:2 for 6 months I hardly ever get a headache.
I used to suffer at the beginning of starting 5:2, sometimes I'd get headaches the day after too, I have noticed lack of liquids can bring them on as I guess you're not getting any from food so need to up intake on fast days. Paracetamol helped me through, but I hope yours disappear too!
I guess its a bit late now but... I felt in need of some electrolytes last year when I had a stomach bug. Didn't have any stock or miso in so I just added salt to orange squash. Bit of boiling water to dissolve it then topped up with cold water. Boullion probably tastes nicer though :P
I had a headache on first few fasts and someone recommended having a glass of water with a pinch of salt and sugar in and it worked a treat! I have took paracetomals on empty stomach, I think its more ibuprofen you have to be wary with on an empty stomach
Far too late for any constructive advice lulabella - but hope your headache's sorted itself out. I suffered from them quite badly to begin with - in hindsight it was my body adjusting and fast days are now absolutely headache free. I certainly wouldn't have hesitated at taking a painkiller - a headache's far too debilitating to sit around hoping it will go. Hope its gone by now :smile:
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