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Does anyone else not weigh?
02 May 2013, 21:59
My downfall with other diets is always getting on the scale, not seeing a change and then giving myself permission to overeat.

This time around I want to focus on my health, how I feel and let the weight fall off as it goes.

My plan is to weigh and measure every 4-6 weeks.

Are there other scale avoiders out there with me?
I think you're right to aim for at least 4 weeks before you weigh in. It tends to take a month to get used to fasting so it's a good length of time to commit to to ensure you push through any early side effects like feeling a bit off or headachy before you decide if it's definitely for you.

Everyone finds their weight goes up and down during the week. I find I'm lightest the morning after the second fast of the week so I weigh in on Fridays. Once you're used to fasting, work out when you're lightest - some find it's two days after the second fast of the week etc. - you don't want to weigh in on a 'heavier' day if you're only weighing in every 4-6 weeks.

The health benefits kick in very quickly. I found my mood and memory improved almost immediately. So enjoy that and record it - here or in a diary (I keep a regular note on my phone's notes section) so you can really see how 5:2 benefits you personally.

Good luck - it's a really exciting and rewarding journey!!
Me too I don't even own scales anymore that was a big day getting rid of them. I have in the past sabotaged myself with scales so am avoiding them all together I'm just going by how my clothes fit/ feel and measuring monthly . :like:
I'm weighing in weekly at the health clinic at work. I don't want scales in my house. I know I'll get obsessive.
Thanks for the wise words Redhead. I am finishing up my second fast today and haven't felt any adverse effects yet.

Tammz and MaryAnn, I am hoping how my clothes fit and how I feel tell the real story. Glad there are others like that too. Makes me not feel like such a freak :dazed:
I don't own a scale for the very same reasons you don't want to weigh yourself for the first few weeks. I feel I will be better off judging my success by how I look and feel. I'm fairly heavy with a BMI of almost 34, so I'm in this for the long haul. I don't expect to achieve my target weight for more than a year. I think I would get rather discouraged if I weighed myself every day, or week.
Hi folks, I also don't intend to go near the scales, maybe every 5 - 6 weeks. I can feel a difference as my clothes are getting too big and I feel much better in myself - that's good enough for me. Unlike most people who when they weigh themselves and have not lost weight, go out and have a binge - I tend to go OTT(chocolate) if I have lost weight!
I don't own a scale. I'm going by how my clothes are fitting, I did measure my waist about a month ago and will measure again in a month. :smile:
I haven't weighed myself since starting (only started on April 19th) but I also don't own a scale. If I had one, I'd weigh in! :) I'll weigh myself the next time I get a chance... I'd like to get a scale but it's low on the "stuff we need to buy" priority list.
Re: Does anyone else not weigh?
03 May 2013, 14:08
I purchased a pair of jeans one size smaller today. We'll see how long it takes until I can fit into them :cool:
Re: Does anyone else not weigh?
03 May 2013, 15:09
I don't weigh every week, just once a month... Keeps me on the straight and narrow! I don't wanna spoil my weight loss so keep going even if tempted on fast days. Far better to see a large amount off at the end of the month than tiny bits weekly. Medically, we can all weigh differently from day to day what ever we do!
Re: Does anyone else not weigh?
03 May 2013, 15:41
I have never weighed - only when I go to GP (once in blue moon). With this wol I now weigh monthly at gym.
Re: Does anyone else not weigh?
03 May 2013, 16:30

I didn't weigh myself for about 10 years as I knew it would just send me straight into a choc fest. When I started this I just measured my waist til I was confident enough that I had lost enough weight that the little standing stone in the bathroom could be approached safely without tears, tantrums or threats of unspeakable violence toward my beloved other half!!

You are quite normal, whatever that is, so stop worrying and enjoy the scenery as you embark on the most exciting journey of your life. Good luck and keep posting,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Does anyone else not weigh?
03 May 2013, 21:15
ChicagoNancy wrote: I purchased a pair of jeans one size smaller today. We'll see how long it takes until I can fit into them :cool:

:like: good luck I predict it wont be too long before they fit I'd love to know when you reach that milestone :cool:
Re: Does anyone else not weigh?
03 May 2013, 21:25
I really recommend measuring your waist when you start (and hips, arms etc too). Much more real than just weight.
I try not to weight myself, because I start o obsess, which is exactly what I don't want. I want this to just be how I am, how I eat. But I keep getting the scales back out... Think I need to give them to a friend with instructions not to give them back to me for a month!
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