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New 36 hour fast post
03 May 2013, 16:48
Hi everyone who is doing 36 hour fasts. Completed my first yesterday 11AM. It was not easy but I was determined with the exception of 4 cashew nuts and a piec of tomato while I was preparing my fast break veggie soup. I had a headache about 12 hours into the fat but that left. Some stomach upset on and off. Still I persisted but felt toxic and out of sorts. At the end of the fast I had no symptoms and no appetite. Had lost 1.5 lbs.

I thought all in all it was worth doing again. Next week I plan one 24 hr fast and one 36 hour fast. I feel a sense of accomplishment.Thanks for everyone's comments. It helps alot to feel I am not doing this alone. In fact, I don't think I could succ :heart: eed without the online community.
Re: New 36 hour fast post
03 May 2013, 18:16
Just finished my fourth 36 hour fast. They do seem to get easier the more I do them. I still have the food cravings late in the evening but was able to push through and make it to bed time. Slept like a rock and woke up feeling good.
Re: New 36 hour fast post
07 May 2013, 19:39
:clover: I've completed three 36 hour water-only fasts and have been trying to push it up to 48 hours. The last two fasts I only made it to 42 hours. I find that the longer I fast, the less hungry I am afterwards. After breaking the fast, I can only eat small amounts for a couple of days. I'm still searching for that "sweet spot" which is the perfect combination of fast and feed.
I have had only undesirable side effect - some diarrhea or loose bowels after the fast - anyone else experienced that? :?:
Re: New 36 hour fast post
07 May 2013, 19:48
Hi lillirose, well done on the 36. I love the feeling that I'm giving my body a good rest from the abuse I've giving it over the years!

eastbruce, I've also suffered the same side effects. I've played around with what I break my fast with and the following meal. I keep the first meal very low carb and small, then the next meal at bit more carbs and a bit bigger in size - and definitely no chocolate in those two meals (it went right through me).
Re: New 36 hour fast post
07 May 2013, 20:48
Eastbrook, I have had the same loose bowels. Have a question. I go to a kinesiologist to help control asthma. He says fasting is stressful and raises cortisol levels. I am of course continuing to fast but does anyone have any thoughts about tHis?
Re: New 36 hour fast post
07 May 2013, 22:02
I did find a lot of info about diarrhea during fasting and one person says that it is caused by your body detoxing: "Both diarrhea and nausea during fasting are caused by the release of stored toxins. Your body turns loose of what ever is stored. That is one of the larger purposes of fasting: detoxification."

I read this over on Yahoo Intermittent Fasting Group

I checked out Dr Mosleys website, but it is not even mentioned. Hope to find the answer someday. I don't think it is caused by what I eat to break the fast because it occurs 4 to 6 hours before I Break.
Re: New 36 hour fast post
08 May 2013, 06:23
lillirose, as far as I understand , fasting does stress the body and the body's reaction to stress includes release of hormones. Cortisol may be one of these - i'm not sure. You may want to check if this has been raised in the 5:2 lab- lots of lovely clever people there. If it hasn't you could start a thread asking?
Re: New 36 hour fast post
18 May 2013, 01:24
Hi All,

I am completing a 36 hour water fast for the second day this week. Oh, man, it has gotten so easy! Today (Friday) was easier than Monday. I had plenty of energy and barely thought of food all day. In the evening I got a bit light headed, but went on a long walk and the light headedness went away. I prefer the all-water fast as opposed to eating 500 calories. It is just easier and I find that I am less hungry. Eating even a little bit would kick in the hunger switch. I think I feel better, too. It is so wonderful to give my body a break from eating. I look forward to my fast days now... amazing how it's all evolved.
Re: New 36 hour fast post
18 May 2013, 17:03
I wasn't planning to do a liquid-only, 36-hour fast today, but I have only had a small amount of unsweetened soya milk in two coffees this morning, so I may as well persevere and not eat until tomorrow.

Will retire to bed early, and hope I'm not too hungry during the night!
Re: New 36 hour fast post
20 May 2013, 15:46
Working on my third consecutive water fast today. (Note: Non consecutive days, but consecutive fasts.) I was light headed and hungry this morning, but once my body gets the message that I am fasting, everything gets easier. I much prefer a water fast to having to worry about those itsy bitsy meals during the day. No kitchen to clean either. Smooth sailing...
Re: New 36 hour fast post
21 May 2013, 00:58
I have been doing, or attempting to do no food fasts. The first four went very well with nothing more than water, and my morning coffee of course. The last one was rather difficult and I ended up having a pbj sandwich. That is still under the 600 calorie count, but I was disappointed in myself for being weak. Today has been kind of rough as I seem to be perpetually hungry, but so far I have not caved in to the urge to eat.
Re: New 36 hour fast post
23 May 2013, 03:09
I tried my first 36 hour water only fast this week. I've been doing 5:2 for about 7 weeks. I can't say it is easier for me than the regular 500 calorie fast. I felt like the day dragged on. My hunger came in waves and like others I felt lighter the next day. I did feel like I needed something to kick start my weight loss since it I felt like I was gaining/losing the same 1lb each week....and this did it. I lost 3lbs this week. Guess I will try this again next week since it was so successful....maybe it will get easier :grin: :grin:
Re: New 36 hour fast post
23 May 2013, 04:18
You could always alternate between having some calories and having only water? See how you go on the day.

I have "given" myself that out - if I ever really want dinner up to 500 calories, I'll have it, but tbh by the time I get to dinner, I think "well, I may as well keep going now" and go through to breakfast. But if I ever do have the dinner, I wont' guilt myself about it.
Re: New 36 hour fast post
23 May 2013, 04:54
I am on my 2nd liquids only 36 hr this week, same issues as weight has stalled but some downwards movement on measurements. Thinking approx 3kg to go to goal but this part of the journey for me has been slow, frustrating but I persist.

Like I may have to eat more (weird) on non fast days if this foremat doesn't shift things along. Otherwise my proteins may be the problem.

Getting a bit over hot drinks too ... Lemon grass tea bleuck today
Re: New 36 hour fast post
23 May 2013, 05:02
I'm trying 2nd 36 hour liquid fast this week in the hope that it will kick start my weight loss. I'm with you Fastgirl, and just want to stop losing and gaining the same pound each week. I'm hoping that by dropping another 1000 calories from my week it may work. Fingers crossed!
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