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headache and haze
07 May 2013, 06:57
I enter a haze in the evenings of a fast, can't go to bed early enough to simply get rid of that headache. I feel disoriented and couldnt focus to save myself.

I wont give up fasting because of the health benefits, but I dont look forward to fasting really. Is there something I could eat the night before the fast to hopefully get rid of that headache and haze.

I still felt the same the next morning becuase I had to fast again till 9 am for blood test for health check up at the gp. I didnt regain normalcy until after I had a egg mc muffin at mc donalds. It was the closest meal to where the gp was.

Will my cholesterol and sugars be all skewiff, I did have a jarrah chocolate drink and ryvita with promite to top my cals at 8 pm the night before on my 5:2 fast number 4, They wouldnt have taken my bloods had I fasted for more than their recommended 8 hours, but I was on my 4th fast and this health check up was booked months ago, so I didn't get bloods done for other reasons, because I know its only early days to see the benefits 5:2. I'm hitting the side of 50 hence the free health check up at the gp.

thanks for reading
Re: headache and haze
07 May 2013, 07:02
Hi Zamale, I got the headaches that I couldn't seem to shift the day after as well. Now I find that if I drink a glass of water as soon as i get up I don't seem to have the problem. I have to get up to the toilet MANY times during a fast night so I am wondering if it could be a form of dehydration. Could be worth a try. :smile:
Re: headache and haze
07 May 2013, 08:22
Hi zamale

All these side-effects will get better with time. I think that they are mainly to do with your body resisting burning fat, most likely due to high insulin. Also burning glycogen releases a lot of water so you can end up dehydrated. As you get better at fasting you don't burn so much glycogen using fat instead and so get less dehydrated plus all the other problems improve too.
Re: headache and haze
07 May 2013, 10:43
Thanks, thats helpful and makes sense. I can't give up, its the only way I can see myself being healthy. Other ways are just too sacrificing. This seems doable.
Re: headache and haze
07 May 2013, 19:03
I definitely didn't drink enough my first fast day so I'm going to be strict on Thursday for my second fast. I'll actually be at work so drinking shouldn't be a problem as i work in a hospital and it's so hot i drink loads throughout the day. I probably don't drink enough on other days though unless i fill my water bottle up and carry it around with me. I'm pleased to hear that it should improve in time.
Re: headache and haze
07 May 2013, 19:14
Check your BP! My mum is like that when her BP drops. All she does is eat something salty and she's back to normal.
Re: headache and haze
08 May 2013, 04:20
Hi Zamale,
To cure headache manage stress with regular workouts but don’t push yourself too hard or too fast. Your exercise program has to be complemented by a sensible eating plan so watch what you eat and stay hydrated. Quit caffeine, alcohol and smoking and stick to a sleep schedule to get proper sleep.
Re: headache and haze
08 May 2013, 08:34
Brigham wrote: Quit caffeine, alcohol and smoking and stick to a sleep schedule to get proper sleep.

Only thinking of doing this is is giving me a headache!!! :curse: :confused: :shock:
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