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My daughter (21) and I weigh almost the same now - she is about 1cm taller than me, but she still is much slimmer all over - probably a dress size smaller. My mother (80) is also about the same weight as me but probably 2 dress sizes bigger.
The thing to take into account is my daughter would carry more muscle than me and my mother would carry less muscle than me because as we age muscle tends to atrophy. So in fact, as we shrink in statue and decrease muscle we should probably weigh less. Does that sound feasible??
NB I am actually my lightest now since I was 13 but not my slimmest as the shape/muscle tone changes.
Of course, it all depends on muscle and lifestyle and so on. I started exercising a lot last year and put on so much weight despite looking the same / a touch slimmer. I still like the idea of comparing yourself to yourself, if that makes sense, with a little extra allowance. Everyone is different. My mother is shorter than me but was always heavier, even though she looks tiny. Very dense bones or something?! Yet we are definitely related ;)
This Dukan formulation works for me. It puts my ideal weight at exactly where I look and feel my best at my age. There's an excellent calculator on the Dukan site too - "True Weight Calculator". You have to give your email but I gave it an email address I only use for potential spam sites so I was fine.
OK, it tells me that my true weight is half a kilo less than my desired weight so that's fine with me!
It also says that if I followed (I won't, I like my carbs) the Dukan diet I would reach my desired weight in the beginning of August.

I am curious though, what is this attack/lightning strike phase?
Ha ha this would not work for me - I'd not been 'ideal' since pre-puberty I think! I always used to think my ideal was: height in cm, take off the metre, and then minus 10% of that figure. My case: 1.70 => 70 * 90% = 63kg. I had not been near that for a long long time when I lost my excess 3 years ago. I can remember in my student days (20 years ago) scraping by at just below 70. Post kids and pre-diet (not 5:2) I was near 80. Right now I am 67 and working my way back to 64 which is indeed my 'Dukan Ideal weight' - the figure it gave me fitted in with my ideas to I've kept it. It also translates nicely (nearly) as 10 stone which I like ;-)

TML13 the attack phase is the start where you cut out all carbs (and veg!) for several days. you might feel quite awful during that time.
Anjuschka, can you have a look at this thread please?
I was 58 kg on my 20's. 2 children and 3 decades later gives me a target of 63 kg. my actual target is 62 ( so I can be 9 stone something!) but 63 would make me happy too! I like this theory.
Well Pilchards I'm in a similar position to you as it gives me a target of 65kg.

Which is a couple more that what I'm currently aiming for - so yes - GREAT !!
How is it going Sharron? You started just before me are you nearly there?
Nanou wrote: cmce, does that mean you have 3 kids? Being in your 60s would mean an extra 4 kilos, with 3 kids then that would be 7. It seems fair enough to me! I know it's hard to adjust. Maybe somewhere on the middle? :)
My mum is in her 70s and constantly trying to reach the weight she was in her 20s, which is NOT going to happen (she has a fair way to go) and makes her miserable!

Hi Nanou, yes you are right three children and late sixties. And yes you are right again in "perhaps somewhere in the middle". As mentioned I will wait and see as I hopefully I continue to lose weight, and will perhaps up my target weight - although perhaps I should add 7lbs to my goal weight now and adjust down if I think my body can take it. I did do WW about ten years ago and got to under 9 stone (but no mention of upping my goal for lifetime membership (noticed another posting from someone with the same experience) although my family did think any more loss wouldn't look good. 9stone or 57 kg would still give me a reasonable BMI just over 23.
Nanou wrote: I wonder if this applies to women more than men? There are versions of BMI that take age into account too, there must be a reason... )

Read something about BMIs for older women recently, but can't for the life of me remember where. :oops:

I do recall that (whoever it was!said) a higher BMI guards against osteoporosis, though.
Where did this formula come from? - Is there any scientific support for it or is it jsut an assumption. I would think that as we get older, our ideal weight, at least for men, should be lighter since it is known that muscle atrophy occurs as we age, known as saccopenia, and since muscle is heavier than fat, we will weigh less, and be weaker than we were when younger an fit.

So we have that to look forward to . . .
I prefer to keep the same weight I had in high school minus a few pounds. I'm older and I don't have the same amount of muscle tone that I used to. With 5:2 I've been able to get my weight down again and I am much happier being thin. I feel better, and I look better. No body has commented on me being too scrawny, however, I think scrawny is a good healthy look.
Very interesting! I find this formula works for me: 58 kg in my 20s, two kids and now in my 50s gives me a target weight of 63 kg which is 2 kg below the target I picked when I started on 5:2. I felt and looked great at 58 kg but my body shape has changed over the years and I'm pretty sure I would look my best now with a few more kilos.

Thanks Nanou!
Would be something to aim for, but it would still be considered overweight in my case. I have never cut a svelte figure at any stage in my life. I have either been over weight or under tall :)
Seeing as I am full grown vertically now, I can't pull the under tall card anymore.

Ideal weight as calculated by BMI seems so far away, and not a weight I have been since puberty. Ideal height : waist ratio is also a dream. But then again if I follow that ratio, I will have a classic hour glass figure. Not bad for a female, but as a Dude, may be an issue.

Would love sone realistic figures for a goal weight. But failing that, will gradually struggle for the ideal.

At the moment, any loss is welcome. When that plateaus, I will reassess
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