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Im thinking of following this regime.

A regime somewhere between 4-3 and 5-2. Just means an extra day a week where i calorie restrict but half way between the famine days and the feast days. Kind of keeps me thinking restricted calorie intake without the more sever 3 full fast days a week.

Good idea to vary things. But are you sure the 'unrestricted' days should be as low as 1500? Is your TDEE really low? I'd throw in at least one 2000 cal day to keep your body guessing!
carorees wrote: Good idea to vary things. But are you sure the 'unrestricted' days should be as low as 1500? Is your TDEE really low? I'd throw in at least one 2000 cal day to keep your body guessing!

I agree!
I like this idea.started last week and have done 4:3 both weeks.but not sure i could keep this up.i was very surprised,though when I added up my calories on a feast day to find I eat much more than 1500 which is what I should be eating.i think of my self as a healthy eater,rarely eat junk food..yet it adds up the idea to do 2 fasts ,one limited day and then eating higher on the weekend.
For me, this approach is against the 'spirit' of the 5:2 approach. One of the benefits to 5:2 is that there is no calorie counting (within reason) on the feeding days - this is what makes it sustainable and enjoyable - Aren't you in danger of just having a weekly calorie reduction regime ? While this will result in weight loss, it's just a 'regular diet' with all the problems and sustainability issues that this entails isn't it ?

Just my opinion !
Looks to me like calorie counting every day of the week.

Far too much like hard work for me but....

Each to his/her own.
Lol, shows why this works for men and women. Women are used to 'calorie counting' even if it's just in our heads and see nothing wrong with modifying 5:2 with 'calorie counted' days. Whereas, the men seem a bit horrified at the thought of calorie counting normal days! Just an observation. :)
Yes, Juliana, I agree with you and Caroline, vary your days but have a 'blow-out' 2000 calorie day in there somewhere, weekends are usually a good day for that sort of eating, and takes away any possible associated "guilt" lol. Isn't is said that "variety is the spice of life"?
overweight j wrote: Looks to me like calorie counting every day of the week.

Far too much like hard work for me but....

Each to his/her own.

Well only 3 days, not every day. Just one day i can let go a bit more. but not too much :grin:
carorees wrote: Good idea to vary things. But are you sure the 'unrestricted' days should be as low as 1500? Is your TDEE really low? I'd throw in at least one 2000 cal day to keep your body guessing!

Good point, Caroline.
Betsysgr8 wrote: Lol, shows why this works for men and women. Women are used to 'calorie counting' even if it's just in our heads and see nothing wrong with modifying 5:2 with 'calorie counted' days. Whereas, the men seem a bit horrified at the thought of calorie counting normal days! Just an observation. :)
Yes, Juliana, I agree with you and Caroline, vary your days but have a 'blow-out' 2000 calorie day in there somewhere, weekends are usually a good day for that sort of eating, and takes away any possible associated "guilt" lol. Isn't is said that "variety is the spice of life"?

I nearly mentioned this in my post - it seems as though the ladies can't 'let go' of the calorie counting/regimented approach (probably ingrained from years of 'expert advice') whereas the blokes are happy to 'suck it and see', allowing themselves to eat freely (again, within reason) on the feed days without the guilt that seems to affect the ladies.

Just an observation from me as well !

My (laymans) take on the science seems to be that it's not just OK to hit (or even slightly exceed) the TDEE on feed days, but it's actually essential so that the metabolism doesn't trip into 'famine' mode and cling onto the fat - totally defeating the object. This approach has worked for me anyhow, but like you say, variety and all that !
carorees wrote: I'd throw in at least one 2000 cal day to keep your body guessing!

sounds like Secret Eaters :smile:
I have been doing this WOE now for about 5 weeks and have fallen into a pattern not dissimilar.

I start my 4 days of work (T-W-Th-F) the same way...essentially 50 calories until I get home from work at 4:30. Then on 2 of those days I restrict calories to 500 or very near (25% of my TDEE is 550), and 2 of those days I don't restrict and they end up being anywhere between 800 and 1400 depending on the sauces I make or if I want dessert. The 3 weekend days are unrestricted to the degree that I am trying to teach myself not to eat to stuffed. I rarely track those but when I have they end up close to my TDEE of 2200.

My weight loss has averaged out to slightly over 1.5, but is slowing-which is fine with me as long as the trend continues downward.
kencc wrote: For example, a 55 year old woman, 5'4", 170lbs, BMI 29, exercising 3 days a week has a TDEE of 1850cals. Fasting on 500cals for 2 days a week results in a calorie deficit of 2700cals equals an average weight loss of about 0.75lbs a week. To get to one pound a week loss needs cutting another 900cals somewhere. Even if she increased her exercise level to intense exercise 5 times a week she still couldn't achieve one pound a week loss without cutting a few hundred calories on another day or two.

And thats a minor example, a lot of us have a TDEE nearer to 1500, so the deficit can equate to 1/2lb or less per week. But that presuposes the only way this WOE works is a calorie deficit. There are other effects too, that make if more effective for weight loss.

Eeek! Which TDEE calculator did you use for this please?

For example, a 55 year old woman, 5'4", 170lbs, BMI 29, exercising 3 days a week has a TDEE of 1850cals.

The one I use (default settings) gives 2088 for this scenario; if the lady is a slug, like me, and does little exercise then it's closer to your figure at 1822.

If the iifym one is that much out (~200cals) and I have to revise my TDEE downwards I'm going to be *horribly hungry* :confused: Cheers!
I am 'sort of' following the plan... I fast 2 days @ 500 Calories, with a third day where I fast all day but evening meal is not restricted to 500 calories (I call it my 'half-fast')... However the other 4 feed days I do not count.
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