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Flying long haul on a fat day
12 May 2013, 14:05
Just wondering if anyone has experience of flying long haul on a fast day? My fast days are Weds and Sundays. I will be spending a Sunday lunchtime at a family event and then flying out that evening at 8pm, on a 18 hour flight arriving late Monday night. I will sleep for most of the firl leg but we change over in Dubai at 2am.
I can't move my fast day to the Fri or Sat as I have big things planned on those days where fasting will be impossible to do.

I'm only 2 weeks into this and don't want to ruin my continuity with it. I will be flying to Thailand and already planning my fast days for out there.
Just worried I'm going to be starving on the plane and going to ruin my progress so far!
Maybe take some fast day food with you. A hard boiled egg, nuts, carrot sticks.
Hi Chickpea,
There is absolutely no need for rigidity on this wol. It's not a short term fix and so one day of not fasting is not going to matter in the long run. Long haul travel is not conducive to fasting, so just relax and do it later when you get to your destination!
I agree with dhana, maybe just avoid the crisps, alcohol etc that they usually offer on a long haul. It is important to stay hydrated on a long flight and fasting doesn't help with that either.
Good point. I don't touch anything with salt on a flying day because I ALWAYS retain a lot of water when I fly. Same goes for drinking alcohol. Can't quite believe how seriously I am taking all this to be honest haha!
There is some evidence that fasting during the flight and then eating as soon add you land can reduce jet lag. I saw a programme about it a while back. So I'd suggest not eating at all on the flight but eating when you land.

Here's a link to an article about the technique: ... t-air.html
Thanks, I will give it a read :) it would work out nicely tbh
That's really interesting. I found I couldn't eat when I did night shift (many years ago) and I get extremely stupid after flying (which we have now decided is jet lag. Off for a few longish flights soon. I think I'll fast and see if it makes a difference... I'll keep you posted on this one
Don't worry! I do long hauls and many short hauls (3.5 hours). When you add up hours from door to door our food choices are very limited for a long time, my short haul is 10 hours door to door.
As I am doing sugar free it is an added burden. Was appalled at how limited food choices were at airports and in flight. For me it is more preferable to eat a bag of crisps or a plain croissant and fast the next day. Just treat it as a feast day. The method behind 5:2 supports confusing your body and a dose of airline food will certainly do that!
Best of luck!
My dear husband, BruceE has experience with this. Not quite as long-haul (New York to Scotland) but still. I'll try to get him on here :-)
I was going to reply that fasting on long flights helps with jet lag, but it seems Carorees already provided you with a good article with practical advice!

It's actually pretty easy to fast on a plane nowadays because the food is horrible. Although that said, if you are flying first class or international business class that's not as true as it is in coach... :P (and free drinks are tough to say no to sometimes)
OH and I are travelling down to Tanzania in a few weeks time and I'd every intention of making our travel day a fast day - seemed to be the perfect opportunity. Having just read the article re jet lag (thanks for that Caroline) think that's decided for definite !

Hope you worked out what was right for you chickpeas, on the assumption that you've now done your long haul flight :smile:
I'm giving this a go tomorrow. I'm taking some healthy snacks in case I get ravenously hungry on the plane.
So it went well fasting on the way to the US. I was trying to sleep part of the time, so it was easy to ignore them when they were passing out meals and snacks. I couldn't handle it on the way back though. Airlines are so awful these days. United really messed us about, causing me a lot of unnecessary stress. I was taking all the wine they offered. If not for that, it would have been close to a proper fast day. Anyway... Trying to get back on track today!
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