The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi and welcome My sentiments exactly the eating differently when younger, I never ate breakfast, only started when talked into it by a slimming group!! Don't very often have breakfast now maybe twice week
Doing 4:3 basically coz I need to for now, who knows later maybe :clover: Sue
The 5:2 diet is eating normally (i.e. your Total Daily Energy Expenditure - the amount of calories you need in a day to maintain based on your age, height, weight, gender and activity level) with two non-consecutive fast days of eating up to 500 (or 600, or 25% of your TDEE) per week.

It sounds like you're combining traditional calorie restriction with the idea of eating windows. That's restriction upon restriction and I know *I* would burn out very quickly on a plan that restrictive.

Have you contemplated attempting more traditional 5:2?
FuntimeFrankie, I can't help but think that the whole post is Frankie having funtime at the expense of those who seriously see 5:2 way of eating as a scientifically proven easy to manage their health issues.

I wonder if you have taken into account any of the validated, tested, and well tried as well as heavily documented information about this 5:2 healthy living life style eating program.

It maybe interesting to attempt in trying to make a circle into a square or vice versa but the question is why would one want to change the logic and the working of a formulae that is helping many 1000's of people in the world?

It is rather unfortunate that your only contribution to the 5:2 forum website this far has been NOT to do the 5:2!

This raises serious questions in my mind why you are a member here when your one and only contribution is negating 5:2. Is this some "Fun Time" idea, or is it meant to be amusing someone? I am not sure how your 1st and only post topic has been intended: a good, bad or even an ugly one? .... OR maybe a totally innocent one but it shows to be totally daft one in principle since it fundamentally not understood what 5:2 is all about and how it is meant to be carried out.

The documentary on Horizon programme and the book which was subsequently published, they both clearly stated that a period of fasting of minimum 12 hours or more fasting days with a calories restriction to 500 - 600 over at least 2 days every week is required to bring about IGF1 hormone reduction in our body and trigger the healthy weight loss. There are 100's of example on this website alone that show how healthy, successful and long lasting this way of eating has proved to be.

So please give this matter your very "Serious" considerations.
Yes doesn't sound like funtime to me Saeed!
FuntimeFrankie sounds like a plan which suits you.

I do 5:2 and also do time restrictions eg eating window at least 3-4 days a week which is 16:8. I eat about 1500 cals on the 16:8 days and 400 cal liquid fast on my 5:2 days. 2 days a week I eat when ever and what ever I like, this gives me the opportunity to instinctively eat and catch up on not feeling deprived.

I do this regime as I am on a 2 month plateau swinging around the 1 kg. I persist as I want to lose I more kg. do what works for you Frankie after all this is an IF Forum with the premise we do this for our health and the side effect is weight loss.
Funtime Frankie last visited the forum in may. Why go back on a very old post not relevant anymore ?
Saaed - lots of people on this forum use an 'eating window' approach, I'm surprised you haven't noticed. Especially those of us who are happily in maintenance.
I don't for one minute thing that Frankie was taking the piss out of 5:2, merely changing how the fasts fit in during the week. This approach is well documented and successful, and in some ways more rigorous than fasting with small snacks like some do...
Frankie, are you still with us, and how did you get on?
Saaed, I am intrigued as to why you are, after being a member here for the last 6 weeks, suddenly offended by a post from 15weeks ago? What SUDDENLY became a problem for you and why have you not addressed others, myself included, who were supportive of this members post?

Ballerina x :heart:
Dear friends, why is the message getting lost in so much noise here? I saw a posting in the list of the posts on the Home Page and it caught my attention to study that and the thread that it led to. I have argued some very sensible reasoning as to why I felt that the post had invalid and misleading information (if not intentions) within it.

Please help us here, either discuss your point of view in opposing the logic of what I have pointed out if you believe it being wrong and educate me and others as to why and how I am mistaken in my raised points, or alternatively show me the discretion and supporting my valid points, and if neither of these applies then and you find them not agreeable it is questionable why you feel I should object to that misleading information being propagated here (IMHO).

The forum is here to elevate our knowledge and share our experiences and, if anyone expresses some opinion which we find to be contrary or enhancing our knowledge base and common understanding surely that must be welcomed.

My opinions about Funtime Frankie's views remain, and I can see no reason to shy away from calling a spade a spade.

I do acknowledge that I am a relatively very fresh young forum member here but I sincerely believe that the Truth and Sence are not Wine and therefore the passage of time is not needed to assist them becoming what they are in our expressions.

Much appreciation for your interest and reading my earlier as well as this comment.

You could have tried to read my previous post and understand what I was saying but here is the essence again:

Fasting period more than 12 hours - check
Limited eating window (if not limited calories) - check
Fasting every day, rather than 2 days, for health benefits proven in research - check

You are right, it is not Michael Mosely's 5:2 but it takes the spirit of fasting and eating as espoused by Brad Pilon and others, it works and lots of us are trying it, especially those in maintenance who do not need a calorie restriction. You cannot say it invalid on this site, it fits within the house rules and has a basis in scientific research as well as common sense. Enough now...
It is quite interesting though how no talk of fasts longer that 36 hrs is allowed on the forum, one of the reasons given being this is a 5:2 forum so people wanting to discuss other ways of fasting should find an appropriate forum instead, yet plenty of other fasting (and diet) variants are discussed regularly.
The main reason for not allowing talk of longer fasts is the potential health issues associated with fasts lasting more than 36 hours. Almost everyone doing 16:8 either also does 5:2 or is using 16:8 for maintenance or to deal with a temporary life situation (e.g. holidays).
"The decision has been made in line with the majority preference of the members who voiced their opinions & voted - the official forum policy is now that we do not allow the discussion of extended fasting (near-0-calorie fasts for longer than 36 hours) except in the context of discussion of research in this field, within the 5:2 Lab forum. "...................................................

This forum is about 'intermittent fasting' and the fact that it is called '52FastDiet' is merely the result of one man's personal experience of IF. After much trial and error this was the only way he could manage to sustain IF. He tweaked Dr Varaday's model to suit himself so I see nothing wrong with others tweaking Dr M's method to better suit themselves.

Ballerina x :heart:
Can I thank you twice for this @ballerina ? :heart: What I love so much about this WOE, is that Dr M set up off on a voyage of discovery and experimentation around IF, in a very interesting TV program, and we can take that forward for ourselves individually, and share our experiences here.
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