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Taking a break from weighing
27 May 2013, 07:08
I have, no doubt, done very well losing weight on 5:2, but I weigh obsessively and get disheartened when loss slows down (last time that happened I found this forum, so not all bad!). I have now decided to stop obsessing and put the scales away for a couple of weeks. I'm only doing one day this week as half term and lots of plans (might do a dinner only one day, will see how I go). I need to stop fretting, it can't be healthy, or progression in my relationship with food. Might not be around here so much either, apologies in advance!!!

Hope you all have a lovely day, sunny bank holiday here!
Mornign Swedey, ditch the scales! Use a tape measure instead and if you do it in milimetres it's a HUGE loss! And also use your clothes as an indicator. I find the scales are evil and tell me bad things, but my tape measure is my friend and my shrunk dresses say very nice things to me! :D
Be strong and have a great half term break.
I just decided to do exactly the same thing ... after a month of daily weigh-ins, I decided that 5:2 is definitely working for me, if slowly, but I'll be happier without frequent checking on my progress. I figure I'm going to keep doing 5:2 for the long-term, and there's no deadline for my weight loss, after all!

I'm currently planning on only weighing once a month.
I have tried ditching the scales, for the same reasons as AussieNisi. But I just can't stop. Maybe I need to get someone else to hide them! I don't get particularly yah or boo about the reading anyway, there is a definite - but slow- trend down, so really no reason at all to keep getting on them.
Did notice the batteries are low, sure with my fabulous procrastination skills, that'll take care of te problem for me :grin:
I'm taking a break from calorie counting, it really is addicting!
I used to obsess about the scales before and to break the habit I asked my husband to hide the scales and only bring it out on Fridays :-) It worked but for a couple of weeks I searched the entire house for it but never found it :-)
I have access to scales in the health clinic at work, so I go there once a week. I told them if they saw me more often than that, to kick me out. I don't even want the darned things in my house!
You will be missed Swedey but hope you have lots of fun and the scales/ tape measure is wher you want it to be :)
I keep away from the scales as much as possible but occasionally my curiosity gets the better of me and I'm usually pleasantly surprised.
Like you TML13 I've also stopped counting calories. After doing this since January I know roughly how much food I can eat to keep me within the limit, but really I think that it's pure laziness!
nadiaj wrote: I used to obsess about the scales before and to break the habit I asked my husband to hide the scales and only bring it out on Fridays :-) It worked but for a couple of weeks I searched the entire house for it but never found it :-)

Were was it??? Did he ever tell you???
I'm like you Swedey and get discouraged if I don't see a loss and it doesn't help that I'm a super slow loser, so when I decided to try this woe in March I told myself I'm only aloud to weigh myself once a month and so far after 2 weigh ins I have been thrilled with the results. Maybe you can try and just weigh monthly.
I ditched scales for a tape measure.

Not losing weight fast enough is a good excuse for giving up.

Read the threads after my signature to understand why scales are so obnoxious.

The psychology of the tape measure seems to be that results are expected more slowly. Weight should come off continually and it doesn't :dazed:

Chuck the bl**dy things away :confused:
KataMac wrote: I have tried ditching the scales, for the same reasons as AussieNisi. But I just can't stop. Maybe I need to get someone else to hide them!

LOL, I get a bit obsessed about it too ... so I've removed the batteries from the blasted thing, and put it in a closet. Hopefully that will be enough of a disincentive for me!

I haven't seen *any* movement on the measuring tape, so the weigh ins were a little encouraging, at least ...
I went my entire first month on 5:2 without weighing to avoid the angst. I was so glad I did. It was awesome to step on the scale and see the progress in one big fell swoop. Hang in there all. It's working!
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