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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I totally agree with you
I grew up eating three meals a day .any snack was homemade cake or biscuits and then usually only on Sunday. If my parents gave us a treat eg chocolate we were told we could only have one ,no seconds.i was very slim as a youngster .like you I only have a few kilos to loose. I also realise that although I only eat healthy food ,I snack all day,nuts seeds ,crackers cheese and then dinner.i am loving 16.8 .its feels so good not to eat anything until 2 thing to try is no snacking in the 8 hour window.
Gosh you are all reminding me of my childhood! Three meals a day, no snacks, running for buses or walking miles with the dogs, we lived in Southsea so the poor dogs regularly got dragged across The Common & along the seafront. Also twice weekly ballet classes, I wasn't into sport, then as a teenager lots of disco dancing. Although I am pear shaped with legs toned by ballet, I was petite & lean. Marriage & cooking for two & equally dividing food between me & my 6ft husband, then pregnancies "eating for two" set my ball rolling into yo yo dieting without really remembering that feeling hungry between meals is manageable & used to be normal behaviour. Oh dear!!
I wonder if the modern trend towards living in the kitchen which is the main room in so many of our houses has gone along with and encouraged the grazing culture which has been our downfall. Food within sight and within reach - and food aroma as a constant trigger. (I'm sitting at the kitchen table as I write this...)
I was brought up on three meals a day and no snacking too. If we were hungry we had to wait for dinner (or the next meal) and you know what? We adapted and learned to handle the hunger and it may have taken a few weeks but after a while you were no longer hungry between meals.

We only ever had cake, biscuits etc when celebrating e.g. birthday, Christmas etc.

Interesting thought Dominic, once upon a time you would have sitting room (or something similar for the boys ;) ) food for thought (pardon the pun). Maybe I shall find a different room to hang out in.

Another thing I try to do is to choose a hobby that does not allow you to eat and do the hobby at the same time. e.g. Cross stitch, or sewing as you can't eat and sew as oily fingers will soil your work.

It is interesting that this topic has come up as I was reflecting on my food habits through my life and I remember as a child in kindergarten and we were taught at school not to snack as it would ruin your next meal. When I was in year six that same teacher came into our class and taught us that we were allowed to have small snacks between meals but only a very small snack. Snacking was born methinks more from advertising rather than from the need for most people to snack.
I'm quite pleased to see some of us reminiscing about when we were young, slim and healthy as I think we have all got bogged down in a modern way of life which is easy, comfortable, addictive and FATTENING! Dominic, you are so right when you imply that the leisure side of life has migrated from the lounge to the kitchen and haven't we all paid the price. At home we live in the kitchen, it has a dining area, a cooking area and a relaxing area with a tevision the size of a French toad, why would we go and sit anywhere else even though we have the choice? Lazy, that's why!!!!

Ballerina x :heart:
I have had a terrible week re feast days. Literally addictive stuff!!! Food just kept jumping into my unwilling mouth. However I did a 16 8 on Thurs so here is hoping that it helps my weight this week. will inform tomorrow after weigh in.
Untill I was 5years old we needed coupons for sweets so it was very rare to get them. When I got my first Easter egg I took it out and gave most of it to my friends because I didn't like the look of that brown stuff. My parents weren't well chuffed as they had used quite a lot of coupons to get it for me. as others have said it was 3 meals a day and lots of walking, Playing outside , Peevers (hop scotch), Skipping and hoopla hooping we never stopped, and everybody was slim. What have wee done to ourselves.
Great discussion. Liked what Dominic had to say.. I find when I get tempted to eat and shouldn't be, going upstairs helps. I kinda like that wall or better staircase b/w the kitchen and living area....
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