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combining 5:2 and 8 hour diet?
28 May 2013, 19:11
Hi everyone,

I have read an article about 8 hour diet here and was wondering if anyone had better results from combining 5:2 fasting and 8 hour diet by following 8 hour diet on the feast days?

Happy fasting :geek:
I'm trying it starting this week. Have a look at Ballerinas posts, I'm sure she will be along any minute to explain it all :like: :smile:
Wendy darling, you know me just too well, :wink:

Hi happyellie,
as predicted, here I am.If you scroll through the 'View Active Topics" there are a few threads that deal with this like,

8 Hour Diet by Psfasting 04 March 2013
Weight loss just doing 16/8 by cgspain 27 May 2013
Can I combine 16/8 and 5:2 to lose weight by jeniben on 23 May 2013
Going without breakfast and lunch by Wendy Darling on 25 May 2013
Good Grief Hubby Moving onto 8 Hour Diet by Rainbow on 5th May 2013
Anyone do 16/8 IF? by Azureblue on 15th April 2013
Maintenance by Ballerina (thats me by the way!) on 20th Mar 2013

Also, as mentioned in my Maintenance post, My odyssey is listed under 'Inspirational stories" so you may be interested in that. :sleepy: :sleepy:

Well, that little lot should keep you out of mischief and the biscuit jar for quite a while. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me and good luck, keep us informed of how you do, :clover:

Ballerina x :heart:
Hi happyellie,

I have just read the article you posted, very interesting and informative, many thanks for the link,

Ballerina x
wendy darling and ballerina, thank you for your quick replies. I think I am going to give it a try.
Hi Ballerina,

I notice that in your first post on this topic you didn't provide links with the topic titles you identified. Would you like to know how to or did you just leave the bare text to give us readers a little challenge? :wink:
Oh dear, my ignorance is now out in the open, :shock: public humiliation for me, stocks etc???

Dominic, I'm sorry, but I am just so useless with computers I didn't know I was even able to do that, which means, yes, I DON'T know how to do it. :?: :neutral: :?:

An online tutorial would be fantastic, if that is possible, thank you :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Happyellie, just wanted you to know that I am pleased to report that having followed 16:8 since Monday I have lost 1lb that I gained last week.
No problem Ballerina, the stocks are kept for more serious offences than this :wink:

So let's take your first topic as an example. If you locate the topic then you'll see something like this (this is just part of the whole screen of course):
(18.21 KiB) Downloaded 1458 times

So now with your mouse you right-click* on the '8 Hour Diet' heading of the first post (or whichever post you want to link to) - I've circled it (very badly) in red above - and then left-click on 'copy shortcut' (if you are using Internet Explorer) or 'copy link location' (if you are using Firefox) or some similar text if you are using a different browser. You've now stored the link in the 'clipboard'.

To put the link in your post, start from the full 'Post Reply' screen - not the 'Quick Post', because it's always good to preview what you are writing and with the Quick Post you can lose it all or post what you didn't mean. From the full 'Post Reply' screen, start writing your post and then inside the typing box right-click and choose 'Paste'. This will put the link text there and it will look to you like this:

When you preview your post it will look like this, which is also how others will see it when your post is published:
The nice thing is that they can just click on this and it takes them straight to the post you want them to see.

But you can do it more elegantly than that by using the BBCode [ url ] tag. If you type:
[ url=]8 Hour Diet Topic[/url]
but without the space after the first open square bracket, then it will appear and work like this:
8 Hour Diet Topic
As with the other link, anyone can click on this and it takes them to the post, but in this case they are clicking on something meaningful instead of some geeky gibberish.

And again, you don't have to type out all that complicated http stuff you just copy and paste it, it's easier and it avoids typos.

Hope this is clear enough... Give it a try!

* If you are using a smartphone, you need to use the full version of the website (not the new mobile version) and instead of right-clicking just tap and hold and then choose the appropriate option when it pops up.
Thank you, believe it or not I'm quite hot on the old cut/copy and paste, I just did not know how to apply it in this case. I will do my homework later and see how I get on and you can then give me marks out of 10, or not! :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Wendy Darling,

Great to hear that your extra lb has had the good grace to shuffle off, let's hope it doesn't show it's fat face again!!! :victory: I hope you are comfortable and happy doing 16/8, I found it a wonderful post 5:2 way to maintain and I believe it is possible to lose weight doing it if you reduce your calories. I now feel that I eat for England some days but my weight is rock solid. :victory:

Keep up the good work, :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
I do both mainly so I'm not phased on Fasting days when I go until lunch before eating. It's not guaranteed to lose weight. I keep my weight constant with little difficulty despite this routine.
Really enjoying it thank you Ballerina. Fell off the fasting wagon at 2pm this afternoon, not upset though, it was for a good cause :smile: and as long as I stop eating by 10pm tonight I'll be grand. Think I can do that ok :like: going to stick with 18:6 I think this week as I am out of routine. Back in the saddle next week
Wendy Darling wrote: Happyellie, just wanted you to know that I am pleased to report that having followed 16:8 since Monday I have lost 1lb that I gained last week.

Are you still doing 5:2 with it or just straight 16:8 everyday.
Just 16:8 this week as I can't mange to find two suitable non consecutive spare days, am out of routine. I quite like eating this way, it makes me more mindful. I might try 5:2 and 16:8 on the other days next week but don't want to undereat so will play it by ear. I mysteriously put on 2lb last week and am pleased that 1lb has gone this week.
If you want to know more about 16:8 look at Ballerinas posts. They are very informative.
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