In Holland &Barrett's yesterday and bought a few packets of Garbanzo (chickpea) snacks. Just back from gym and munching now (my 1st food 2day)and they are very tasty and much so that I've left the last third of the packet for my fast day salad later.
Best of all the whole packet ...65g has only 88 calories and 2%fat and trace sodium and natural flavours. These ones are tomato,garlic & herb flavoured but think there's a chilli one too. Think they were 88p per packet.
Can't find these mentioned anywhere on the forum. Are they too good to be true?!
Best of all the whole packet ...65g has only 88 calories and 2%fat and trace sodium and natural flavours. These ones are tomato,garlic & herb flavoured but think there's a chilli one too. Think they were 88p per packet.
Can't find these mentioned anywhere on the forum. Are they too good to be true?!