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Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 10:42
Hi TML - I have no intention to avoid weighing forever, just needed a break for my sanity as I felt my obsessiveness was becoming damaging to the state of my mind! Ideally, I'll weigh myself once a week, same day and same time which will give me enough indication, I hope.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 11:03
Swedey, I understand what you're doing, I wrote this because I read about people who don't own scales or don't use them etc. Weighing weekly, or at least monthly, should be a part of our lives. Kinda like showering, brushing our teeth etc...
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 11:15
TML I have just brought my first scales - you could say later in life. I have always known my clothing size instead i have always measured.

I can see only in a few days how it is easy to get carried away with the disappointing reflection off the scales. I am interested to see my progress now though and strong positive and mature enough to deal with disappointment. If not they will go to a new home and I will measure again
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 11:47
Don't get me wrong, I know my clothing size and I can tell if I gained or lost 2 kilos depending on how my jeans feel but when I gained 4 kilos in 10 days I went to my GP and told her that. I'm not sure that she would take me very seriously had I told her "my jeans are tight" or "my waist is 2cm larger".
We just have to understand that scales are a friend, not an enemy. What does a good friend do? They always tell the truth, they help us overcome the bad times, they warn us if we're getting ourselves into trouble and they always smile when we do well. Scales do the exact same!!!
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 12:08
I know you right as a few years ago,I lost weight rather rapidly,about 1/2 a pound a day
Turns out it was my thyroid. I have been on treatment for years and I think the reason I have so much difficulty losing weight is this thyroid problem
Anyway , despite agreeing with you that we should weigh ourselves I am so afraid as I have been so good for 5 weeks and will be disappointed if the scales are not kind.
I will need lots of support when I get on those scales.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 14:38
I am female of a certain age so my weight goes up and down due to bloating - I know I shouldn't bother weighing myself but still do! If like me you don't seem to be losing weight, perhaps it is better to see this as a healthy way of eating that may help you lose weight eventually! Is weight that important in itself - or just a simple way for vested interest to beat us up with.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
11 Jun 2013, 00:06
So ,I weighed and was most disappointed .after 6 weeks of being really good and having lost a few inches off waist I couldn't believe it when I saw the 600 g loss
I only have a few kilos to loose and have tried everything.before this I did WW counting points for 6 weeks and lost nothing not one gram.
I suppose at least here i have last half a kg but 6 weeks!!
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
11 Jun 2013, 00:13
[quote="KarenW1987"]I hate my scales!! I suffer from IBS so my weight and body image (I badly bloat and can look twice as big at night than I did in morning) can vary greatly depending on how my stomach is,what Ive eaten,time of day and many other factors.

I think you can become obsessed with weighing yourself and think it hinders my confidence if I weigh and get a bad figure.Could never be someone who weighs at diff tim of day.
I am hoping this diet will change my bad relationship with food and also encourage me to not weigh myself too much (I never used to be so obsessed till I got cheated on and lost confidence then was diagnosed with IBS) and focus on how I feel and if I like what I see in mirror.

As uncle Gok says "Its all about the confidence" and having a positive body image.

KarenW1987 - Have you tried acupuncture for your IBS? My husband has it (pretty severe case with all different symptoms, including bad cramping) and finally got relief from acupuncture, even though he was VERY sure it wouldn't work. Hope this helps.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
11 Jun 2013, 09:22
Sarah, a few inches off your waist are far more important than a few kilos!!!
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
11 Jun 2013, 12:07
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
11 Jun 2013, 22:06
I was obsessed with weighing myself and getting disappointed when the scales didn't move down. Sometimes I would get on the scales 3-5 times daily!! I threw the scales away and haven't looked back since. Sometimes, I go to my neighbour to use her bathroom scales but obviously I don't to that daily, or weekly. How my trousers and skirts feel around my waist and on my thighs is a great indicator of putting on or losing lbs.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
11 Jun 2013, 22:33
Another good measure I will quote verbatim my dearheart said to me just this morning
"you definitely have lost so much weight and you look healthier too" meanwhile the scales are not budging.
Stubborn blighters - it's on - the scales are not going to beat me!!
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
29 Jun 2013, 07:24
Some years ago, I would get on them too many times a day, and what they said would determine my mood, and those things dont have a heart at all.

It got a tad obsessive so when I embark on a new weight loss way I prefer to start and not know my start weight, I know I am over weight, but once I start and feel good about what I am doing I may get on, and then try to understand its not always about the scales. There are so many factors why the scales go up and its not always fat.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
29 Jun 2013, 09:18
capricorn12 wrote: I haven't weighed myself for nearly 2 years and had no intention of changing that despite being on 5:2. I thought it better to go off measurements and the fit of my clothes but yesterday my pesky kids routed the scales out from their hiding place and my curiosity got the better of me. It was the worst thing I could have done as despite being on 5:2 for 6 weeks, I am several pounds heavier than I would have guessed my starting weight to be!

Don't worry Capricorn12, it was the same for me - I hadn't stepped on scales for at least 15 years (apart from at the GPs surgery and I always made the doctor swear not to tell me my weight). I didn't weigh myself until I was a few weeks into the 5:2 and I was about half a stone heavier than I guessed. Worse, I weighed more than my husband, who's 5 inches taller than me! But I've bitten the bullet, bought some accurate scales and now weigh myself strictly no more than once a week. Today is the first day my weight has gone down (by 3 lbs) even thought I've been doing the 5:2 for nearly 8 weeks. As a teenager/young adult my relationship to food and to my weight/body image was problematic, but I'm older/wiser/determined not to let the scales bully me now, even thought it's tempting. Don't let the scales get you down! :smile:
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
29 Jun 2013, 09:38
I'm not convinced scales are an accurate measurement anyway? I used to be totally obsessed with the scales - weighing every morning but since being on 5:2 my scales say I have only lost around 6lb (in 5 weeks) but my clothes are hanging off me! I have lost 2 inches from my waist and definitely lost from my hips (didn't measure when I started). People have commented on how much better I look - and I certainly feel it. I cannot believe 6lb would make that much difference so am not going to worry too much what the scales say and just concentrate on how I feel .....
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