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Anyone else scales-phobic?
09 Jun 2013, 18:09
I'm getting terrified of weighing myself after a sluggish week and disappointing results 2 weeks ago.
On the plus side....have had comments in the gym about looking slimmer and bought a pair of jeans yesterday a size smaller so something's working, but I'm reluctant to weigh as this seems to be the only way I confidently measure success :confused:
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
09 Jun 2013, 18:19
I've been obsessed with weighing myself, and decided two weeks ago that it had to stop. Have promised myself to keep the scales stored out of the way for another two weeks, then we'll see. I was losing sleep over it, which really didn't help my general well being, and the obsessiveness must be bad for my Relationship With Food, which is something I clearly have a problem with.

After a night out in London with loooooverly food, friends around for supper tonight that included pudding and icecream, AND polishing off the rest of the lovely bubbly wine just now, I can't imagine it's doing me any good......but I don't want to find out for another couple of weeks!

I need another hole in my belt, but it's a very cheap plastic belt, so there is a real possibility that it has stretched...
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
09 Jun 2013, 19:10
Scales can be frightening; it is your choice to use them as your friend/ally or as your enemy/opponent.
I found out many things about my body by weighing daily, not to mention that I gathered that there was something wrong with me by gaining 4 kilos in less than two weeks and ran to the doctor immediately.
It is up to you if you can use your scales for you or against you. If you cannot benefit from weighing often then perhaps you shouldn't. :-)
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
09 Jun 2013, 21:00
I hate my scales!! I suffer from IBS so my weight and body image (I badly bloat and can look twice as big at night than I did in morning) can vary greatly depending on how my stomach is,what Ive eaten,time of day and many other factors.

I think you can become obsessed with weighing yourself and think it hinders my confidence if I weigh and get a bad figure.Could never be someone who weighs at diff tim of day.
I am hoping this diet will change my bad relationship with food and also encourage me to not weigh myself too much (I never used to be so obsessed till I got cheated on and lost confidence then was diagnosed with IBS) and focus on how I feel and if I like what I see in mirror.

As uncle Gok says "Its all about the confidence" and having a positive body image.

Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
09 Jun 2013, 21:26
I weigh once a day in the morning when I'm home (i travel a lot for work). I find then a slight uptick not so upsetting because I know tommorrow it will probably be gone. How devasting for you to have to wait two weeks!

Personally, I enjoy generating data points from which to chart trends (in fact that's part of my job), so I see it as a positive thing.

I say: own your behavior. If you indulge and the scale goes up just remember the enjoyment you got from the evening before. If it wasn't worth how you feel today then next time don't indulge as much.

If it were me avoiding the scale wouldn't would make me think more about it.

Good luck!
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
09 Jun 2013, 23:15
I am! I don't own any. I've been curious lately if I've lost any weight at all, but not knowing is always better for me. I will not weigh until I feel different, until then it's just a waist measurement and thinking that I'm losing around a pound a week... until I actually/hopefull do!
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
09 Jun 2013, 23:59
I don't own any either. Not so much for fear of them as fear of being obsessed with them. I weigh once a week at the health clinic at work. I felt pretty sick the one time it ticked up, but it gave me resolve to make sure it didn't happen the next week. I'm not sure how I will react when/if I ever plateau.

Honestly, though, on this diet, I don't think it's always the best measure of success. The tape measure and the way your clothes fit are good measures.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 00:17
I just brought a new set of scales and dearheart said that's good first time you have ever owned a set. Well my relationship with the scales i think has the potential to turn sour fast.
So is it heartening to learn that one ought be chilled out the upticks (nice word thanks 5:24evr)
I agree the measurements and the clothes are the best way but it is interesting to see the subtle swings.
Was getting fed up with relying on gym scales anyway. So I do hope the scales and I can happily get along
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 00:43
I weigh myself daily because the last time I gave that up (at my husband's suggestion), I gained over 20 pounds, which put me in the situation I'm trying to get out of now. But that said, I think Gillymary and the others are correct that this isn't the only measure of success. Right now I'm hovering at the same weight, for about a week or two, with no significant movement down. I'm not thrilled; however, the clothes are fitting great (even the skinny, non legging jeans!) and I'm firmer looking, even from behind... So while I'd like to see myself get closer to my goal, I'm not too upset...yet.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 00:56
I ,too am afraid to weigh .havnt weighed since starting this WOE
Mt fear is that if I weigh myself afterballtis hard work and find I havnt lost weight. I will be so miserable. I feel thinner but to be honest that means nothing as I have a totally weird body perception.i look in the mirror and if I am feeling good about myself I see an ok body and if I feel fat I see a jeans are a bit looser though.
Keep saying I will weigh next week.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 08:16
Took the bull by the horns and weighed this morning and yippee! They showed a loss...have now lost 9lbs in 8 weeks so very pleased. Felt I needed to know as am off on holidays this w/e and will want to see how much damage has been done on my return :frown:
Having said that---- I am convinced the scales don't tell the whole story. However when they go the right way it does give a boost :smile:
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 08:49
Well done 4flipsake - I think I will crumble and weigh myself again this week, but I'll try to keep off it until Saturday (as that is my "proper" weigh in day, and as I fast on a Monday and Wednesday I sort of assume that Saturday will show my "true" weight for the week - but I'm not sure that's right).

Sarahg, body perception is tricky. I saw some photos of me pre weight loss the other day, and I never actually realised how big I was. Then I saw some pics of me as a teenager when I though I was fat - I wasn't. At. All.
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 10:09
9lbs in 8 weeks is a fab weigh loss - well done you! I weigh daily (sometimes morning and night) - but it's whatever works for you that's the winner. Goodluck - have a fab holiday
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 10:14
I haven't weighed myself for nearly 2 years and had no intention of changing that despite being on 5:2. I thought it better to go off measurements and the fit of my clothes but yesterday my pesky kids routed the scales out from their hiding place and my curiosity got the better of me. It was the worst thing I could have done as despite being on 5:2 for 6 weeks, I am several pounds heavier than I would have guessed my starting weight to be!
I felt really upset and demotivated all yesterday but today I'm back on it and trying to see it as a kick up the bum as for all I know , I have lost a few pounds already. The trouble is now that I can't decide if I should consign the scales to the bin to prevent further upsets or start weighing myself regularly to check for progress :?:
Re: Anyone else scales-phobic?
10 Jun 2013, 10:37
Everybody, please keep in mind that knowing how much you weigh and how is your weight changing is very important information.
If you have a symptom, any symptom, that could be weight-related and you go to the doctor, they will probably ask you if you lost/gained weight lately. Knowing this piece of information might save you from unnecessary tests and waiting time before you know what is wrong with you.
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