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Re: Maple syrup diet
13 Jun 2013, 21:44
Doesn't sound as evil as my diet coke, but like many addicts I'm not ready to give it up yet! Maybe I need an intervention? I tried reading the threads about how terrible it is, but it's so very nice! Oh well, I won't be swapping for maple syrup just yet! At least not without the pancakes!
Re: Maple syrup diet
13 Jun 2013, 22:10
You know what I say?
There people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, we're just addicted to a few bevvies. So what? Life would be boring without the naughty stuff.
Re: Maple syrup diet
13 Jun 2013, 22:43
I think that with a "cleanse" like that, the initial shock of 3 kilos weight loss is mostly water. It's not a true fat loss. Kind of like some people will start 5:2 and report 5 lbs loss in the first week.

I think if you've been dieting for quite a while, it's going to be a lot more subtle than that. I definitely think 12 days of a cleanse is not healthy or safe and is not something we can really discuss on this forum. I think even three days is beyond what the forum, as a whole, was comfortable with discussing.
Re: Maple syrup diet
13 Jun 2013, 22:46
I'm sorry if I broke any rules, I didn't do it intentionally, I was just trying to explain to Ballerina.

BTW, is cleanse another word for detox or is it something else?
Re: Maple syrup diet
13 Jun 2013, 23:21
cleanse/detox - it's all the same.

The staff haven't formulated exactly what wording we're using for our warning, so I'm going to stick one in here just to be safe. Nobody's in trouble! Don't worry - you can't break rules that aren't actually posted yet!

So - *clears throat*

While doing a maple syrup cleanse as part of your fast day is totally okay, I just need to point out that three days in a row of consuming nothing but this maple syrup drink is not actually part of the 5:2 diet or something this forum chooses to accept as an appropriate topic for conversation.

The staff is still working on formal language/signage etc etc.

Thanks guys - carry on.
Re: Maple syrup diet
14 Jun 2013, 11:07
Just to make it clear, I wasn't suggesting that Jaine did 3 days of a syrup diet as part of 5:2. Ballerina asked what the syrup diet was and I explained.

Thanks for the cleanse/detox explanation. For some reason I had the word cleanse in my mind as a similar to colonic and, well, I didn't use it much, LOL!
Re: Maple syrup diet
14 Jun 2013, 14:06
Suchard007 wrote: Maple syrup but where's the pancakes !! Now my mouth is watering :grin:

thats what i was thinking

maple syrup with cayenne pepper and boiled water.
the thought of it makes me want to gag

probably as crazy as the lemon diet or the only eat carrots diet.. anything prescribing just one food or recipe has to be a disaster as its not sustaining.

Beauty of 5:2 or 4:3 is that it does not prescribe any specific recipe or ingredients and that we only really have to think on 2 or 3 days.

Indeed my fast days started to get a bit "same" so today picked up some diet books on special .. each recipe shows calories and many are under 350 which is what im aiming for. and defintely yummy food combinations.
Re: Maple syrup diet
14 Jun 2013, 14:50
"maple syrup with cayenne pepper and boiled water.
the thought of it makes me want to gag"

Actually, with the lemon and iced water (that's how I drink it) it is very tasty. My mum tried it once (she was curious) and she told me that she would love to try it with vodka!!! Taste is quite personal. I mean, take all those people who like green tea and I hate it it with more passion than I hate Manchester City!
Re: Maple syrup diet
14 Jun 2013, 15:15
according to ... -syrup.htm

there are 4 detox version of the maple syrup diet and one includes just replacing one day a week with the maple syrup diet and if you have 6 glasses on this day it would equate to 312 calories or you can have 9 glasses at 468 calories.

This effectively is the same method as the 5:2 diet so if you increased the version and did 2 days per week on this there's no reasons it shouldn't work fine for weight loss.

HOWEVER they do go on to say its one of the worse crash diets there is partly due to the fact that by drinking the syrup and lemon juice together you are killing your enamel and just begging for tooth decay. It also has no nutrients and instead just feeds your body sugar to make it think it has real energy coming in by causing an insulin spike.

You'd be much better off taking your 500 calories in something nutritious in my opinion. The best thing about this woe is it isn't a crash diet and has so many other benefits than just losing weight.
Re: Maple syrup diet
18 Jun 2013, 15:00
I felt compelled to write as I have tried the Lemon Detox (aka the Maple Syrup Diet) on my days off and found it really worked if i didn't have time to sort out my 600 calories in food form!! The Lemon Detox syrup is nutrient rich (it's not maple syrup per ce as is widely perceived) and you an see the breakdown in the book). I wouldn't want to do this on all of my fast days but it's good for convenience...
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