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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Gooooooooood morning all!!! :oops:

Now that I had me coffee and waffles, I thought I should share with you the night I had...

I was fasting yesterday, after 2 days of Dukan's attack phase, as I do every week. I had 375 calories in total and since around 5pm all I could think of was food. I didn't cave in, of course, but I was very hungry and I was constantly drinking water hoping that it will bloat me and stop me from eating my laptop or the telly remote. :curse:

Anyway, around 1am I took my book and went to bed, hoping that I would fall asleep. No such luck. I switched off the light and on the telly, thinking that there is no better way to dose off than telemarketing. Nothing...

As if not sleeping wasn't enough, I got up every half an hour to go pee!!! :confused:

At 5am, I was still awake and so hungry that I felt nauseated and afraid that I will get sick. I contemplated to get up and eat something (it was already Thursday after all) but I ended up taking one of my emergency sleeping pills, hitting the bathroom for one last time and by 5.30 I was sleeping like a log.

I woke up at 11 and my head weighs about 10 kilos but at least I lost one more pound and my waffles and coffee tasted better than ever! :cool:

Luckily, although today was a very busy day, a transportation strike altered my plans and I can stay home and try to wake up till 4pm! :wink:
Well done TML on not giving in to the hunger. It's funny how sometimes it can become so consuming. I had it a couple of days ago on a feed day, I felt ridiculously hungry even though I'd had a lovely lunch of eggs on toast with ham and tomatoes... by dinner time I felt like I was going to be sick I was so hungry. That continued up to bedtime as well, very strange. Maybe it's something in the air (hey, if it's airborne it can get to Greece too right?).

Well done on your loss this week my dear, and for your fantastic willpower.
I'm pretty sure I won't have lost anything this week, but there's always next week :D
TML tee hee, yesterday I was naughty and ate TWO mint chunky kitkats (and a lot of other stuff LOL!) :evil:

Today am on 2nd fast of 2nd week of Ballerina inspired 5:2 & 16:8 and .... Had a sneaky weigh n measure ... Since sunday have lost another 1lb and waist now 36in!!!! :shock: :victory:
Thanks, Moogie! I think I was too exhausted to cave in, LOL! Our weather is definitely not helping our well being. Not only it rains everyday (and it's horribly humid when it doesn't rain) but we have dust from Africa which makes every breath feeling dirty and stuffy.

Silverdarling, today I will eat EVERYTHING!!! I want pasta and ice cream and definitely a second coffee, LOL! Sounds like you've got yourself a tiny waist, well done!
... Well not tiny, lol! But tinier :victory: which is the first thing I wanted when starting 5:2. So that's brilliant, just shows what is possible. But I know there are probably hard days ahead for me, as for all of us ... Just makes it better when you can have a teensy success :lol: :razz: and still eat chocolate :grin: :grin: :grin:
Silverdarling wrote: Just makes it better when you can have a teensy success :lol: :razz: and still eat chocolate :grin: :grin: :grin:

That could be the definition of Heaven in the dictionary, mate!!! :like:
Gotta say, I made up for lost time today, LOL!!!

Two mini waffles for breaky, porcini tortelloni with cheddar for lunch, 4 mini doughnuts with my coffee, burgers with salad for dinner and two large bottles of wine and a big packet of crisps while watching the telly and posting on here.

I'm fasting tomorrow though and I know that my weekend will be a low-key one, plus I really needed a feast instead of just a non-fast day.
Can't match that :lol: but did manage Friday night fish & chips :grin: :shock: oh and a twirl (choc covered flake) at lunchtime ...
Twirl... YUM!!!
I'm fasting today. And I have a cold and I'm soooooooooooooo hungry! Can't wait for bedtime, LOL!
Never mind :bugeyes: tomorrow is another day :grin: :grin: :grin:
Oh yes! :-)

This week (the weekdays) was a very bad and difficult one. Both attack and fast days went by very slowly. I know I must be careful during the weekend because I don't want to slow down my weight loss now that it took a steep, downhill course.
Not sure if I can make it though because Sunday will be a sad stressful day (my aunt's commemoration service) and I've no idea how I'll cope. Well, I'll take them as they come. :-)
Hope all goes as well as these things can, even if you put a bit on it's still only a bit ... :clover: and you know how to get it off again :like:
Thanks! :-)
Knowing that even if I screw up, I still have next week to make it up to me, I feel less stressed than ever!
I think I would have had breakfast and gone back to bed rather than resort to a sleeping pill! But then 5 is only 1 hour earlier than I normally have breakfast (Darling Son has to be on the bus before 7am)
I usually go to bed around 2am and wake up at 10 so 5am is nearer my bed time than my breakfast, LOL! Not to mention that it was still a fast day in my book...
The fact that Ι managed to drag myself of the bed at 1pm today is the proof that I ma not well. I don't even want to think about missing the service on Sunday!
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