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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi, have just posted on fasting 6 Aug, I've discovered skinny noodles from Amazon 200gr pkts @ 7.7 cals per 100gr added to spicey soup made from frozen mixed veg...all good all day filler:)
Yes, lots of us use the shiratake noodles (and lots hate them).

Not sure where in the world you are, but Slim Pasta noodles are around $4 at the supermarket whereas I buy the shiratake from my Asian grocer shop for $1.60.
For me it's mostly tea! I am always drinking herbal teas to get me through the fast days, and other days too! It's my in-between meals way not to eat. :)
On fast days, I don't have a problem, because I just think "oh, I can eat and drink and make merry tomorrow".

The evening before a fast day, I sometimes get a pang, and depending on my mood can either brush it off easily, or raid the fridge or pantry looking for a slice of something sweet. Luckily, it's more often the former!
When I have these moments, I always go walking with my dog. I think, he likes my fast days because ,sometimes, we go 3-5 times a day...LOL
Another dark chocolate lover...but usually only on Tuesday and Thursday for me. On fast days (MWF) it is "crack" which is a recipe I found on a low carb site. It has coconut oil, peanut butter, cocoa powder, vanilla and splenda. They are very rich and creamy and mine have 1 carb and 25 calories per piece. I make them as small wafers in a silicone mini muffin pan. They taste like a mini Reese cup in a wafer. Don't tell anyone; but some nights I have two. :wink:
43tweaker, please post the recipe (or a link to it)! They sound divine. (And your secret is safe with me...)

Sure, mummybunny. First, the way I found it on a low carb message board was a very vague ingredient list/sort of recipe. Since our measuring methods are likely different, I'll explain it the way I found it and the way I make it. Originally it called for equal parts peanut butter and coconut oil, a pinch of cocoa powder, and splenda packets to taste. I made it like that and it was good, but the splenda doesn't really dissolve so it wasn't awesome. Now, I have tried some techniques and come to a better result. Peanut butter and coconut oil are both high in calories, so I wanted to be more exact, using measuring spoons. (Also, so I could put the recipe into MFP and come up with the calorie count.)

PB Cocoa Crack
2T peanut butter
2T coconut oil
1t vanilla
1/2t cocoa
3 packets spenda

In a small dish combine a teaspoon of vanilla with the packets of splenda. Stir to dissolve sweetener. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. (If it is cool you may want to melt the coconut oil for about 10-15 seconds in the micro, first.) Use a spoon to drop the mixture into the mini-muffin pan or candy molds. My sillicone muffin pan has 24 and I try to make them even sized wafers. Freeze for about an hour. Remove from pan/mold and store in freezer. If left at room temp it will melt back to a liquid.

The wafers are thin. Sometimes they break if not removed carefully from the mold. According to my labels and MFP calculations it is 25 calories each.
TML13 wrote: I always get a similar feeling in the afternoons of fast days. That's when I know it's time to take a loooong nap.

TML- that's when it gets me too!
I find after dinner I'm fine with a " NO Sugar" hot chocolate made with sugarless almond milk, then I'll chew gum for a while if I'm peckish.

BUT- between 3and 5pm is when I suffer! :starving:
I just try to get through with herb teas so that I can have a reasonable sized dinner- which is why I'm fine after dinner I guess. :wink:
At least I don't feel hungry overnight.
"just have one more..." or "one can't hurt.." or "..oh, look there's a slice left over. Anyone?" :bugeyes:
Isn't going out to dinner a big challenge, even greater than fasting at home. Even if you've saved up your energy allowance. :razz:
So, what to do?
I have tried eating just a garden salad, no dressing, or picking at a food I like...but mostly I succumb to the chatty eating.

If I was quicker I'd drink a big glass of water, then another. I could ask my local pizza parlour to make me a vege soup, no parmesan or fats in it. That might do the trick. Would probably be under the fast day limit. And for pub grub I could get the steamed to turn wine into water! Ahhhh... :angel:
Just made some of the PNB Cocoa Crack. Its yummy! Not had a PNB Cup in ages due to carb content. I will have to be very strict with this! Luckily the fat content seems to limit intake somewhat!
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