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Weight loss without exercise
17 Jun 2013, 10:10
Has anyone lost weight on 5:2 without doing any exercise?

I have damaged my foot again and it looks like I will be unable to do any exercise for the forseeable future. Will this hinder my weight loss or should I still be able to lose on 5:2?

Many thanks
I have but I have only started recently and I have a lot to lose. I was starting to build in some exercise when I hurt my back so really no exercise for a bit. But I will get started again soon
sjtaylor wrote: Has anyone lost weight on 5:2 without doing any exercise?

I have damaged my foot again and it looks like I will be unable to do any exercise for the forseeable future. Will this hinder my weight loss or should I still be able to lose on 5:2?

Many thanks

Yes, yes and yes.

Keep moving as much as possible, stand rather than sit (foot permitting) etc.
Yes, I'm doing no more exercise than normal (which is hardly any other than walking to the shops occasionally) and I'm losing.
Thanks for the replies, I was slightly worried! :o)
Yes. 22lb down and counting as I'm not allowed to, it causes a lot of problems due to a prolapsed disk in my neck. The maximum I can do exercise wise is a very gentle toddle around the supermarket once a week. I wish I could do more, but can't.
Yes, but, because I've started to lose some weight, especially around the equator, I feel like doing a bit more :like:

Not exercise as such, "Oh I must go and do a hundred sit ups" or "must have a jog round the village" but enjoying getting out into the garden and a bit of walking as well, so a bit of automatic benefits creeping in I would think :wink:

You might find you slow down a bit losing weight if you're 'laid up' but I would think keeping to the 5:2 WOE will certainly stop you from putting much on, which is the big danger if you're totally inactive (and bored !)
Why would you not though? You can progress faster either way.
It is an urban myth that a person must exercise to lose weight. Exercise is not necessary to lose weight!

While exercise is the number one thing you can do to improve your health, it is almost irrelevant when it comes to weight loss. When you understand you have to walk 25 miles to burn 3500 calories (one pound), or run 18 miles, you understand that most overweight people are unable to exercise enough to lose a significant amount of weight -either because they can't, or don't have enough time.

Recent studies show that if weight loss is your sole goal, being a couch potato is better than exercising a lot because exercise makes you hungry and your chances of staying on your diet are reduced.

So do 5:2 and lose, and exercise when you can for better health! :smile:
Yes me too. I have lost 10,1 kilo since the 7th of April on 5:2 - without exercise.. only walking a little bit. :smile:
im still losing & havent been able to do my normal 10-15miles running a week due to a hip injury. the only thing I can do that doesnt agravate it is walking so have had to stick to that. as I understand it if you lower your calories on the 2 fast days & not over indulge on the feed days, then you should still lose weight, regardless of whether you exercise or not. hope the foot improves soon. shelley x
Yes I am still losing weight & don't do much exercise. I have lost 23 lbs since Christmas & 17 lbs since starting 5:2 ing although I am one of the slower weight losers.
You can lose weight without exercise and I am here to prove it! I am retired, and idle, and have managed to lose 21pounds in 21 weeks - including a two week holiday in which I regained nine pounds and then took four weeks to lose them. My only exercise is walking round the supermarket once or twice a week and I avoid any type of exercise like the plague. Go for it, the only thing you have to lose is your weight!
I'm another one that's not exercising and still losing weight. I don't track my weight closely but I'm losing at about the average of a pound a week.
Yes you can still lose without exercise :grin:
I've lost 23lbs in 20weeks & due to chronic illness I can't really exercise - I walk with a stick - only short distances. I do try to do as much as I can but its limited to slowly walking my dog round the block so if I can lose it anyone can :smile:
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