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Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 18:15
I cook with it and I also slap it on as a general all over moisturiser, and I use it as the protective oil polish for the wooden dildo's I make.
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 19:02
CreakyPete wrote: Nicky_94: Do we still need to worry about Omega 3 if we are not eating polyunsaturates high in Omega 6? I got the impression it is the ratio that was important, if we decide to eat saturated fat instead surely there will be no Omega 6 to speak of? Or have I misunderstood the whole thing....?

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid, and linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fatty acid, are considered essential fatty acids because they cannot be synthesized by humans. So you need to eat some of both. ... /omega3fa/

I think have the ratio wrong is also an issue, but you need some of both.
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 19:16
I don't like the taste of coconut oil, but love pure creamed coconut (a compressed block of coconut flesh. This is different to cream of coconut or coconut cream, I believe which are often sweetened.

Does creamed coconut have the same HDL and belly fat reducing properties as the oil? Does anyone know? If it does, I am going to be one happy chick!

Also, and probably more importantly does it have similar or way more/less calories than the oil?
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 20:03
Ah ha!

Just found the answer to my own question. As creamed coconut is nothing more than slightly dehydrated coconut flesh it turns out is is just as good for you as the oil and contains all that good lauric acid, minerals and HDL (so says Livestrong website below, anyway). I am SO happy! Creamed coconut tastes to me just like the 'coconut ice' sweets i had as a child but there's no sugar there at all! ... d-coconut/
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 21:05
CreakyPete wrote: Nicky_94: Do we still need to worry about Omega 3 if we are not eating polyunsaturates high in Omega 6? I got the impression it is the ratio that was important, if we decide to eat saturated fat instead surely there will be no Omega 6 to speak of? Or have I misunderstood the whole thing....?

Anyway, tonight's omelette was fried in coconut oil, and I added some to my baked potato as well - delicious!

Yes, the ratio is important, I think it's recomended that you eat omega 6 and omega 3 in a 3:1 ratio. I only worry about it as I am still breastfeeding my 18 month old daughter and so I want to be totally sure that all needs are covered for her brain development, otherwise to be honest I never thought about omega 3s or ratios. I think that you're right that as long as you are eating mostly plant based food and little or no polyunsaturated oils you don't need to consume extra oils for omega 3.
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 21:20
@ Juliathome - am I the only one a bit mystified by your wooden dildos :?: or is everyone else just too polite to mention it...wouldn't a wooden dildo be a bit painful, at least uncomfortable? Or have I completely :?: misunderstood :confused:
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 21:23
dhana wrote: @ Juliathome - am I the only one a bit mystified by your wooden dildos :?: or is everyone else just too polite to mention it...wouldn't a wooden dildo be a bit painful, at least uncomfortable? Or have I completely :?: misunderstood :confused:

LOL I had to read it three times because I didn't believe my eyes!! *hopes it's a typo* :lol:
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 21:27
I obviously lead a very sheltered life. Just looked up said objects online and there they are, large as Well, blow me - sorry, perhaps not the best choice of words, you learn something new every day. Well, that certainly takes first prize for the most original use of coconut oil!! :lol: :lol:
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 21:36
LMAO Dhana, I snorted out my drink of tea then!!
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 21:50
izzy wrote: SPLINTERS!!!!!!!!!!OUCH!!!!!!!!! :kiss:

That's why she uses coconut oil, keeps the wood smooth and silky. :wink: :grin:
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 22:24
are you meant to cook with it, add it to things or just eat it by the spoonful?
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 22:30
I had to get my glasses, thought I was seeing things. :confused:
perhaps she uses said wooden things for stirring her coconut oil.

Chris x :razz:
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 22:43
I don't know if I'll ever be able to think about coconut oil, the pure extra virgin, in the same way ever again!! :razz: :lol:
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 22:46
Yep, same here Dhana, I'll be smirking when I take the top off my Tiana. :bugeyes:

Chris x
Re: coconut oil
20 Jun 2013, 23:07
When I stop laughing :lol: :lol: I'm going to add it to my shopping list. The coconut oil that is!
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