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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I fast Mon and thurs from 2pm until 2pm I will eat veggies with like a 4 oz piece of chicken Grilled or 6 oz of baked fish with the family, and then I try and hold off eating anything until 2pm the next day. That one meal with my family is around 250 cal.
Hi motomom - sounds like a good meal for very few calories. I have been having a small snack midday (berries with yogurt usually) and then something similar to yours (although mine always rocks in at a higher calorie count!) but am now beginning to not eat anything until evening (I fast for 36 hours - say monday night to weds morning). May even try eating nothing at all, although that might be one step too far!

If it's working, stick with what you're doing!
I normally try & save all my calories for my evening meal but yesterday I gave in at lunchtime & had 2 slices of toast. dinner was a whole egg + egg white omelette with mushrooms & salad & also very filling. think I will stick to something like this on my fast days as it was nice having toast at lunchtime.
I love to treat myself on a fast day to something scrumptious! I sometimes drive over to Loch Fyne, which is not TOO far away, but far enough! to buy oysters. I love them, but they must be fresh! I have had them so many ways, with various ingredients, some simple , some outlandish, but my favourite is just as they are, down the hatch! That wonderful taste of the sea, sublime!! They cost about 45-70pence each, not cheap but don't break the bank either. Loch Fyne oysters are fat and juicy and delicious. I bought a shucker years ago, which makes opening them a dawdle. The drive to loch Fyne is beautiful too!
Hi Motomom

I'm pretty new to this but this is what I do. I fast on Mondays and Thursdays like you so from tea on Sunday/Wednesday night, usually about 9pm, I only have liquid until about 12:30. I haven't been brave enough to go till tea time on fast days so I have 200g cottage cheese, 166kcal. Then have some salad/veggies and a bit fish for tea keeping it around the 300Kcal mark. I must admit I also haven't been brave enough to try black coffee so try and work in about 40Kcal for semi- skimmed milk.

I've also found that I don't need breakfast the morning after a fast, but have some dried fruit and nuts if I need the boost before lunch.

I would like to eventually stop eating "lunch" on fast days but am happy enough to let things develop over time

Dhana how positively decadent, I would love your fast day food, for me I'm a cheat and just buy a m&s meal at 370ish cals with a warburtons thins with real butter and I have that in the evening. I do look forward to it all day and it fills me up.
I try and fast for 36 hours, from after dinner day 1 to after lunch on day 3. I also do a 2:1 cycle, so two feed days followed by two fast days then repeating, but I shake it up occasionally. Like last week my son (who is also fasting) needed to break a plateau, so we both did a week of alternate days, followed by a week with just 2 fast days in it. It broke his plateau nicely and dropped another couple of pounds off me. We have just the one meal on the evening of day 2. Though I give myself an allowance of milk for use with my cups of tea.

For fast days I try to keep it simple, so its usually a salad with chicken or tuna, or a stir fry with again some chicken. There is also a vast variety of soups to try out. What I do try to make sure of is that I keep it low carb, because within a couple of hours of eating any heavy carbs such as pasta, rice, potatoes or bread I get really, really hungry.
I save my calories until dinner surviving on coffee and water all day. Then I'll have something like a vegetarian bean stew or chili. Last week I made a pearl barley and mushroom risotto, yum. Then fruit and yoghurt if there are any calories left over.
as a newbie I'm sticking to the 2:1 for now, I drink a coffee, teas, a soup (70 calls) for lunch and then a 1 egg mushroom omelette & salad at tea time, usually fast Monday & Thursday, but like how you can change it, so fasting today as that works out better this week. Tonight Im going to try and add an egg white or 2 to the omelette and see what thats like
So interesting reading what others do
I cut up an apple and eat it though the day
Sometimes I have a green salad and spoon of cottage cheese for lunch but today I am on the run so will take a boiled egg
If I am staving before dinner I have homemade very low dal veg soup
Dinner is veg and a small amount of protein and low cal hot choc
Usually comes to under 400
Fasting today
Today was 80kcal od skimmed milk to have in my cups of tea.
Then one meal at dinnertime of a salad with two bigger than I expected slices of ham and a hard boiled egg. I splashed out on a tablespoon of honey mustard dressing. It totaled 465kcal.
I have a snack of up to approx. 100calories being fruit or soup etc either at lunch or late afternoon then main meal with family being anywhere from 250-350 calories primarily made up of a protein with vegies or salad in the evening then I always have a few calories left in case I'm still peckish after main meal some days I need then other I don't.
Motomom, I'm also partial to the lean meat, lots of veg combo. Usually for me it's a stir fry, which lately I've been dressing up with loads of herbs from the garden.

Dhana, I'm jealous of your oysters.
Sashimi with gari, wasabi and soy sauce or an omelette with lots of veggies and spices - every week the same :-) I crave food really packed with flavour!
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