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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Today (my fastday) I was already hungry when I was woken at 6.45 (by a small but very loud 3 year old) and 3 hours later all I've had is a cup of tea and now I'm feeling really nauseous! Is this normal?

Also I've noticed recently that I cant stand yogurt any more, the smell, the taste, it's just yuk, is that normal too?

I usually skip breakfast on fast days and have a 100cal lunch and biggish meal with kids at around 6pm. Might have to change that about today.
Welcome to my world, I wake up hungry every day! I was supposed to fast yesterday, but felt dizzy and sick with a headache, so revised to fasting today instead. So far so good.

Can't help about the yoghurt though, I've not gone off any particular foods since starting this. That I can think of.
Glad I'm not the only one.
sorry to hear your feeling nauseous I have on occasional fast days felt like it also I've found green tea with ginger does help. I couldn't stand yogurt when I was pregnant, that the only time I've has issues with particular foods so sorry I help with that one.
Scubelle, do you need to get a pregnancy test kit ? :)
Oh my!!! Hubby and I have been talking bout it, but still havent decided if we want to go for it. If I am, it would be literally in the last week, I'm fairly sure I wouldn't be getting 'symptoms' already - would I?
I do remember when I was pg with my DS I couldn't go near the fish counter in the supermarket. Oh my, oh my!
This has made me chuckle, as that's what I was thinking when you said you've gone off yogurt!! ;)

I'm hungry on my fast day too so you're not alone. Sometimes I can feel a bit sicky because I'm hungry but it will soon pass (unless it's morning sickness symptoms...just teasing!)
I noticed symptoms very quickly (I reckon it was within a week) when I was pregnant so it could be...
Oh dear! I will have to keep you posted. I'm pretending to work while I sit here trying to decide if I want it to be true or not.
I noticed nausea and sore boobies v early but never developed any food revulsion so can't comment on whether the yoghurt problem could be an early sign.

Waking up very early and being tired can make you feel nauseous though but possibly not cause you to find yoghurt horrible. I often feel hungry if I wake early but it passes after a while.

Hope it turns out to be whatever it is you want it to be! :confused:
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