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Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 00:21
I live in the States and between my work schedule and July 4th festivities, the only way for me to get the 2 days of fasting would be to do them consecutively. Is this ok to do? I am a newbie and this is my third week on this WOE. I am nervous to do two days in a row but I have feel I have figured out how to eat satisfactorily with lots of vegetables and low cal protein.

What is your experience with consecutive day fasting?
Thanks for your input and advice :)
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 06:07
Hi Oregongirl and welcome to the forum!

I presume you are thinking of doing our 500-calorie type of fasting on consecutive days? I did this once and found it quite hard (on the 2nd day, obviously), so I haven't repeated the experience. Keeping up the protein intake (and keeping down the carbs) would probably help as you have evidently realised.
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 06:19
Hi and welcome.

Two in a row is hard for most people - you just get very hungry.

This will sound strange, perhaps, but you are not on a diet, you are adopting a new way of eating. This WOE is very flexible and can conform to your schedule. If your schedule does not easily accommodate two nonconsecutive fasts this week, just do one! You can do two next week. :clover:
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 06:31
Hi and welcome to the board.
I am also doing two days in a row this week due to commitments. I have done this once before and found it ok but wouldn't choose to do it on a weekly basis. If you can't manage 2nd day then don't beat yourself up, you have not failed and just stick to one day this week. This is a WOL not a diet. I am on 2nd day today, probably won't be too strict with tea, I will just have one meal but won't measure like I normally do on a fast day. Good luck and enjoy your 4th July celebrations.
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 07:47
I find two days in a row okay - actually easier than starting a fast after a feast day. After a fast day, I don't feel hungry.

I lost the plot for a couple of weeks, but got back on board with proper fasting on Sunday. I ended up fasting again yesterday, mainly because my appetite was suppressed. I could see myself drifting into a third consecutive day of fasting (as the impulse to eat hasn't kicked in yet) but I know that isn't sensible so I'll make the time to sit down and have lunch and break the fast properly.

I had lots of energy yesterday, work, walked 4 miles, gardened, cooked (for the family), cleaned vigorously and was out in the evening with friends (drinking pints of soda water!) even though this was my second consecutive day of fasting. I think I graze-eat when I'm bored so keeping busy stops me thinking about food.
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 08:23
Hi I've done 2days back2back with no problems you just have to keep yourself occupied, but not everyone likes to do it, my advice would be give it a try even a semi fast (as long as you can go) is better if commitments get in way. Good luck :clover: Sue
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 08:25
I have never tried it. I do 4:3, so am often in alternate day mode, and even that is trying sometimes. Good luck, in any case, and as crunchie says, don't beat yourself up over it if you can't manage the second day.
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 08:29
The "Two Day Diet" advocates consecutive day fasting, citing increased adherence and ease of doing it. It's current version is reduced carbs for 2 days but the same philosophy was used for 2 days of calorie restriction.
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 08:41

Edited by forum staff
This post has been edited by a moderator as discussion of extended fasting is not allowed at this forum.
Review our policy and our reasons for it here.
Sorry folks, we don't allow the discussion of longer fasts like that, near-zero cals shouldn't be for more than 36 hours, if you're doing longer please discuss it at a forum for extended fasting.

Has anyone here ever done two day liquid fast. I just couldnt fast today as I was up all night. I went down this morning at 5 am and had a sandwich, while watching rubbish on the box. I am thinking of doing tomorrow and thurs as I think it might be easier than leaving a day in between!!!
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
02 Jul 2013, 10:49
Edited by forum staff
This post has been edited by a moderator as discussion of extended fasting is not allowed at this forum.
Review our policy and our reasons for it here.
Sorry folks, we don't allow the discussion of longer fasts like that, near-zero cals shouldn't be for more than 36 hours, if you're doing longer please discuss it at a forum for extended fasting.

I'm also toying with the idea of doing 2 days in a row (water and salt only). I have a sneaky suspicion it will be easier on day2, the nearer you get to full on ketosis. Nearly gave it a go today but wisely/foolishly didn't due to my desire to have a good exercise session.
Also read a comment recently on the fastingconnection website that the 3rd day of longer fasts is usually the hardest (if I'm allowed to say that?? :confused: ), not the 2nd.
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
03 Jul 2013, 16:28
If it’s any help Oregongirl, here’s our take on fitting in 5:2.

I started eleven weeks ago (OH a week later) so we’re relative newbies. Early on we decided that we would make our own decisions and not worry too much about the official rules as there aren’t any. There’s no sacred texts, so far only theories, and Parliament (or Congress) hasn’t passed any laws on the matter.

A couple of weeks ago, to fit in 5:2 we had to do three alternate days of fasting with one normal day in between. We didn’t like that though we may give it another try if circumstances change.

A few weeks ago we went on a week’s holiday with Saga (for the over 50’s) and just didn’t bother. Last week I was sick and bad one night (after a feed day), didn’t feel like eating the next day so made that my fasting day - the only food was a piece of plaice (a flat fish) poached weighing 125gms.

Tuesday and Saturday are our usual fasting days. Two weekends ago I had a nice time in Lille (France) for a long weekend with my daughter. I didn’t fast on the Saturday and I have the photos to prove it! :grin:

I’ve no idea whether the above keeps me within ‘the rules’, all I know is that today my weight is the lowest its been since I started. OH is thrilled with the ever downward trend, as she’s never been able to stick to any diet before. :like:

What we don’t know is what we’ll do when in the summer we spend three weeks travelling the UK visiting family, we’ll play it by ear.

My attitude would be to try it and see how you get on. If it works you’ve got even more flexibility. :like:

All the best to you and I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating the great day when you managed to get rid of us and our obsession with class. Congratulations. :wink:
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
07 Jul 2013, 22:20
I started 5:2 on Saturday and decided to make it 2 consecutive days simply because I felt good. The first day was actually harder -- I got the hunger pangs and had to research and plan my menu. By the second day I was not hungry much -- and was more empowered by what I have learned about 5:2. I lost 3 lbs! What I really like about 5:2 is the flexibility. I will choose the fast days to suit my schedule, whether consecutive or not. I just need to shed a few more pounds and then it's about maintaining my weight.

Thanks to 5:2, I am more conscious of serving sizes, calorie contents and my reasons for unnecessary eating (boredom, stress and treating food as a reward for a tough day by snacking on chips coupled with bedtime reading).

I am planning to incorporate 5:2 wisdom into my lifestyle for life!
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
08 Jul 2013, 05:27
Thanks for all the response and welcome to the group and this new WOE. The second day was actually not that bad....but in the end I broke fast that evening and ate/drank normally. I felt ok about that decision because I had fasted for ~34 hours and was proud of that!
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
29 Jul 2013, 17:49
I lost most of my 2 stone doing 2 consecutive days of fasting - I now separate diet days (generally Mondays & Fridays)only because it became more convenient. You could always swap a non diet day meal for a diet one later in the week. Basically - don't stress about it flexibility is key to this WOE. :)
Re: Fast 2 days in a row?
30 Jul 2013, 15:28
I have only done two days in a row one time. I found it quite difficult but it was a spur of the moment decision. In the middle of a Thursday fasting day, I decided that I would fast Friday as well. I was very hungry on Friday.

I'm wondering that had I planned it beforehand and been mentally prepared, it may have been easier.
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