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Dilemma, advice needed please.
09 Jul 2013, 08:55
When I started 5:2 in January, my weight was 11st 3lb and my BMI was 28.89. I was hoping to get below 9 stone which was my weight for most of my adult life until menopause when I started to put the weight on (I'm 67).

I'm now about nine and a half stone and my BMI has dropped to 24.66. My face arms and thighs are thin and my double chin is no more but I still have a fat stomach and hips (I've always been pear shaped), my skin is loose but not baggy. I have a little more energy now which was one of my goals but my body is out of proportion, I don't want my arms or face to get any thinner. I'm not sure whether to stop losing more weight or to carry on to try to get rid of the tummy fat and to fit into a pair of new jeans which are skin tight atm? :?:

Any advice would be welcome please, many thanks :smile:
Time to don a leotard and get exercising...

I jest but to change body shape, some resistance exercise is beneficial. I'm pear-shaped and my recent forays into weights have done more for my shape than any other thing I've done in the past.

Maybe some gentle Pilates with a good teacher. My first Pilates class was mainly ladies with things like arthritis and it was always good fun. However, the instructor must be good as otherwise there can be issues.
Thanks BBT053, I forgot to say that I have a back problem which restricts exercising too much, walking is about all I can manage these days. :neutral:
Ah, that's not so helpful.

If I had to choose then, I think I'd want to keep the face looking good. Looking gaunt isn't great...

Is the back thing permanent or would a physio be able to give you some gentle suggestions? There are chair-based exercises. I'm only banging on about this as I've had back issues for 20 years and it's a challenge keeping bone density, muscle tone and pain managing, so have tried lots of variants! :-)
it's hard to know where the weight is going to come off of next. For me it's waist first, then evens out a bit. Maybe yours will even out, too?
I think I would be inclined to stick to your current weight for a week or two and then see how you feel about it then. i am the same age with similar doubts on how low to go- though sadly it is not a problem yet. the dreaded osteoporosis is also a consideration as we get older so I don't want to go too low.
I have sciatica BBT053, it comes and goes and I have to be careful not to move the wrong way - as I did last Friday so atm it's rather painful! I may take your advice and find out if there are any 'gentle' exercises I could do, chair based exercises sound good. Thank you :smile:
I too have back issues. Had spinal fusion surgery several years ago and for some reason Pilates cripples me for days. I find some yoga is doable though. Mostly I just walk and walk and walk now. One of the few "diets" I haven't tried is the Belly Fat diet. Has anyone here had experience with it? Didn't know if it really does target belly fat. I read a book several years back about menopause etc and one point it made was women need to have dairy in their diet to keep belly fat down. Do you include dairy now? Just throwing some thoughts your way.
Hi Coffeetime

maybe you should start thinking about going to maintence; its what I am planing todo once the holiday period is over. I met my first objective (my weight when I was 50) and intended to carry on to the weight I had in my twenties, thirties and early forties but found I lost most weight from legs and arms face and neck. I have lost some from my stomack but think I am starting to look a bit gaunt.
I read somewhere that for every decade over 40 you need to add a quarter of stone on to your healthy BMI weight to maintain the same 'look'. As Iam in my sixties that means I need an extra 8lb on top of my 30's weight which seems right for me.
You should try find a physio who teaches pilates
There are many exercise you can do which help sciatica
If you strengthen your core it will also help your back
I am in Australia so can't really direct you to a teacher in Cornwall
But I am sure there are good teachers there
well done, what a fantastic achievement to date. I too have put weight on after menopause, and you have motivated me to keep going to lose the pounds. I think that pilates would be good to try, its very gentle and i know that my back always feels easier after a class. keep up the good work :smile:
That's the thing, Pilates can be gentle when done with a skilled instructor so it helps if they are also a physio or osteopath or very highly qualified.

I've had some lessons where I ended up hurt...they are bodyweight exercises and as such, should be done with supervision. It's also about not knowing where you are in space, when I had 1:1 Pilates, she put my legs and arms in the places I already thought they were! :-)
Hi Coffeetime,
I don't know whether it is very easy to access pools in Cornwall, but for me, at 57 and with a fair amount of arthritis in various joints, swimming is a fantastic exercise.
It's gentle on all your joints but gives great muscle strength.
My friend I swim with has had bad back problems for years but since we've been swimming regularly twice a week the last 3 years her back is so much better.
I have been told that when we get older we have to choose between our face or out butt!
I think I'll go for the face! :wink:
Thank you so much for your advice everyone, I think I'll try 6:1 with some sort of exercise.

I've found several pilates classes in North Cornwall but I'm still a bit apprehensive, I'll have to look into it a bit more. The swimming sounds doable gigi55, I've avoided swimming since catching sight of myself in a mirror wearing my cozzie (after putting on the extra weight). Now I'm slimmer, albeit out of proportion, I shouldn't look so hideous, perhaps a new costume might help?

Today was supposed to be a fast day but as I messed up this morning I've abandoned it. I try again tomorrow with more enthusiasm as it will be just one a week from now on! :smile:

I love this forum, so much help and support from everyone :heart: ... 01571.html

I found this article about belly fat and menopause as it's been my understanding that as women hit menopause that they begin to gain more fat around the waist and less in the hips. The Mayo Clinic says that's true and why. Some of that belly fat seems inevitable but some can be worked on by the exercise that you are planning. You can also try cutting back on carbs and/or look into the "Wheat Belly" diet.

Let me know what works...I'm sneaking up on menopause myself! :D
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