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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I've been blessed to be in a very supportive environment here and Significant Other (SO) has joined forces with me from the very beginning. He has lost only 1 kg (and me, say 3kg if i round it up and base it on my lowest weight this week) so has a slower weight loss for him but he is pleased.

It's so much better to have someone reminding me that we "decided not to drink wine other than on Saturdays" when I suggest opening a bottle on a feast day mid-week or when I know i cant do fast this Friday that we should shift it on Thursday and not just lose a day.

The kids (teenagers) whilst not joining in seem to "work around us" and indeed become very independent in the kitchen when they know Mum and Dad are doing "their thing" and lasagne or ice cream is just not on the menu.

Anybody have a similar supportive environment in your household or has anyone come across tension cause there is less food being "served" to SO.

I guess meal preparation for many is a very collaborative thing and when one opts out of a standard pattern, it can have its ramifications. With any luck the "healthy behaviour" will be a bit contagious.
I first learned about this WOE when MM's show came on one night when my OH and I were watching and it caught our interest. We both do it, but he is near his ideal weight so just fasts one day a week.

Since we have young kids one way we support each other is to NOT fast on the same day so that you aren't responsible for dinner and snacks for the family/kids on a day you are fasting. We also make sure those days dinner has good options for the faster since they usually will just have a smaller portion or skip some parts of the meal. Now that I've been doing this for a few months it doesn't tempt me at all to prepare lunch for the kids when I am fasting, but it was hard at the beginning.
my OH is doing it too, he's losing weight faster than me, but as this is a life change that doesnt matter to me, on fast days (usually week days, so my children are at school), the children have something fairly quick and simple, even left overs from the fridge or freezer and as I dont really like ice cream thats always dessert!
My OH is doing it now. He started with me, lost much faster and then stopped for a while. He didn't work too hard on the maintenance part so he has gained a bit back and is joining me again. He has been supportive all along and always eats the smaller fast day dinner. It is the junk he eats at work that is his current downfall. Office treats, not taking time to pack a lunch or forgetting the one he or I packed for him, etc.
My Husband is fasting with me. Certainly makes it easier and helps me stick to it. On our fast days my son (20 yr old) cooks for himself and his sister (who gets home quite late while he is on uni break with no job at the moment). Not his favourite thing to do but it takes the pressure off me having to cooking different meals and he might actually learn to fend for himself a bit.
For the first month OH didn't even know I was following any plan. Was real easy to just eat a 500 calorie meal by reducing or eliminating the starch. While he is on the plan now, he refuses to weigh so I can only judge by looking that he is losing weight. He still prefers breakfast so I have to make him something on fast days...which I would rather not do if given a choice. He doesn't always make the best choices when left to his own devices, but it does seem as though he is eating smaller portions. Time will tell.
My OH does not know I am fasting. I may make seperate dinner for me and them though he is so used to it that he dont bat an eyelid over the situation! He only sees an 'obscene' amount of vegetables being consumed or when I make pasta, I substitude mine with shirataki noodles while they have the normal stuff. The guy has no idea what is going on and dont notice.

I have no problems cooking other stuff for them with the food smell etc since I have been a faster since I was a kid due to religion. So the training comes in handy now that I am doing it for vanity sake!
newoldme wrote: Since we have young kids one way we support each other is to NOT fast on the same day so that you aren't responsible for dinner and snacks for the family/kids on a day you are fasting. We also make sure those days dinner has good options for the faster since they usually will just have a smaller portion or skip some parts of the meal. Now that I've been doing this for a few months it doesn't tempt me at all to prepare lunch for the kids when I am fasting, but it was hard at the beginning.

Thats ingenious newoldme :smile: Mine are a bit older, so do get some of their meals themselves, and I've found now I have been fasting for a few months I also can shop for and prepare meals for other people while fasting.

My OH is also on 5:2, but we live apart during the week, so we fast on our time apart, so we can feast together at the weekends, which works very well.
My husband is doing it with me, and it is so good that you don't have to look at someone else eating something different when on fast days. Definitely a new way of life. Love it
I haven't really spoken to my OH about 5:2 apart from when we watched the programme, so he doesn't know oficially that I'm doing it, he's French so he freaked at the idea of missing a meal! Anyway because I eat vegan foods I don't eat the same thing as him in general, so the biggest thing that has changed is no snacking and no dessert on fast days, and healthier meals in general but he hasn't noticed that...if anything he's noticed that I bake more on feast days and he's happy about that LOL.
In terms of the kids I don't have a problem fasting while preparing food for them and shopping, it's funny but I'm not even tempted to sneak some food on fast days.
My OH is generally supportive, but not joining in. We tend to get our own meals on my fast days. I can ignore him eating during the day, tho when we have an afternoon cuppa in the garden it's a bit irritating that he has biscuits!! Although i am most hungry in the afternoon, my most difficult time is the evening, I'm not hungry, but want something to munch. OH is a creature of habit... he has yoghurt after his meal (if there's cheese in the fridge, he'd have that &crackers), then chocolate with coffee and later has peanuts with a snifter. I'm getting better at not caving, but it's hard!!
My other half is looking on with interest, first off he thought I was mad, but has shut up more recently. I feel in so much more control, and I've found I can cook a similar meal for the whole family on fast days and just leave out the carbs for myself. Our meals are fairly healthy anyway its the snacks that were my downfall (changing now with 5:2) :grin:
Yes! My husband has gone down four notches on his belt and feels terrific. He is completely with me in eating far fewer calories on fast days and even checks up with me if we are doing this correctly.

Interestingly, he NEVER ever missed a meal in the past but now he sees it differently!
My DH has toast and bacon rolls every morning. If I am on a fast day and we are travelling (to help me) instead of going in to a restaurant he will stop and buy chips and curry sauce and sit in the car and eat them in front of me. You get used to it. He also nibbles salted p nuts all evening. I must add he is not overweight. It hasn't done me any harm as I am now within oz of my tarter weight. Our children are all adults and married so I don't have to worry about feeding children and when we are at home DH cooks for himself in fact if I'm honest he cooks most of the time so I am lucky (I hate cooking) love baking but that's another story. :curse:
My OH has gone from a size 50 trouser to a 44 on this WOE. It's great to have the support and even better to see the person I love getting happier and healthier.
I cook meals on my fast days and have since the beginning and it really doesn't bother me at all.
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