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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I posted this under Lulabella's post but I decided to go on and post it as a separate topic as well because I am desperate for answers.

As most of you know I've been through a very stressful and tiring time and I thought that this week I would get back to normal but -alas!- I just can't.
I have two explanations:

One, I am very tired and my body needs nutritions and doesn't agree with fasting.

Two, it's that time of the month and it's one of those stupid, difficult months.

Or, could it be both? Any thoughts/ideas? I managed to stay under 600 today but I was dizzy all day long...

Keep in mind that it's not that I don't want to fast. I DO! But if I feel like fainting, I kinda hesitate. I haven't lost my will to fast, I think I lost my ability! Can that happen???
Welcome back on the band wagon of 5:2 TML, I do think it is very easy to get out of the way of IF. I just had 7 days off and it is an effort feeling rusty and reluctant and just jumped on scales this am and having a bounce back albeit minuscule so I am figuring haven't got fat burning in motion yet. Also spinny headed.

But I will prevail as am sure you will too.
Stress can do a number on anyone. Bubblebath and a glass of champagne!
No bubblebaths for me but I've had my fair share of glasses of many things, LOL!

Gillymary, I haven't gained but haven't lost either. I had a very bad case of water retention (lost 2,5 kilos when I took my peeing pill) though.
Oh well hope you find your 5:2 feet. Wow on that much fluid lost. What a volume that would have been no wonder your head spun. Your cellular sodium potassium pump would have been going like the clappers to restore equilibrium
Do you think it could be because of that? Maybe now that all this is gone I could go back to normal next week...
I'd do 3;4 next week, 3 days at 700, then your normal feed days. Takes a while for the bod to get back into it.
I was planning 5:2 plus one day of attack but I will take it as it comes. I do believe that our body sends us signals and I don't want to ignore mine.

Still hoping that on the week after next I will be A-OK to do my beloved 3:2:2 and hopefully reach my goal weight after that.

The thought that I haven't gained pleases me but I wish to lose a few more kilos.
I think you are right to listen to your body and just go with the flow til you feel more like your old self and the fact that you have not gained is significant. You will be back to your pre-stress ways very soon,

Ballerina x :heart:
My logical self tells me to just take it easy but my ballistic dieter self is screaming that I'm a loser who can't stick to a plan. Oh doctor, am I going mad?
:heart: You are not so there, just find a sensible groove and your body messages are key to that IMHO
I agree! (Says as she is trying to shut the ballistic dieter up...)
Agree with others who say listen to your body. But, while you're doing that, keep checking in here and let us know how you're doing and be inspired by all the amazing people here who have such interesting and harrtwarming stories to keep you motivated for when your body tells you it's time to be back with the program. Best wishes!
Hey TML, Dr Swooon has a lot to answer for :shock: :razz: :grin:

No seriously, ignore the ballistic dieter, you're in it for the long game, and the tortoise wins (that's a hell of a mixed metaphor :shock: but you know what I (and the others) mean!!)

Give it time, you are not gaining, you will know when you feel it's right to continue :clover: :heart:
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