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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 09:29
You really need to sort out some stuff before you start doing 5.2 yet again. I think you have to address who you are doing it for, and for it to succeed it has to be for yourself, YOU, and not your dad or others. Unresolved issues are sabotaging you at every step and fasting and bingeing is not going to work. It has not been so long since your dad died and maybe his death has confronted you with some things you are finding it easier to suppress, but not dealing with feelings has a way of sometimes sending us ever more out of control. Look, you know 5.2 works and it's not going anywhere. Take the pressure off yourself to lose weight until you can take steps to move forward in a more balanced and positive way. This could be talking to your doctor as a first step, there is help out there and you sound as though you've reached a stage in your life where you are acknowledging that you need help to change. :heart:
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 09:37
So many of us here understand the battle it can be but try to take help and heart from the forum and let it keep you strong.
Try and find time to come on the forum often and get the support and help we all love to give.
And like many have said, be nice to you and let the past go.
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 13:58
Oh no! No need for shame! You are not what you eat or what you weigh!
Lots of great support and advice. It sounds like your relationship with food is complicated (as it is for many of us, I assume). I know I really enjoyed the book 'Women, Food, and God' - really gets at the heart if the emotional eating / relationship with food. Don't let the title put you off - its not a religious book at all. 'God' can be any kind of higher power. Best of luck - be kind to yourself!!! Put as much positive energy into yourself as you do your kids and you will do great! Hugs
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 14:14
If I had a pound for every pound I have lost and gained I would be soooo rich! I know how you feel totally and am just crawling back myself.
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 14:47
Shoobie there is no need to feel ashamed with having gained weight. It only takes a small daily increase in calories over a year to easily gain weight. Perhaps the whole thing about being able to lose your weight seems too much at the moment? & it is therefore even more difficult to know how to get started & so you beat yourself up about it. As many people have posted we have all been there & done that but have found that 5:2ing unlike other diets can work.
Perhaps the best place to start is with small steps? because this could help build your confidence.
Instead of fasting try to keep to a lower calorie allowance of 1000 calories for one day perhaps divided into two meals say lunch & dinner? So this way you extend your non eating period from the day before & write down everything you eat. When you manage this give yourself a gold star & try it for a second day in a week. On other days try eating from a smaller size plate so your plate looks full of food. Just do this until you feel comfortable & don't weigh yourself. Try also to throw out food you know is not helpful to you. It takes time for our bodies to adjust to eating less & for us to adjust to eating not with our eyes but when recognising when we are hungry.
Finally have you considered seeing a bereavement counsellor? Unresolved feelings of grief can stay with us for a long time & have a sabotaging effect on our behaviour. Good wishes for what you choose to do.
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 15:01
Oh shoobie1 :( massive hugs to you!

I had this problem with binge eating chocolate and crisps and I used to get so ANNOYED with myself and embarrassed that I couldn't seem to stop!
I found a lot of this was down to self esteem issues, I didn't feel that I was worthy of being healthy and fit, I was sabotaging my own health because deep down, I felt rubbish about me.

Having been on a course of CBT, I am now starting to change and I am going to try giving the IF another go. I no longer binge on chocolate or crisps and I now know that I CAN do it and I AM worth it.

Do you think it would be worth talking to your GP if you are feeling down about it, they may be able to refer you for some sort of therapy as I imagine it's more of an underlying issue - I could be wrong but that's what I would think now having done the same myself.

The main thing to remember is don't give up on yourself - not just for your daughters but for YOU. You are worth a lot and you just need to learn how to realise that and to be your own best friend and encourage and nurture yourself instead of punishing yourself.

Lots of hugs to you and I'm only a PM away if you need a pick me up :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 16:40
Hi Shoobie1. You put on 2st 3lb over the course of a year, which may seem like a lot but is well under 1 lb per week gain. Easy to do in my opinion, so don't feel shameful.

You can lose it again and probably more just by having a few 'sensible' days per week as well as your fasts (which you've proved you can do so you're not a failure). If you feel the need to have a 'blow out' once a week then have one. Life would be boring without them :grin:

I think you're the type of person who just needs a more structured plan. If you need help with this I'm sure there are plenty of people on this forum who will be more than willing to do so. Good luck x
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 23:25
Hi Shoobie,

I'm a complete newbie and having my own problems with bingeing but just wanted to add that you are not alone and have nothing to feel ashamed about. I think you should follow the advice here, maybe seeing your GP and sorting out some counselling as emotional eating is likely to not change until you address he underlying issues.

Best of luck honey!

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