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so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 15:03
Went on the wii with my girls and i have put 2stone 3lbs on in 367 days. Just sat and cried my eyes out. I am killing myself and i can't stop. I can fast then i gorge thinking i must have all the nice food. Then don't change weight so reckon fasting won't work. I have had enough but just can't do it. Hate the weather as nothing fits and i don't want to be the fat embarrassment people stare at. I don't expect sympathy but just need to tell someone.
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 15:21
Hi shoobie1, I think I know how you feel. My relationship with food is complicated. I ate because I was lonely. I ate because it gave me pleasure. I ate because so many of the people I loved have died. I ate because I have been unsuccessful in relationships and work. The fact that you are starting and trying to lose is a good first step. But you need to figure out what triggers you to eat. You have to love yourself. You are worth it. I found that refined carbs are not only addictive but are depressing as well. Start walking along with your fasting. I will never forget the feeling of vitality and positivity I felt after losing 10lbs and walking tall with my head held high. Instead of walking on that day it was like floating. You can do this. I know you can because I did. Remember that little steps make big gains. I love you for being honest.
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 15:26
Sorry to hear you're feeling so low :( sounds as if you've entered a sort of binge and starve cycle which of course isn't healthy and bordering on an eating disorder.

If you've the willpower to manage your fasts I'm sure you've the willpower to handle your feed days better too! But you have to want to do it. Maybe if you keep an honest food diary and post it up we can try to help you improve things. From the looks of the tracker you've lost at least some weight - that's a start!
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 15:40
Hi shoobie you've nothing to be ashamed about, and most people on here ar'nt pitying you either, I also posted ashamed a little while back.
This WOL does work and I'm living proof of that, believe me I didn't get to 19t by not enjoying my food + drink, if you can give it the best chance to prove that to you say :-) can you try and give it the best shot for say one month it will show you it really works, but you've got to want it to work and you sound ready!!! I was in similar position + my head was in the right place ( which was a tremendous help of course)
Believe me you don't want to be in same state as me when you reach my age, so now its Time to Begin :clover: Good Luck Sue
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 18:09
Yes, two things:
you have got to want it to work (you already want that)
you have got to do some work to make it work.

There is no magic formula, no lasting get slim pill, no substitute for eating less.

We're all here because, at some time, we've hated what we've become and we don't know how we managed it.

I have lost more since January that you have put on in a year.

You *can* do it, but you will need determination.
Either that or... well I'll leave that up to you.

We are here to help and support xx
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 18:49
Shoobie1 I so know where you're coming from. I've been to where you are and back again so many times over the last 10 years that I've lost count. But I really feel that out of all of the diets I've tried and failed, THIS is one that could definitely work because it is achievable in the long run. Other diets fail because they are so difficult to stick to. Here, we don't need to stop eating certain things as such, we just need to wait a while. It may not be a speedy weight loss for everyone, particularly if we choose "less healthy" options on feast days (like me) but I'm convinced about sticking with it, and hopefully we will learn to make healthier choices on more days than we do unhealthy ones. I know quite a few people who have lost weight and kept it off doing 5:2. Just keep with it, however slow. Try to put your shame behind you - we've all felt it but it does no good to hold onto it. Feel proud of yourself for taking steps to address your weight. You CAN do it!
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 19:45
Hi shoobie :hugright:

I'll let others tell you how to do it - I'll just tell you why you shouldn't be ashamed!

By eating food when it is available, you are only doing what we've been programmed to do during our development as human beings - and probably long before that!

The body recognises two states - feast and famine. When there is no food around - famine - the appetite shuts down and waits. When there is food available - when you have breakfast, say - the appetite is stimulated constantly, until the 'hunger switch' is reset, which might take 4-5 hours. Any food consumed during that time throws that hunger switch and you'll want to eat again. This is why snacking is so insidious - we weren't meant to snack every couple of hours, and if we do, the hunger switch never has a chance to reset.

I started a thread on this subject which may be of interest:

In short, though - stop beating yourself up, please! :smile:
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 19:48
Never feel ashamed of failing only of not trying, if you try and fail you can start again, as I am doing. You have recorded the weight you have put on and I am guessing you record every "bad" thing you have done if only in your mind, why not record every "good" thing you do. If you say something to cheer up a friend or colleague that's a "good thing" if you stay on your fast another mark, if you smile at a stranger etc. then when you are feeling like a failure look at this list and realise that you are what matters most a nice, helpful, thoughtful person the sort of person you would like to meet. :victory:
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 20:30
PennyForthem wrote: I have lost more since January that you have put on in a year.

Lots of right-on statements in this thread but this one really grabbed my attention. If you stick to this WOE you can get rid of that weight by the end of the year.

Listen to that little voice in your head. No, not the one telling you that you deserve all that "yummy" food but the other one that's telling you it's a liar. The second voice is the "real" you.

I think Moogie's idea is a great one. Start a food diary thread on here and we will help keep you honest.
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 21:19
I've lost less than Penny, slightly more relaxed on feed days but more than you've put on.

The key to fast days is to see them an non-negotiable. Once you start the dialogue in your head about "how it would be ok just to have...", it's a slippery slope.

I started with nothing until 12,then 150 cals, then nothing til 5 for remainder of cals and some milk/cocoa to go to bed with as a treat.

Now I can go to 5, so whilst I usually say to be flexible if you really are hungry, if you are prone to binging, I'd say to be hard with yourself and just "go cold turkey" until the adaption phase is over.
Re: so ashamed
20 Jul 2013, 21:58
Hi. Reading your post made me really sad. I wanted to cry with you. I hope that you will be able to gain control on your life soon. I think that in order to gain some control it is important to change your eating habits in feed days and to eat food that will make you more satisfied and will stop the uncontrollable cravings. Aim for complex carbs like whole wheat bread, brown rice etc instead of the refined carbs and try to eliminate simple sugars which means no cakes, biscuits etc... At least remove these things from your home and if you really need them occasionally you can eat them out. Fill your fridge with fruits, veggies and lean proteins- turkey breast, low fat cheeses etc...and last, perhaps seek some proffesional help that might help you overcome the vicious cycle of emotional eating. Good luck and remember that you made an important first step in recognizing your problem.
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 02:00
Shoobie hang in there you can do this but it will mean changing your attitude re what you eat on your feed days and knowing what really aren't good foods for you to have in the house.

Slow and steady will win this race for you as you originally wrote for your daughters and in memory of your dad. If its any help I really had to learn where the calories were when I started 5:2. In all the 5:2 recipes in the books, here on the forum there are lots of lovely recipes. I have also been chucking out all my saved recipes as on reflection most were horrifically calorie laden. As a society we have become used to thinking high calorie food is the norm. As lots of people here have written in other posts 'eat what you like on feed days' is actually misguiding. That being said there is lots of lovely healthy tasty food we can still eat and not feel deprived

Hugs and all the best and lots of support here for you
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 04:02
All of these wonderful responses are people out here pulling for you! How awesome is that!? I can add nothing to what has been said but say there is someone else across the big pond who was where you are but you are going forward! Don't look back! :victory:
Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 07:32
Hi Shoobie1, what leapt out at me from your post was "I must have all the nice food". I'm wondering what this 'nice food' is! And more particularly, whether it's really 'food' at all, or just overprocessed and/or sugar-laden junk.

I think that dieting or (intermittent) fasting isn't going to work for weight loss unless one has a good relationship with food. Just because one can eat something, and it tastes nice, doesn't make it 'food'. If you're struggling, one way forward might be to start modifying what passes your lips - start, say, by eating an apple and a chunk of well-chewed carrot half an hour before every meal to fill you up a bit and take the edge off your appetite. Then move onto cutting down the carbs at breakfast, deferring breakfast, bringing nuts and seeds into your diet - yes, they are fatty and calorific, but the fat is 'good' fat, they satiate your appetite well, and are not addictive like sugar and white bread. When you feel that you have a better balance in what you eat is the time to move on to fasting.

Reading between the lines of your post, I get the feeling that you are finding yourself in the grip of some sort of dynamic that you have 'earned the right' to eat 'nice' (so-called!) food as quid pro quo for going without on your fast days, and/or that you feel deprived of 'nice' things in your life generally. Perhaps think about taking up meditation and/or journaling, they can help with gleaning some insight into oneself?

Re: so ashamed
21 Jul 2013, 09:04
Just wanted to add my voice in support. So many of us have been /are in the emotional place you seem to be in, Shoobie. I know I really struggle sometimes, get frustrated, hate myself for lack of will-power, lack of discipline, how I look. And then eventually I pick myself up, dust myself down and start again.

Please don't beat yourself up. Please be nice to you. As the ad says, we're worth it :smile: And tomorrow's a new day!
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