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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi, I'm new to all this, fasted for the first time yesterday. :)

What I'm not sure about is what weight to aim at. Although I am officially "overweight" frankly I am more interested in the other health benefits than in what size jeans I buy.

Obviously everyone is different but I was thinking about whether I should be aiming at the middle of the 'healthy weight' guidelines for my height (about 2 1/2 stone to lose), or for the lower end of 'healthy weight'.

If I went any lower than middle I'd be lighter than I've been since I was a fairly slim 18 year old, and I'm now 50!

Thanks, Jackie
Hi Jackie

Welcome to the forum!

Really your target weight should be whatever weight you feel you look and feel at your best within the healthy weight category. I would have thought middle sounds reasonable but of course it depends on your build a bit.

Hope you enjoy the forum and good luck with this new way of living!
I chatted with the nurse who was doing my BP about this as I said I was on a diet and got a lecture about "eat less, move more". I told her that if I got to 9st whatever that is right for my height, then I would look very ill. She said she was technically a stone overweight but she was supposed to be 7st for her height but she was happy at 8 stone, as she felt she looked good and felt well.

I think stand in front of a mirror and shake, if it wobbles too much, there's a way to go. If your ribs jut out, eat!

My SiL overdid the Lighter Life and even my very slow to comment FiL said she looked gaunt. The one thing I'm going to aim for is the healthy waist measurement as that's a better guide for health than a number on a scale with no regard to the fat/muscle composition of the person.
That's interesting. A friend of mine did one of the meal replacement diets and I thought she got too thin. I have measured my waist as well so I can track how they both do.

I just had a look at the BMI calculator I am using and according to that you have to be less than 5' 1" to be a 'healthy' weight at 7 stone, and even then you are right at the low end of healthy. Maybe she was using a rather mean chart!
I am aiming for just under 25 BMI that puts me into the top end of healthy weight. For my height of 5ft 3inches that is 10 stone & I will reassess that & see how I look then as well as jumping up & down in front of the mirror to see what is left to wobble! Only 5 stone to go! I will try not to get down about this & believe that by Christmas this year I will have got there.
So keeping to my fast today ;)
I'm also 5ft 3 but aiming for 11.5/12 stone as I think that'll be thin enough for me. I'll see what my waist measurement is then, also by Christmas.

It's very achievable, I think, which isn't something I'd have believed a month ago.

Anyway, off to give Crossfit a go! :D
I too am aiming for 11 stone, I am hoping to be there by Christmas too. This is my very last attempt at shedding these lbs. No more babies and I am ready to look after myself for a change. I have 64lbs to lose. This makes me sad but also good that I can now admit that and get on the road to doing something about it.
I lost 2 1/2 stone on Lighter Life, didnt get to my target weight, I just couldn't handle the way my life was only consuming 500cals in shakes for 3 months.

BUT I am only 4 days in, 2 fast days done easily. You never know I might reach 11 stone and want to shift that little bit extra.....a girl can dream eh!

Good Luck Guys. x
You can do it. Much easier than LL. You can be very creative with 5/600 cals. Not boring like meal replacements.
Good luck BettyB4, keep positive and you will get there. One thing I have noticed about myself is that I have not broken any of my fast days, cos one day of reduced calories is so easy when you know the next day you can eat normally. I am pretty sure reading the forums that others are finding it easy too for the same reason, you don't see many people saying they have failed on their fast days. Keep an eye on your feast days and make sure you stay under your TDEE and you certainly will lose weight. You could also try fasting for 3 days, that should give you a faster weight loss, maybe just initially to give yourself a boost, then go back to two, or do a combination of the two, one week 3 days, the next 2. You can do whatever suits you and works with your lifestyle.
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