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Struggling today!!
08 Feb 2013, 13:13
Hi everyone

Started 5:2 last week (did 2 consecutive days and spread my 500 calories out over the day) however, this week I am doing 3 fasts (Monday, Wednesday and today) and only eating at dinner time.

On Monday and Wednesday I felt it was such a breeze and didn't really feel too hungry at all - but I am REALLY struggling today.

I am trying to keep busy so have been out for a walk, done the housework and some pilates BUT all the time I am feeling hungry, despite having had 2 teas, 2 coffees and now on my second herbie tea!! I am going to have to bring out the big guns soon and have a Bovril!!!

On a more positive side though :D , I had to keep pulling up my trackies whilst doing my pilates!!! Scales are still in the Garden Shed, so tempted to jump on them to see if I've lost weight - but I shall refrain from that - for now!!!

Roll on 6.00 p.m. for my Quorn Spag Bol !!!

Normal service will be resumed next week (one hopes), and only going to be doing 2 fasts (Tuesday and Thursday).

Hope everyone is getting on ok today!
Re: Struggling today!!
08 Feb 2013, 13:15
I found yesterday hard for no apparent reason and wanted to give up last night and this morning. Just done a fitness class and much lighter on my feet, so happier now!
Re: Struggling today!!
08 Feb 2013, 13:46
Thanks BBT - I guess there will be days like this, where it feels harder - I just keep thinking I can have my treats tomorrow!!! And, there's only just over 4 hours to go when I will eat!
Re: Struggling today!!
08 Feb 2013, 13:53
I'm finding today a bit of a struggle too. This is my 6th fast and have generally found this week more difficult - must be the time of the month!
Re: Struggling today!!
08 Feb 2013, 14:26
I have a vague impression that on the weeks I find fasting hard I lose more hard evidence though as I haven't been noting down the fasts that were harder than average. Anyone else found this?
Re: Struggling today!!
08 Feb 2013, 16:31
Chris P wrote: I'm finding today a bit of a struggle too. This is my 6th fast and have generally found this week more difficult - must be the time of the month!

I know what you mean. I fasted yesterday and it was the first day of my monthly and it felt pretty tough. Must say though, that I wasn't as bloated as I normally would be just the period weight rather than loads of food in my tummy too! The hard days are worth it when the scales drop!
Re: Struggling today!!
08 Feb 2013, 17:00
I think I might agree with you. I don't lose weight linearly, I stay the same or go up and then drop a couple of pounds. This week has been a struggle and I'll be interested to see if I've lost weight.

I also think it really matters what and how much you eat on feed days. Not got that right yet.
Re: Struggling today!!
08 Feb 2013, 17:22
I'm also struggling today and I'm tired which definitely doesn't help. I had a very physical day yesterday and a disturbed night and I'm shattered today.

I've had a bowl of vegetable soup and some grapes. I can't wait for my stuffed peppers later.

It's very cold here as well and I wonder if that is also not helping.

I very nearly had a couple of slices of toast at 3pm but now I'm really glad that I didn't give in.
Re: Struggling today!!
08 Feb 2013, 17:59
Made it!!

Haven't given in, so now off to enjoy that Spag Bol and some fruit after - it'd better be worth it!! Well done everyone! And talking of 'totm' 50 Bloody 4, and still having them - and it happened today again, for no reason, not due for another 2 weeks! Who'd be a woman?????
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