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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi everyone,

I started 5:2 about 3 weeks ago having seen Mimis article in The Mail. I'd never heard of it before :roll: Since then I've been a major convert, reading up about it, buying the book and generally boring the pants off anyone who will listen!

I'm lucky that I've never been particularly overweight but I has a hysterectomy 6 years ago when I was 42 due to ovarian cancer so was dropped unceremoniously into surgical menopause :shock: What an eye opener that was! That aside I have steadily put on weight (almost a stone) in 6 years and finally want to do something about it. 5:2 seems ideal for me as I'm new to dieting and can't be bothered with anything complicated and fussy.

So, what's the problem?

I've done 7 fasts now and am surprised at how easy they have been but I've only lost 1.5lbs :| Is this normal? I've been reading some wonderful and inspirational stories on this forum so am feeling a bit disappointed. I was wondering if there were other people on here who only need to lose a few pounds and what their weight loss was like.

Obviously with my medical history I hope to keep this up for the long haul for all the health benefits so maybe I just need to keep off those scales :lol:

Thanks for reading, and thanks for a great forum
Hi Daisy,

I have just under a stone to lose. On the first of Feb. I switched from ADF to 5:2, because after 6 wks. I was only averaging .5 lbs. loss a week. I'm still peri-menopausal, but convinced that the closer we are to a healthy weight and BMI, the more resistant our body is willing to release those last few vanity pounds for the sake of survival. It may be best for us both to just keep off those scales, while keeping on keeping on with this WOE or WONE. I'm with you on hoping to also reap all the other long term, positive health benefits in the process.

Best wishes on your continued progress!
I only want to lose around 9lbs. So far I've lost around 4lbs in 2 weeks, fasting 2 days a week and sticking to the 500 calories. I haven't gone mad on the 'feast' days, not calorie counting, but my appetite has reduced so I'm eating smaller portions.
Good luck to you both!
Well done Franglaise, that's an excellent start, I'm very envious.
Hi Slimnana, I didn't lose any weight last week and I did 4:3 to try to kick start it all. I have been enjoying doing something positive about my weight and health though. I hope to reach my goal weight by the summer, in time for my holiday and dragging the bikinis out of hiding!
I may try 4:3 again myself, if I stall for more than a week. We need to just take it one day at a time, while trusting in the process of this WOE, and we'll be sure to reach our goal weight by this summer.

Hope we can stay in touch over the upcoming months. ~ Ann
Thanks Ann for the encouragement.
Sorry to have to ask, but what do you mean by WOE!!

WOE - stands for way of eating. WONE - I made up for way of not eating. Also you may see WOL - for way of life. HTH - hope that helps. ~ Ann
Ha ha, thanks Ann, must keep up!,
My goal is to lose about a stone, lost 5 pounds first week doing 3 days fasting in first week, then lost nothing second week and will weigh in tomorrow, but have just spent the weekend away with friends indulging in lots of booze, curries and meals out and know I will have put on weight so really it wont be a totally accurate weigh in tomorrow cos I have been over eating this weekend. I think I lose weight quicker when I do lots of exercise. I do yoga, zumba and badminton once a week plus I am also doing the 4 minute vigorous exercise regime where you run, cycle etc as fast as you can for a limited time and I do that about 5 days a week and I think this really helps shift the weight. Keep going and good luck.
Well done Tinky, 5lb in the first week, that's great! As for having a blow out this weekend, I think that's the beauty of this diet, you just get back to the fasting the next day and try not to feel too guilty! I wish I could get into exercise but I've never done much, even in my youth. We have no end of exercise machines in the house as a couple of my sons are into their sport - no excuse really. Walking the dog is about it.
Fast day for me tomorrow, I'm actually looking forward to it. I'm hoping to eat nothing til the evening and hopefully lose some weight this week. Good luck next week.
To go back to the question in your original posting, Daisy Dawg, since you start with a healthy BMI your rate of weight loss is going to be less than others. 0.4 lbs per week appears to be normal for a healthy BMI, so you are doing okay and you will see results as you continue...
Thank you so much Dominic! I realise that I' m not going to lose a huge amount of weight in a short time but it has still been discouraging. If you say that .5 lb is about the norm then that is more encouraging. I'm mainly hoping that this regime will benefits my health and hope to carry on long tem. I actually enjoy the fasting, although its only been 3 weeks! Even in this short amount of time I have noticed a difference in my attitude to food and hunger. I snack less as I now realise its not hunger but habit or boredom that's making me reach for the biscuit tin! It is certainly an education.
I'm still toying with what I want my goal weight to be, but I reckon I've got another 6lbs to lose before I hit my (initial?) target weight. Going to see what I look like at 10 stone and then maybe see what I look like a bit lighter than that!

My weight loss seems to have been fairly steady since I started a month ago - 1-2lbs on average a week. Be interesting to see how that drops off a bit now.
Daisy Dawg wrote: Hi everyone,

I started 5:2 about 3 weeks ago having seen Mimis article in The Mail. I'd never heard of it before :roll: Since then I've been a major convert, reading up about it, buying the book and generally boring the pants off anyone who will listen!

I'm lucky that I've never been particularly overweight but I has a hysterectomy 6 years ago when I was 42 due to ovarian cancer so was dropped unceremoniously into surgical menopause :shock: What an eye opener that was! That aside I have steadily put on weight (almost a stone) in 6 years and finally want to do something about it. 5:2 seems ideal for me as I'm new to dieting and can't be bothered with anything complicated and fussy.

So, what's the problem?

I've done 7 fasts now and am surprised at how easy they have been but I've only lost 1.5lbs :| Is this normal? I've been reading some wonderful and inspirational stories on this forum so am feeling a bit disappointed. I was wondering if there were other people on here who only need to lose a few pounds and what their weight loss was like.

Obviously with my medical history I hope to keep this up for the long haul for all the health benefits so maybe I just need to keep off those scales :lol:

Thanks for reading, and thanks for a great forum

Hi Daisy, I too had a hysterectomy 5 years ago, plunged straight into major menopause (Good grief!!) I'm taking a minimum dose of HRT. I'd never had excess weight but since the hysterectomy I have 10lb sitting on my tum YEUK so it's that weight that needs to go! every week I lose 2lb on the 5:2 but it goes back on grrrrrr Not cheating & don't understand but I'm not giving up (yet)
Hi Violet

Have you tried measuring your waist? The first couple of weeks I was finding my weight was a little up and down or not moving at all but I was convinced I looked slimmer around my waist (even my husband thought so and he's not very observant where my weight is concerned!). Yesterday I found I'd lost an inch from my waist and that gave me a real boost. Like you the menopause has meant all my weight gain is around my waist leading to the dreaded "muffin top".
Don't give up yet Violet, in a few more weeks I'm sure you will really notice a difference.
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