I am feeling really awful this morning. Bad headache and dizzy (touch of nausea but I think the headache might be early migraine). Having read the negative side-effects thread I suspect this is due to me having to get up early in the morning (I get up 5.30 am weekdays so that I can get into work before traffic makes the journey horrible) and cycling. I ate breakfast as normal but found it difficult to get out of bed this morning.
Does anyone else get similar symptoms? Any advice about how what I can do to feel better?
How do you feel the day after a fast? I didn't want to eat this morning but made myself have some toast, apple and a bit of cheese (my usual breakfast). I struggled with the cycling this morning (only 40 mins but the last part is a long hill) and am wondering if I have depleted my blood sugar levels.
Does anyone else get similar symptoms? Any advice about how what I can do to feel better?
How do you feel the day after a fast? I didn't want to eat this morning but made myself have some toast, apple and a bit of cheese (my usual breakfast). I struggled with the cycling this morning (only 40 mins but the last part is a long hill) and am wondering if I have depleted my blood sugar levels.