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trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 02:49
I'm trying real hard today, if today goes well, I have done a mon/thurs fast and have not since 22nd Dec last year.

I am sensing thoughts of caving in and its only 1.40 pm. I am finding reasons to eat and I dont want to, so I'm fighting with myself, sounds funny :smile:

I think if I succeed I will ease very slowly as I am fragile with it and will attempt a mon/thurs every fortnight and the other week I will go at 800cal along with the mon 500 cal.

If I get too hungry I will eat the bag of spinach and wild rocket then later my trusty can of chunky of soup.

I am struggling to find that passion I had last year. I do go a bit silly on feed days with justifying I can eat this, I was so hungry yesterday etc. but I hit major plateau last year for a lot of months and subconsciously I thought I was fine, but I think it contributed to me feeling why do this? Oh shoot, I dont know what I want. :?: and then I would eat all manner of yummy foods a lot. :?: and common sense just didn't come into the picture.

Thanks for reading this :like:
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 04:03
Come on Zamale. Get a few under your belt and you might get your groove back. Remember how great you feel the day after too :heart:
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 04:17
@zamale it's 3.15 now, how are you going? You can do it!! I can do the fast days but the others, well their obviously not very good or else my scales are wrong about the horrid gain I've had.
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 08:05
@Zamale oh dear, oh dear, you are in a bad way, I'm sorry I have no magic wand or I'd bash you round the head with it :shock: Seriously, you are not in a good place and perhaps reading through the forum again might help inspire you to get your mojo back. I think we all go through these things, you just need to accept how you feel, don't deny it, it won't go away, face up to it squarely and that might help you find some resolve. Good luck, hope things change soon for you

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 09:03
Hope you get thorugh the day and meet your goal. It sounds very sensible and doable.
Hang in there girl! We're rooting for you ... and it would be good if the wet fish wasn;t needed ;)
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 11:57
Hi zamale, sorry to hear that you are having a tough time. :(

Not sure if it is an ok thing to do to refer you to other websites, but I read about this approach (using CBT to help with dieting) in someone else's posts, and think that the daily tips they give could be useful for you. Many of the tips align with things that this forum's experienced contributors say.

Best wishes for getting back on track. :)
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 12:05
Hope it'sgoing well for you today zamale x you' ll feel great if you complete yr second fast of the week!
We all get those times when it just inexplicably gets harder and we go into a downward spiral
If you really can't manage the fasts right now,go with eating up to or a little below yr TDEE.
That way you won't put weight on and may lose a little,so when you get yr mojo back,you wont have done any damage weightwise x
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 12:11
Hi, @Zamale. I hope that your day is going well. You are not alone in finding it difficult to rediscover your original enthusiasm but stick with it and I'm sure that it will become easier again. Let us know how your day has turned out as we are all behind you and would like to know the outcome. ( Some of us are just too nosey!) :smile:
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 17:08
Sometimes easing yourself into 'it' just doesn't work...sometimes you just have to jump in and go for it. It's really easy to let things slide and then it's hard to get back on track with the habit of fasting. Christmas nearly had this effect on me. You might not be an all or nothing girl, and that's good if you can ease yourself back into this WOE, but maybe you should just go for it again. Find whatever it is that will keep you from eating too much or thinking about food and go for it! Remember the more often you eat during the day the hungrier you'll become.
I hope you succeed @zamale. :clover:
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 19:55
Well how did it go Zee? X :clover:
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 20:34
Come on Zamale...don't give up! I was like you after Christmas...but then I found the every other day fast...haven't looked back. Xx

Bean :starving:
Re: trying real hard
03 Apr 2014, 23:04
Dig deep Zamale, read your post back to yourself. I agree with Auriga, you know you can do this, but you sound like you are sitting on the edge. Dive in and do it - focus ... join us.

As bean says, don't give up.

We are cheering you on.

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Re: trying real hard
05 Apr 2014, 07:53
I've tried a few times to get on the computer and husband is addicted to view bug and can sit at it nearly all day.

I'd like to say I did it yesterday I completed the fast and thank you so very much all of you.

I tried to make a post tagging all the lovely ladies and couldn't tag properly and really didn't want to miss anyone and then got busy with family stuff.

So I have to say, I am on a lot of forums.' Wrong planet,' calorie King Australia,' and 'Out of the fog' among a few others and this by absolute far is the best for real support.

I've never had so much support as here.

This board is the best by far, many gold medals. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

I know I CAN do the second fast of the week.

Thanks lovely ladies
Re: trying real hard
05 Apr 2014, 08:26
Good to see you back Zamale - you've been missed. Congratulations on getting back into it. Sometimes, as has been already said, jumping in with both feet is best - but however you've got back - well done you!
Re: trying real hard
05 Apr 2014, 08:32
We knew you could do it! X huge congratulations!
You're a star! ~ x
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