Well, this is a turn up for the books, my waist is SLOWLY getting smaller but my weight is not changing. The change is not earth shattering but when I got to my goal weight it was 28.5" and I was resigned to it never getting smaller. I did lose more weight, not deliberately, and have now been stable for over a year with a 28" waist. Over the last couple of months it has gradually dropped to 27.5" and some days it has even started out at the, for me, minuscule 27" that I was desperate to attain. I wondered if the gradual reduction in carbs might have accounted for it but that would not explain the carb fest I indulged in recently. When in Rome, do as the Romans do and I certainly did, pasta every night with bread, wine, beer, Baileys etc a positive 7 day smorgasbord of carbs and I measured in at the magic 27" on my return. So, friends, Romans, countrymen, sorry, lapsed there a bit, what does the team think has caused this reduction? Answers please on the back of a postcard to............
Ballerina x
Ballerina x