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Weekends Binges? Lets change it
11 Oct 2013, 14:07
Just been messing around the forum and I notice quite a number of you are very like me - weekends are a disaster. I have a very active social life and quite often my weekends are 2500 cals due to takeaways etc. Has anyone successfully stopped this? I am a fiend for a takeaway - I'm in the legal field of pharmaceuticals and my job is very VERY stressful and there is nothing I look forward to more than vino and takeaway - also coz I've no interest in cooking??

What do others think? DO you blow out? Did you used to and stop? I'm a sucker for Thai food, chinese and chipper (UK&Ireland will know this) - good substitutes anyone?
Maybe a shot at 16.8 at the weekends might be helpful to you. I also have a takeaway night with the necessary wine. But that's just once a week.
Hi mousey
I allow up to 2000 cals on a Sat..
We have to have some leeway and saturday just feels like relax day to me
even now that i am retired and really Sat is now no different to a weekday
Maybe just keep nearer 2000 than 2500? Or let yrself have the 2500 and enjoy it!
After all it mixes things up and keeps yr body guessing! Your job is stressful so you do deserve the saturday treats! Maybe be more restrained on a sunday?
My weekends tend to be a bit more indulgent than they should of late - always seems to be one excuse or another - some social occasion, something to celebrate or just the fact that hubby is munching loads and I end up tucking in too. I suspect this is in no small part responsible for my recently slow weight loss. At least I know I can enjoy eating like this and maintain, but I do need to eat a bit better at weekends if I want to shift these last 8-10lbs!

We still have takeaway fairly regularly (maybe not quite once a week, but at least every fortnight) and I don't seem to be able to manage as much as I used to. My trick with a chippie is to always have the chicken as I don't like fish (besides, the batter's so calorific) and the sausages are stupid calories. So, chicken and chips & I cook up some peas at home to have with it, filling me up faster so sometimes I'll leave some chips. If I know I'm having a takeaway I try to eat a bit less in the day - well, mostly. Not always.

I've taken to making my own curries which I find (not to blow my own trumpet) I enjoy more than the local curries these days - I think they've started to use MSG or something, which seems to react with me. It never used to, but in the last few years I've really noticed a reaction to it in Chinese food, maybe they're putting more in. My curries are based on a restaurant recipe as I have a Bangladeshi friend who used to have a local Indian restaurant.

My main problem I think is not picking just a day or two at the weekend to overindulge. I usually intend to be 'good' on Sunday with a nice healthy roast, but don't always manage it. Sometimes I make Saturday a sort of half fast if I can do so around our other plans.

Anyway, yes, weekends aren't my best time food wise. I try to cut back in the week to balance them out, but that's about all I'm managing lately, breaking even calorie-wise.

You say you've no interest in cooking, have you looked to see what home cooked food you can buy in rather than a takeaway? Bound to be lower cal! I know we have one of these near us:
and although more expensive than normal 'ready meals' they're not full of additives etc and are cheaper than takeaway as well as healthier.
Friday nights. Oh yeah :like:
We have ready made curry, wine and sweets. I 16:8 every non fasting day, including weekends.
I have cut back at bit but actually I enjoy them even more (and look forward to them) given I know this WOE is working. So I'm probably down to once a fortnight. Its not always at weekends as sometimes I might be away on business or out with mates mid-week and kick back then. I do think it is important to have a bit of a blow out once in a while. Last Sunday was a bust for me, but this weekend I only have one family lunch and I will probably be sensible. So that probably makes me a moderate binger, but when I go for it, I go for it :grin:
We thought we'd treat ourselves, so had a Chinese takeaway with wine last night and really wish I hadn't bothered! It wasn't very good and I'm now a kilo heavier, even though cals for the day weren't too high. I guess it'll be the salt causing it. :razz: :bugeyes:

I'm with you @rawkaren - I don't worry about the occasional feast/binge, as long as it doesn't lead to a slippery slope I'll be fine! And surely that is what normal eating is... a generally healthy diet, occasional treats (if they're regular, then they lose the feeling of being treats), occasional 'feasts' (binge to some people). And for me... two days a week of eating around 400/500 cals. (Moving to only one day for maintenance).
Have a lovely weekend everyone, I'm out for a breakfast fry up with friends in a bit! :grin:
Pardon my ignorance, but what is 16:8?
Move to rural France like me, no takeaways! Plenty of wine though!

Only eat for 8 hours each day, fast for 16
Some people don't eat for 16hrs, only eating in an eight hour 'window'. Generally that simply means not eating breakfast.
Hehe, we live in rural Wales, so a takeaway means a minimum six mile drive to the nearest one with an insulated box . That meant it was even more annoying that it wasn't good food! Wasted petrol!
We can beat that Golarne, 45 mins to the nearest decent takeaway, so we never have them these days. Better than good old Gloucester with six Indian takeaways within a ten minute walk!
If I am going to have a big meal/weekend, I tend to skip a meal now, usually brekkie. Our weekend indulgence is home made pizza and a bottle of red on a Sat night!
We use to have a chinese takeaway every couple of weeks/once a month. But now we hardly ever have one, like Moogie I make my own curry, for one you know what's gone in it and two it tastes better! (hubbies opinion).
I don't drink alcohol any longer mainly because of health, medication and the awful after effects! :bugeyes: I do a lot of home cooking and we rarely have processed foods, I've found that you can taste the chemicals (or is that my imagination) :?:
I am lacksey daisy on weekends though because you have to have something to look forward to :razz: :heart: :clover:
A few folk find that as they tend to get up later at weekends they take the opportunity to do16/8 and I think that can work. Let's face it, just skip breakfast :starving: and save your calories for a pleasant evening. Just cutting out that one meal should make quite a difference and you can still have your takeaway at night, worth a try? :?: :smile:

Ballerina x :heart:
My weekend binge started last night. On holiday in Paris. Swerved the carbs but cancelled out by the wine :shock: hope to walk it off today!
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