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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Howdy! Just a quick question but vital to this whole WOL!

My goal weight is 9:7. This is a weight that I haven't seen on my scales since my early twenties (some twenty years ago :( ) With all the different diets I've tried I've never achieved this. I suppose my question is how many of you have managed to reach a weight ( using this method) that you haven't seen for years? Is it really possible? :bugeyes:
hi there nursebean!!

well when i started back in july i weighed 9st 13 and a half, now i am 9.5 so yes i would say its defo possible lol!! i never feel restricted or like i am on a diet, it just feels so natural now...its great wol and i wish id found it sooner! i am hoping to get to 8st and something, then i'll only do one day fasting.. but we'll see!!
you will get there!! :-)
I have, I have been over 20 stone 280lbs for nearly 20 years. The lowest weight I have achieved in that time is 253lbs briefly for 4 months. I started this at 281 and am now at 241, the lowest for, as said, nearly 20 years. It has been the easiest weight loss regime I have ever tried and I have tried them ALL. I still have a long way to go, but when you consider that I now have a new wardrobe of clothes and am having to buy new shoes because even my feet have shrunk, its achievable.

My biggest bit of advice is to accept that yes, you can eat whatever you want on feed days, butter, cream, whatever. BUT, you CAN'T eat as MUCH as you want. So have that chunk of baguette and butter with your soup, just don't have the whole baguette and half a pound of butter.
Yes it is!
I ummed and aahed over target weight setting, debating between my comfy weight in my 20s (I'm 48 now) and my favourite, not so often achieved weight in my 20s, and went for the favourite weight in the end. And now I'm half a pound away...
I'll post when I get there. Note I say when, not if!
:heart: hearyt: Hi nursy :heart: :heart:
Well yes i'm already at a weight I've never seen for at least 15yrs and I know I will make it to my goal because this WOL is so different and totaly sustainable for the longterm future well for me deffo :heart: :heart: I've still a very lo g way to go but this is not a race but if it was I'm winning :heart: :heart: :heart:
:clover: Good Luck in seeing your lowest numbers. Sue :clover:
Yep, I'm now below the target weight I set back in 2003 when I did the Atkins diet (and failed to reach target), so I reckon I'm back to my weight of about 20 years ago. I'm still losing and aiming to reach a weight I haven't seen for 30 years! I'm sure it's possible for you too!
Yes nursebean, it really is. I only started this WOL Aug18 and have already got to a level I never achieved on 5 years of Weight Watchers. The last time I was lower was 1999 when I was training for a 10K. (Not running now because of an injury 3 years ago)

In my 20's I had success on WW and got to the upper 130's which I maintained to my early 40's when I quit smoking and went into early menopause. 30 lbs. of fat arrived on my body seemingly overnight, followed by another 20 lb. over the next 10 years. I am now in my early 60's and despaired I would ever lose this weight. Believe me I have tried. Hundreds (thousands?) of dollars to WW, and dozens of diet books later I think I may have found the solution...5:2.

This has been the most do-able plan I have ever tried and I truly think I can maintain this for life.
I don't think I'll likely see the 130's again but hopefully the 140's. My goal is to be out of the overweight BMI range (<25).

I agree with Julieathome that you have to pay attention - be mindful on non-fast days and have whatever you want, just not as much as you want. I am tracking all calories and activity every day using a fitness band (the Jawbone Up band) and find it invaluable to keep me on track.

Keep going everyone and good luck :clover: I'm a believer!
YES!!! It IS possible Nursebean :like: .. I am very close to target now... My weight now is 72,6 kilo , which I have not seen since I was 25 years old :like: ... now I am 54 (soon 55 :razz: )

Good luck to you. I am sure you can do it too :clover:

Pia :heart:
What wonderful positive messages. That's really given me a boost. I've only been (bean) on this a short time and just can't get over how easy it is so far. And yes, I too have tried WW and Slimming World and Atkins and Dukan and...and...etc. This WOE is just so easy in comparison. So maybe, just maybe 9stone lbs won't be that far away...

Thank you all again. I really appreciate your messages.
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