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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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So I'm getting close to the longest I've been able to keep up with the Fast diet--3 weeks done, starting my 4th week now--and have lost 10 lbs (4.5 kg) so far. That represents a bit more than 25% of my goal weight loss. I'm feeling the benefits already and my clothes are already fitting better, but I'm just curious when all of you started to get comments from others (particularly those who aren't aware you're doing the FD).

I am using that as a kind of personal milestone as it's so encouraging when others notice you are looking healthier/thinner. I'm trying to use as many motivators (internal and external) as possible to keep on track!
Doing well there Lad.
I think it's when you need to hoik up your trousers all the time people notice. Or when you buy new clothes which show the leaner body underneath. I'm able to confidently put a tight shorter dress on now.
Unfortunatly many people who I work with don't see the new me as i wear a white coat over my clothes. :confused:
I think people started to notice that I had lost weight when I had slimmed down one dress size, and then more people noticed when my face got thinner. Ignore the people who might say that you are too thin, it's because they don't like you to look any different but they will soon get used to the new you.
You will also notice that you are walking taller and have more confidence - an inner glow!
Enjoy it! :wink: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Never. Seriously. Down 60lbs and not one comment. I always say DH only knows because he records our weekly weigh-ins. :)

The upside is that I didn't have that level of positive comment or 'attagirl' to lose when I went into maintenance and I know that some maintainers miss the stream of positive comments and support once people stop commenting on it or do so less frequently. I didn't have it, so didn't lose it, IYSWIM.
The first comments came from my OH pretty quickly, the first week in fact. To be fair, he's the one who sees me naked so it was easier for him to notice these things :grin:
After that, the comments came when I lost my face fat and when I began to dress size apopriate instead of hidding behind clothes 2 sizes too big...

@SSureI am shocked that nobody noticed your weight loss :shock:
I am on maintenance for a year now and people are still noticing as my body is still changing (the skin is slowly catching up for ex) but I think they are noticing the fact that I change as a person maybe more than the changes in the body
My partner was the first to comment after about three months. I'd lost around a stone by then. He then decided to try 5:2 himself and has gone on to lose nearly three stone. I started to get comments from other people after I'd dropped around two stone I think, so five or six months in. It took my Mum a year to comment, bless her. I was beginning to wonder if she'd ever notice but she has dementia so I had to take that into account. Now she mentions my weightloss everytime I see her!
I am pondering this. My weight has been yo yo ing for years and I have noticed in the past that when I see someone I haven't seen for a few years, they would often comment that I had lost weight, even if I had put weight on in that time. I concluded that people had me pictured as chubbier than I was. So THIS time around I have lost 8/9 kg, not a lot. In terms of people noticing, well the ones I know well have commented that I am 'very skinny' (I don't THINK I am, size 10 not size 0, but being older my face is quite gaunt), others have either said nothing (maybe it's un PC to comment on weight?) And yesterday I had lunch with a former lover (who is very slim), who commented that I had lost a lot of weight (haven't seen him for 10 years and I'm probably 15kg lighter) and was I healthy, if so I looked good hmm not sure what to make of that? But my point us that I think people have a vision of how we look and also sometimes people don't think it's right to discuss someone's weight.
If I remember correctly I started getting comments after I'd lost over 10 KGS. When you're as big as I was a 10 KGS loss is probably hard to see.
I've lost nearly 3 stone (4 to go) and people are noticing - someone at my exercise class asked me the other day how much I'd lost and said that it was really noticeable and that my shape had changed - I was doubly impressed as it was a bloke - but he does stand behind me for 3 hours a week!
GMH wrote: who commented that I had lost a lot of weight (haven't seen him for 10 years and I'm probably 15kg lighter) and was I healthy, if so I looked good hmm not sure what to make of that?

@GMH, on other forums, it's not unusual for people to report similar comments. It seems that over a certain age, people start worrying that weight loss is a sign of cancer. So, if the weight loss is intentional, people think the faster looks great - otherwise, they fret that it's an indicator for something serious.

So, my reading of your exchange would be that in the opinion of your chum - you look good. :)
SSure wrote: Never. Seriously. Down 60lbs and not one comment. I always say DH only knows because he records our weekly weigh-ins. :)

The upside is that I didn't have that level of positive comment or 'attagirl' to lose when I went into maintenance and I know that some maintainers miss the stream of positive comments and support once people stop commenting on it or do so less frequently. I didn't have it, so didn't lose it, IYSWIM.

Surely they've noticed and just worry it's impolite to comment?

I'm lucky that I have a few friends who comment positively even on my maintenance. I'm not sure I need it, but it's nice to get it.
Madcatlady wrote: I've lost nearly 3 stone (4 to go) and people are noticing - someone at my exercise class asked me the other day how much I'd lost and said that it was really noticeable and that my shape had changed - I was doubly impressed as it was a bloke - but he does stand behind me for 3 hours a week!

Lucky him!
(Sorry if I've offended anyone...)
MaryAnn wrote: Surely they've noticed and just worry it's impolite to comment?

Friends and Family are not noted for their reticence in being impolite - and they are about plenty else. :razz:

I would understand work colleagues being caught by that level of politeness but not others. Nonetheless, I was merely reporting my experience.

ETA: Another upside is that as the flip side of nobody commenting on the weight change, I've never had a remark such as, "You've lost too much," "You're looking gaunt," etc. that others have reported.
I've lost 4 and half stone and it took a long time for people to notice - at least 2 stones in. I work as a nurse in a GP surgery and now people ask me all the time how I've lost weight (which I don't really like tbh - I don't know them other than in a professional sense and it seems a bit personal to me but maybe I'm just weird). I don't comment on other people's appearance by and large whether for good or bad because they might see it as an intrusion - and if someone's lost/gained a lot of weight how do I know they've not been ill? I'm now getting the 'you can stop now' comments but I'll stop when I'm good and ready, thank you. :-)
Thanks for all of the responses, everyone. Very much appreciated. :smile: Really quite fascinating to see how the visual impact of weight loss impacts people differently... sad in a way that it took some people so long to notice. I appreciate the comments around how people view us versus how we actually are. I guess you can't ever control that, can you..

To be honest I hadn't even considered that some might consider it rude to comment on weight loss! I figured it was always more of a social faux pas to comment on weight gain, but I can appreciate how making the opposite comment can actually be quite hurtful as well.

After I posted this yesterday, I asked myself why I'd even asked it as on some level it's not as important as the health benefits we gain from necessary weight loss.. but I suppose my vain and self-conscious side is keen to see someone else notice as it will mean that the weight loss is actually happening and not just water loss!
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