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When do you weigh in?
05 Sep 2013, 16:35
I've been following this WOE for about 2 months now and am very pleased with the results. I fast on Monday and Thursday and weigh daily but only count the weight on Friday for my stats.
I've noticed though that on Saturday morning I've dropped again.
When do you weigh in?
Re: When do you weigh in?
05 Sep 2013, 16:38
I tend to weigh the morning after my 2nd fast - so usually a Friday. A lot of folks here apparently notice more of a drop the following day rather than the first day after a fast. I've yet to stop this, but Friday is often our more indulgent night of the weekend ;)
Re: When do you weigh in?
05 Sep 2013, 17:54
I weigh in on a Friday, I fast Mon/Wed/Fri and as I've fasted twice and eaten normally twice feel it's a 'fair' weigh in. Occasionally jump on the scales on a Thursday night to see how close I am to last weeks weight, I can usually lose 2 lb over night :wink:
Re: When do you weigh in?
05 Sep 2013, 18:00
I also weigh daily but my "official" weigh in is Monday morning. My plan was to fast Monday and Thursday but this is my third week and I have switched my days every week! So I rather have a specific day of the week when the 5:2 cycle is complete. Besides, there is little chance I would ever fast on a Sunday :wink:
Re: When do you weigh in?
05 Sep 2013, 19:00
Intervals vary, but I weigh by the date...the first of the month. Was doing every 3 months, might go to 2 months this time.
Re: When do you weigh in?
06 Sep 2013, 03:43
Weigh daily after toilet stop. And if thats delayed so is the weigh in and upload all weight ins on progress chart plus write them manually on the notice on my fridge. it has about 150 readings (5 months work) with notes between days to say if ive been feeding, fasting or something unusual happened to me like the week i was sick and ended up with the lowest weight ive seen for years.

Daily weighting means for me
- a good understanding of the cause and effect of eating too much on my feast days
- focuses me on this eating plan - when i reach for the ice cream after 10pm it stops me.
- encourages me as i consistently have significant weight losses after a fast
- i can boast to my family about my great achievements lol
Re: When do you weigh in?
06 Sep 2013, 06:32
Daily weighing as soon as I get up and tracking it on the Libra app. This gives me a trendline audio I don't worry about the ups and downs!
Re: When do you weigh in?
06 Sep 2013, 10:02
I weigh once a month at the beginning of the month. Always the same day, at the same time and in the same conditions. It's just to keep track a bit for me, I don't even have a scale at home so I do it at my parens' house.

I don't care how fast I lose as long as I feel good and I do feel great about my weight loss and have been losing 4 kgs a month since february.
Re: When do you weigh in?
07 Sep 2013, 06:53
I weigh in every Saturday morning. This is my lowest weight of the week. I fast Mon/wed/fri mostly. eat well tues/thurs and sat/sun free for all. This works well for me.
Re: When do you weigh in?
07 Sep 2013, 07:00
I fast on Monday and Thursday with weigh in on Tuesday after exercise; about 10:00am.
I track all my weight on Excel so the slight bumps aren't as nearly as noticeable when the general trend is downward.
Tuesday weigh ins (sometimes) keep me accountable over the weekends.
Re: When do you weigh in?
07 Sep 2013, 18:51
I'm with Juliana, weigh myself every morning and write the result down. Note fast days, "hungry" days, when I run or if I have a weak day and eat something like a bacon roll. I like numbers and statistics and watching my weight trends. It will help me immensely when I shift my final pounds and start maintaining too...
Re: When do you weigh in?
07 Sep 2013, 19:52
I record my weight every morning and have started recording bedtime weight, too, just for the fun of seeing 1.5 to 2 pounds come off overnight!

I need to keep a close watch on it if I don't want that 10 lbs, double chin and little pot belly to come back.
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