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When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 14:33
Sorry if this has already been discussed here, I couldn't find anything on it.
I'm new to the 5:2 diet, on my second week, and I was just curious when eveeryone weighs to track their progress? On fast days or feast days?
Fast days say that I've lost 3 lbs, but I know a lot of that is just from my stomach being empty. Feast days vary from 0-1 lb lost, but I eat really filling meals on my feast days, so I feel like a lot of that has to be from my stomach being full!
Which days are you guys using to track progress?
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 14:39
We weigh the day after our second fast of the week. We fast mostly Mon-Thurs so we weigh on Friday morning. This has worked well for us :grin:
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 15:12
Agree weigh in on Friday morning as soon as I get out of bed.
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 15:17
I'm actually a weigh every day kind of girl, always have been, even though no one recommends it.
I'm actually fasting three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
It's just crazy how much my weight fluctuates from fast to non fast days.
I feel like weighing less after a fast isn't fair, because it's not really fat loss, just less weight from my stomach having contents, but weighing after eating isn't really fair either!
I guess as long as both numbers are going down that's all that matters!
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 15:28
I tend to fast on Mondays and Wednesday/Thursday, and weigh myself on Wednesday morning.
If I've had to move a fast to Tuesday, I've also moved my weigh-in day to Thursday, so it is comparable.

But it's not cheating or anything to weigh after a fast day, after all most of us take our clothes, watches, earrings etc off before we weigh, and maybe even shave our legs!!

I could just have easily chosen to weigh after a fast day, it was just Wednesday was my usual weigh-in day before I started 5:2.
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 15:49
I see now you're an everyday girl!
Are you using the progress tracker on this site? It gives a trend line, so even if you fluctuate alot, you can see the overall direction.
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 15:53
TiffanyGirl wrote: Thanks!
I'm actually a weigh every day kind of girl, always have been, even though no one recommends it.
I'm actually fasting three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
It's just crazy how much my weight fluctuates from fast to non fast days.
I feel like weighing less after a fast isn't fair, because it's not really fat loss, just less weight from my stomach having contents, but weighing after eating isn't really fair either!
I guess as long as both numbers are going down that's all that matters!

I weigh daily. I've been bitten from only weighing weekly. I don't like surprises!
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 16:23
Hi and Welcome I'm also doing 4:3 so if my last fast of the week is Thursday I weigh-in Friday morn but if my last is on a Friday I weigh-in on Saturday morning :like: Good luck :clover: Sue
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 16:31
I figure weighing the morning after my 2nd fast is the most consistent, since I can't really account for variables in how much I ate the night before on a regular day. So that's my official weight for the week.

I do weigh myself nearly every day, as I find it keeps me honest and prevents overeating
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 16:35
I weigh every day too because I was putting too much store on the once a week weigh in and then getting disappointed so as long as I see a roughly downward trend then I'm happy. I admire the restraint of those on here who only weigh once a month or so and I wish I had their willpower! - I know what they say about weight fluctuating a lot so with this WOE it's not always the best way to see if you're losing, but I find it impossible not to weigh myself - I have a terrible fear if I didn't weigh for a month I'd suddenly find myself 10kg heavier!!
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 16:44
I weigh first thing in the morning after my second fast which is usually Saturday morning with fasting on Friday. However this week because my fasts were Tuesday & Thursday I will weigh one day early on Friday morning just after I get up & go to the loo!
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 16:48
I weight daily but only track (record) and pay much attention to my weekly weight the day after a fast (last fast of the week). I don't consider it cheating: (1) because what matters is week over week, not the number, and (2) I consider it more accurate since I do have LESS stuff in my gut, so I have less variability on my day after fast compared to my other days (if I eat carbs near bedtime I can weight 2lbs more the next am!)

For that matter, I usually don't record my weight: (1) the days of my cycle, (2) the day after my fast on my heavy exercise day (if my muscles are very sore), or (3) onset of migraine since all three can cause a substantial (up to 5lb) water retention. I still weigh myself and chuckle (sometimes it is my first warning of impending migraine), but it is just a reminder to myself not to get hung up on scales. ;)

If I recorded the weight I'd feel the need to make notes, etc, etc. Easier to just record data I know is "clean".
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 16:58
As you weigh daily, I would suggest you average the seven readings each week and watch the trend line created by the weekly averages.
Re: When to weigh?
15 Aug 2013, 17:39
I record my weight on Friday morning first thing after my second fast of the week. I also weigh daily or almost daily just to keep an eye. Last week I actually weighed 2lb less at the beginning of the week than I did at the end but I still recorded the higher weight. Hopefully I've sorted that this week. I think you do what ever makes you happiest :)
Re: When to weigh?
16 Aug 2013, 04:11
Wow, appears I'm the exception. I weigh on Monday morning, the morning of my first fast. So it is after the week-end when I should be the heaviest. I just like to think all week long, each and every day I am losing rather than possibly gaining.

Different strokes for different folks.
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