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Re: Which Day To Weigh?
10 Nov 2013, 14:32
nursebean wrote: Oh John, yes, I can see that the lovely downhill slope...but don't you find it a bit disheartening on days when it goes up a bit?

Yes, but I know that this is to be expected because with little or no food in my system after each fasting day, my weight is always going to be be artificially low then as the glycogen stores are also depleted then. That means that once I go into my next feeding day after that, my weight will then usually go up as my glycogen stores are replenished (most of that weight gain actually comes from the resulting increase in water).

Furthermore, I am also finding that I am more likely get a massive spike in my weight if I eat a lot of carbs. I love my carbs a lot, and it is difficult to cut down on something that I love. However, this kind of chart will show me exactly why I need to reduce my intake of carbs because on those feeding days where I don't eat as many carbs, I'm finding that my weight will either not go up by as much, or stay the same as what it was on the previous day.
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
10 Nov 2013, 14:37
nursebean wrote: Hmm after reading all your lovely replies, I think I'll try weighing on Fridays...the day after my second fast of the week. Thanks everyone for your input :-)

@rawkaren you must have a lovely collection of pictures of your ever decreasing tummy...great idea!!

I'm going to post them when I get to my interim goal :lol:
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
10 Nov 2013, 14:59
I look forward to it. It must be most encouraging :bugeyes:
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
10 Nov 2013, 23:04
I also looked at the trend line in Libra for my weight and looked at that extended out all the way to Christmas Day to see where my weight might end up then, if I continue with this WOL. Firstly, Libra is telling me that I am currently losing weight at an average rate of 0.5kg per week, which is just over a pound per week.

When I followed that trend line out to Christmas Day, it showed my weight to be 69.5kg by then, which is about 10 stone 13 pounds. There are currently about 6 and a half weeks to go until Christmas and my lowest weight so far came after my last fasting day, and that was 71.7kg (11 stone 4 pound). That means that if I were to lose a pound per week, it would only take another five weeks for me to record a weight of under 11 stone.

Furthermore, the current trend is based on what I am doing just now and so, this is something which could happen even if I don't make any further reductions in my carb intake and it may well be that reducing my carb intake actually speeds that weight loss up a bit further since my weight gains are much smaller when I eat less carbs.

Since I am planning to reduce my carb intake further anyway, there is actually a really good chance that I could actually end up recording a weight of 10 stone something at some point before Christmas. For me, that would be unprecedented. I can vaguely remember being 10 stone 7 pounds back in the early 1980s but since I am now quite a lot older than what I was back then, the chances of me getting to that sort of weight ever again was always seen as unrealistic based on the fact that the average BMI usually increases with age.

That seemed to become even more clear during this year when I wasn't able to get below 11 stone 10 pounds with nothing more than calorie counting. The end result of this was that I was then forced to spend most of this year maintaining a weight of a few pounds either side of 12 stone for the most part.

However, the 5:2 diet has now caused the weight loss to kick off again and with that, that weight of 10 stone something which could previously never be seen as a realistic target, might now become a possibility (although the chances of that actually happening are still fairly slim at this stage). That means that if I go by that alone, I have a lot to thank the 5:2 siet for.
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
17 Nov 2013, 15:45
This was a good question...I just started this and am hoping it will work for me (nothing else does...). I weigh daily so I noticed a nice drop the day after my fast....but I now weigh exactly the same 3 days after the fast as I did before the fast :( But I'm hoping an overall downward trend will occur as I do this over time...
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
17 Nov 2013, 16:54
From the beginning I decided to weight myself, once a week, every Saturday - just before the weekend :razz: Began for a couple of month to weigh daily, but it made me frustrated and stressed every time the weight went up, then down, then up.. so I went back to my weekly weigh in. :smile:

For me it is the best way, I stay focused all week, because I know that Saturday is my weighing day, and I want to see a result of a kind. :like:

About bigger weight loss when it comes to daily weight, I really don't know. I started my diet ( another one first) the 25th of February, and joined the 5:2 in the beginning of April. All together I have lost 30,1 kg with an average of 791g per week :victory:

My point is to find out, what suits you best :smile:
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
17 Nov 2013, 17:29
As my fast days very each week depending on social/work commitments, I have decided to record my weight twice a week, the morning after fast days.
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
17 Nov 2013, 17:31
Well it's funny because I weighed last thing on Thursday (my fast day) and then "properly" on the Friday morning. There was a 1.5 lbs difference...strange!
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
18 Nov 2013, 08:40
This is an interesting thread. I weigh myself on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I record the stats in my diary and only post the Monday weight on the tracker. As others have said, the weight really does vary and I am at the lowest on a Friday (I fast on Monday and Thursday) The Monday weight is usually 2lb higher than Friday. I suppose it doesn't help having family meals over the weekend, wine, tea and cakes.....! (Oh dear! I know where I'm going wrong)
Still, overall, this WOL does give a sense of control but, at the same time, I don't feel too deprived as tomorrow will allow me to eat more or less what I fancy (within reason of course)!
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
18 Nov 2013, 08:49
pist1958 wrote: From the beginning I decided to weight myself, once a week, every Saturday - just before the weekend :razz: Began for a couple of month to weigh daily, but it made me frustrated and stressed every time the weight went up, then down, then up.. so I went back to my weekly weigh in. :smile:

For me it is the best way, I stay focused all week, because I know that Saturday is my weighing day, and I want to see a result of a kind. :like:

About bigger weight loss when it comes to daily weight, I really don't know. I started my diet ( another one first) the 25th of February, and joined the 5:2 in the beginning of April. All together I have lost 30,1 kg with an average of 791g per week :victory:

My point is to find out, what suits you best :smile:

I just completed two weeks of daily weighing. I decided it's not for me as it dictated my mood for the day and made me a bit obsessed . I don't think I'm any the wiser for knowing that my weekly fluctuation is 3lbs and I was devastated that the scales did not go down after a fast day. So I am going back to Saturday weigh in's and hope for a smoother curve!
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
18 Nov 2013, 09:08
My first weigh day when I started to cut down and want to lose weight was on Wednesday 2nd January 13. So from that day on Wednesday is the day I get weighed. Now known as WeighNesDay! I have noticed a nice steady decline getting weighed once a week. No ups and downs. Since adding 5:2 to the mix back in August - I tend to fast Mondays and Thursdays so Wednesday seems to fit nicely into this routine as I wouldn't really want to weigh myself the day after a fast day. This is what works for me. I have old fashioned scales where the dial goes round - my doctor/nurse has the same scales and my weight was the same on the nurses scales when I had my last general check up with her. :grin:
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
18 Nov 2013, 09:12
I weigh on Monday. It's a fast day following three days of 80% TDEE. I figure I'm at my heaviest then.
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
18 Nov 2013, 09:43
I weigh every tuesday, the morning of my first fast, to weigh the morning after you will weigh less because yiu havnt eaten much the day before, so to me thats not a proper reflection of progress...
Anyway I dont know why Im telling you this because I have stuck rigidly to the plan , and have done 10 fast days and still not lost an ounce........dont know which road to take now.....fed up
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
18 Nov 2013, 09:47
:oops: I weight daily and enter it in a notebook (because I can't find an app for my Blackberry) but I record my weight on the Progress Tracker on a Thursday, which is the day after my second fast day. I know during the week I will vary but I just ignore that and as long as the trend is down I don't worry about it. Not sure I'll lose anything this week as I've lost a kg a week for the last 2 but will not worry about it. I do my measurements once a month; same with the body fat thing (but I don't trust my scales because the results are all over the place and don't seem to be consistent). I like the idea of weighing daily and I'm not remotely hung up or obsessive about it.posting.php?mode=reply&f=6&t=9503#
Re: Which Day To Weigh?
18 Nov 2013, 14:23
I weigh monthly (when I remember) and also take measurements monthly. I'm more likely to measure than weigh. The saturday or sunday depending when I can, neither of which are after a fast day.
I lose glacially slow BUT have noticed looking at my progress tracker that i haven't hit a plateau at all. And that's after more than a year.
Tried weekly weighing to encourage beloved but it just frustrated me.
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