The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm starting this thread because in reading people's posts, a lot of people say that they do great on fast days, but have a hard time on feast days. So it seemed to make sense for people to have a place to check in on those days too!

I know that people call it different things - feed days, non-fast days, feasting days, etc. Whatever you call it's basically the days that you are not fasting. "Feasting" kinda sound like the opposite of "fasting" so I think it's a good title for the thread.

Of course, just because it's called "feasting" doesn't mean you should eat like it's your last meal. Ideally you should eat within your TDEE.

So, this will be a place where you can post about your plan for the day or how you did or how you blew it or if you are struggling and need some support to keep you from eating that chocolate donut!

Anyone can feel free to start it. Maybe if we post it enough the admins will give us our own forum for it!
Today is a big holiday in the U.S., but it's supposed to rain here all day, so most of the parties and fireworks have been postponed. The party I was supposed to go to is now going to be on Saturday. So, I will not necessarily be indulging as much. I am probably going to go to the movies with a friend and we might get a bite to eat as well. I am going to get out and do my C25K (walk/run) before the rain starts!

Happy 4th to those of you in the U.S.! Everyone else have a good day!
It's my feasting day today. I usually eat too much the day I've been weighed, but as I had no weight loss this week, I'll be eating more mindfully.
I realise that the idea of low carbing last week sent my head and body into a tizz and I ate many more carbs than I would usually eat.
So I'm taking a breath and slowing myself down.
I am cutting out white bread and changing to wholemeal / seeded bread.
I am cutting out crisps and they are the only changes for at least a week!
I have indulged today in a big bowl of home-made granola and greek yoghurt for lunch. As I never eat breakfast these days, I do miss my granola and yoghurt, so once in a while I treat myself. I do feel a bit bloated now though :oops:

Dinner looks like being a carb-fest too as I don't have time to go shopping and the only viable option is bacon and pasta in tomato sauce :curse:

Still OH is away for the weekend so I won't be having wine and nibbles before dinner so hopefully it will all balance out!
Great thread :like:
I have a lovely beef stir fry planned full of fresh veg sounds healthy enough.
But then i went to M&S and bought some scones strawberries and clotted cream :shock: I blame Wimbledon :oops:
This is a good idea for a thread @cblasz!
I am yet to learn, or rather exert, portion control, particularly of carbs... However today should be OK as I'm cooking a Weighwatchers recipe for friends who are doing WW. Yes, they should be doing 5:2, but as they are not, I wish to support them in their endeavours! WW is working for them both I'm pleased to say, but oh, they'd surely find this WOE so much easier, and nicer!
I've got filo quiche planned for tonight with salad. I made chocolate brownies for dessert. I had homemader scones for lunch made with quark. They are lovely.
Breakfast: two soft boiled eggs, batons of one carrot and stick of celery, fresh decaff coffee.
Lunch: haddock and salad, drizzle of olive oil.
Dinner: quinoa and veg, natural live yogurt.
Tastier than it sounds :0)
Azure - how many calories is that, do you know?

I've had a good day after all. I did do my C25K training. I had a reasonable lunch. We just got frozen yogurt after the movie and right now I'm not even that hungry for dinner, although I'm sure I'll have something eventually!
Rain here too. Bran cereal with some maple granola with almond milk for breakfast after yesterday's fast. 200 cals but seems like such a treat. For lunch on this dreary day we went out for a slice of pizza and salad at our favorite hole in the wall, and spent the rest of the day just enjoying how lucky we are to have each other. For dinner I had a few good pieces of chocolate, an organic low fat hot dog (nasty but I paid five bucks for them so I have to eat a few), cheese, cabbage slaw, Alvaredo St sprouted toast and a very small serving of locally made ice cream. Now I am done for the day, I hope.

Tomorrow we hope to have the steaks we planned to eat days ago. Power failures and storms have been rewriting the menu!
Feasting today. Breakfast 2 poached eggs with oven baked mushrooms drizzled with pesto and tomato. all on a bed of baby spinach leaves and with some fried haloumi cheese. With my cuppa had a slice seedy nutty concoction with butter and my cumquat marmalade. I am still full 3 hours later probably due to 1/2 marzepan coated choc bar I demolished as well. Chicken soup is in the slow cooker for later. DH will need to be defrosted after golf . Pork sausages and low carb veg for dinner. Its cold and I am comforting myself while I am at the pc for hours.
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