peebles wrote: The science in his first edition was so sloppy, I would have ignored the diet had a friend not had such good results. It was only when I realized that the effect 5:2 has on calories is enough to explain all its effects that I got excited by it.
And since Moseley isn't a practicing doctor and appears, from what I read in his first edition, to be almost painfully ignorant both about diet and things like blood sugar health, he is probably the last person to write the book we need to read.
from your comments above @Peebleswhat would you say are the worst 5 paragraphs in the book and why (refer to page numbers if you like, as i have the book here. Dont know food/nutrition science well enough to judge but you may be able to enlighten me (us)
If only i made money from evangelising lol. Had someone comment that i had lost weight (saw them 2 years ago).. and i believe husband and wife are fasting today and Thursday ... and they never heard of the diet before