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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Finally-after 7 months on the 5.2 WOE people are noticing I look different. When I lost 10 KGS I was sure my friends would notice (they would comment if they did) but no. I remember someone posting that when you are really big it can take 20 KGS loss toll people notice a change in your size. So for me it took losing 16.7 KGS (37pounds) till I received those long awaited for comments. It's not that I'm needy and need lots of attention. Its just that I've been hanging for these real authentic comments because then I know I'm really getting to a smaller more normal size which has been my dream for so long. Anyway in the last 3 days here are the beautiful comments from some people I hadn't seen for between 2-4 months:
-A casual teachers aid I hadn't seen for 4 months- 'Wow. Have lost a whole tonne of weight? You look amazing- what have you been doing?She said as I walked in the door.
-Another teacher's aid I hadn't seen in probably 2 months -'Look at you. You're looking great. I couldn't believe it when I was on the bus and I saw you. How much have you lost?
-my friend I hadn't seen in a few months- 'look at you. I can't believe it. I can see it in your arms and your jaw and now your arms hang by your side ( she tells it like it is!) And as I left her place she said 'your changing on the outside but your not changing on the inside. Your still beautiful as you always were.' :cry: good friend.
Anyway- when did people finally see a big change in you? What compliment s did you receive?
Xxx julianna
Brilliant post, love it. I felt just the same when I got that first, unprompted comment. It's all good :0)
What lovely honest comments they were, I can imagine that you were doing the weight loss jig.
Happy Days.
My hubby noticed the other day saying' you are loosing weight'. It is encouraging when you get noticed. I call my hubby 'Jimney Cricket' because he is my conscience, by saying in a small voice' time to get on the bike'. Just the ticket for me! But congrats to you :like:
But on the other hand he has said to me, he has got more room in bed :lol:
What lovely comments you received!
Isn't it a great feeling when people finally notice!
Doesnt it make it all worthwhile when you get some nice positive comments!
Its too soon for people to notice my loss..twelve pounds doesnt show that much when you have several to lose..and its gone from odd the little puffs of fat between my upper arm and my bust..and the sides of my knees!
People have looked at me tho and said wow your face looks so alive,which i think comes from the extra water drinking!
And you achieved it! Well done! Enjoy!
Those are such beautiful comments- you must be well pleased!!! xx
Lovely comments there. I'm still waiting.
Weight can be such a sensitive topic that people are wary of commenting, doesn't necessarily mean they haven't noticed! :smile: But I'm glad to hear you're getting such lovely comments Julianna! :heart:
It's a great feeling when people notice. Congratulations on your weight loss. :victory:
I have finally experienced this week people noticing at work who did not know I was dieting.

Its taken 30lbs for this to be noticed, however, the biggest change I did was to wear clothes that fitted, and even quite clingy. I have gone from a 18/20 top to 12/14 (and I even got in a 10 :smile:).

Comments range from two guys I know at work walking down the corridor, and one says, and Gill hasn't eaten for weeks. I took this as a roundabout compliment :shock:

Others were, I love your new clothes and look how tiny you are.. (to me, the words tiny are pushing it a a bit !), skinny minnie, and you have lost a whole chunk of weight and look fab. I need to do something myself looking at you :grin:

Had a feeling it was the clothes masking my progress. Wearing a 22 M&S t-shirt which now looks like a tent was doing zlitch for me! My confidence is also growing with better fitting clothes :victory:
That's amazing @Minigill that you've gone from a size 18/20 to size 12/14 with 30 pound weight loss. Thats maybe why its taken so long for me as I haven't really gone down much in clothes size- I was a size 18/20 I'm still a size 18 at my waist ( taking forever to reduce) and probably soon to be a size 16. Thanks everyone for your comments and listening. This forum is so supportive-listening to each others rants as well as celebrating each others success.
Xx julianna
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