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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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you only log onto the forum for the first time at 5.30 pm. Usually I've been logging on each time I've felt hungry a needed some support and inspiration! I had quite a light meal last night and I'm wondering if that is the key. Anyone else noticed that?
Hi Esta

Not sure about the light meal question, but had a bowl of pasta last night, and nothing else as it was quite late, after 8pm, late for me anyway! :-) so i have felt hungry but not ravenous as such hehe hasnt been too bad, just had my last calories and now drinking water to keep me going all night, am at home so ive been on the forum most of the day lol, and kept myself busy all day...
I made a cheesecake today and its in the kitchen cooling off, and sooo looking foward to a slice tomorrow and not been tempted at all! So all in all i think it has been a good fast day :-)
I was really surprised today that I had absolutely NO hunger pangs at all. Just had some baked salmon for dinner with tomatoes. Now sipping sparkling water. As I have often commented on here, its the next morning I have more of a problem with - usually starving till lunchtime! have 70 calories left but don't feel the need to eat them.
... You delay your evening meal because you can't tear yourself away from checking the forums!
:victory: :victory: :victory: :wink: :wink: :wink:'s the morning after and you're having shortbread with your coffee. ;-)
TML .....

shortbread is to me what toast is to Ballerina! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Especially on a fast day! :curse: :curse: :curse: :dazed: :dazed: :starving: :starving:
Silverdarling wrote: ... You delay your evening meal because you can't tear yourself away from checking the forums!
:victory: :victory: :victory: :wink: :wink: :wink:

angie090465 wrote: I made a cheesecake today and its in the kitchen cooling off, and sooo looking foward to a slice tomorrow and not been tempted at all! So all in all i think it has been a good fast day :-)

You made cheesecake on a fast day? Wow.
Think it will be a long time before I have that level of self control!
I'll never bake a cheesecake on a fast day, unless it is cheesecake made with okra, kiwi and smelly feet.
... when you don't cheat, and overdue on the 500 calorie allotment! :doh:
I have been cheating the last few weeks, but yesterday I shined like a star. I think I actually went under 500 calories (slightly) and it felt GREAT! WONDERFUL! SO REWARDING (to myself!!) I feel so proud that I can do this!!!
You know what I mean? :oops: :victory:'d just as soon skip dinner, but you make it anyone because your SO says their stomach thinks their throat has been cut.

...several others around you are doing 5:2 on your same day, so no great tempting foods assail you.
You look up from what you're doing at 5pm and realise you haven't thought of food once all day. AND it's nearly time to eat!
..... You haven't opened the fridge all day.
... your fella offers you a bacon sarnie but you say no thanks (but kiss him goodbye twice just to get a little bacony taste - so wrong :-( !!)
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