The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Hi everyone,

Sorry if being a Newbie means I have not seen that this has already been answered somewhere else but I was wondering if anyone does a combination of 5:2 and 4:3 on different weeks. I feel really motivated on my first week and was thinking about doing a kick start 4:3 week but I know from my work schedule that I can only do 5:2 next week. Is it ok to mix the 2 from week to week.

Thanks for anyone that has any advice to offer. It has been really good finding you all as there is so much helpful advice and so many inspirational stories. I already read loads and just joined the Easter Challenge to set myself a good realistic target with a date to work to.

I have also been fitting in 3 hour long HIT workouts, a yoga session and some running during the week to help get much fitter and hopefully tone up as the weight comes of slowly.
:heart: That perfectly fine @carolinet1982 That's the joy of this WOL its very forgiving so 1, 2, or 3days fasting whatever "fits" into your life. :heart: :heart:

Edit: sorry meant to say well done with your settling in process and the fantastic exercise routine. :heart:
Thanks Sue :like: nice to know that I have the freedom to go with what suits my week. 4 days in and I feel much less bloated and even if I only go down 1lb this week I know that my trousers feel like they fit less snuggly so that is an added bonus...not just about what the scales say. :grin:
Wow well done,you sound so motivated with your eating plans and exercise! X
I'd like to resurrect this thread because I am thinking of doing it this way. 5.2 one week then 4.3 the next and so on. But I will see how it goes. Going to throw myself in the deep end this first week with my fast days today, Thursday and Saturday. All twenty four hours long with five hundred calories.

How did you ladies manage if you did it this way? Thanks :)
Hi and welcome!

I believe that @Julieathome did fasting every third day for a while so that kind of works out at 5:2 one week and 4:3 the next (that would be a Monday,Thursday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday cycle). I think she felt that three days between fast days was too long but that one day was too short...
I did 4:3 the last two weeks, because I had been in a 3-month plateau. I wanted to kick-start my weight loss. I fasted M,W,F the last two weeks and lost 4.4 lbs. I am back to 5:2 this week and hoping to keep the weight off.
You rang? Yes I did every third day for a long time, my at home fasting buddy (my son) got fed up with it so asked to switch to set days. I am near enough certain that switching down to 5:2 triggered my plateau. Once I am comfortable again with fasting (an operation and recovery time) I will get back into every third day.

It may not be for everyone as most people have to cater for work schedules etc. I am a stay at home carer so could fast at the weekends as if they were weekdays.
That is a very good idea. I am doing 5.2 because I am at an annoying plateau. I was at my heaviest just after Christmas, went from 10 stone 9 to 9 stone 12 and now it is just stuck.

Carorees, you have done an incredible job with your weight loss. You are an inspiration showing how with hard work and discipline anyone can lose weight. Just amazing :)
Well this is interesting! I have just added my note to the "fasting today" thread and mentioned that I don't usually do Wednesdays, and, as my weight has crept the wrong way recently, I was wondering if many do 4:3 and it seems there are a few of you already there!
I may do a Friday fast and see if I can make the scales go down this week for a change!
Good luck folks.
Thelovelysqueaky wrote: Well this is interesting! I have just added my note to the "fasting today" thread and mentioned that I don't usually do Wednesdays, and, as my weight has crept the wrong way recently, I was wondering if many do 4:3 and it seems there are a few of you already there!
I may do a Friday fast and see if I can make the scales go down this week for a change!
Good luck folks.

@thelovelysqueaky come join us in the 4:3 tent. fastonbury-glamping-grounds-f34/the-4-3-tent-is-up-t11057.html

till i maintain 4:3 with a bit of 16:8 thrown in for good measure is my way and my purple progress bar is in the right direction :-) ... serid=5822

Havent seen the 71 decile all month so far so goodbye 71!

I think adding an extra fast day to a 5:2 regime is something to think about.
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