The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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16 Oct 2013, 23:10
My journey on this WOL (8 months on, 16lbs down) has been a process of almost continuous experimentation as, I think, have many others'. So far I've tried various permutations and combinations of 5:2, 16:8, low carb and little tweaks too numerous to list. It's still a continuing journey of discovery and learning till I find the formula that works for me for sustainable weight management and optimum health.

This forum has been a fantastic source of information, advice and support (as I keep saying!) and one of the great realisations for me has been how very differently we react to the different versions of this WOL and that there really is no one single right way. So I thought I'd share this link I stumbled across in Mark' Daily Apple about experimentation : ... z2hvYuemZx

Apologies if this has already been posted on this forum!

End of reflective rambling! :)
Re: Experimentation
17 Oct 2013, 06:28
Hi shachat! I can't agree more with you, the people in this forum are very supportive and are always willing to share their knowledge and advice. I've never been as happy and involved in a forum before.. had always been one of those silent readers :P.

Thanks for the article! With regards to any diet or woe, I guess we all do self experimentation in a sense, although may not be as well recorded as say a real sience experiment. But we experiment to find what works best for us.

Speaking of self experimentation in diferent approaches on Intermittent Fasting, I really like this (free) e-book from John Berardi: Experiments With Intermittent Fasting.
He conducted 6 months experiment doing IF, and I like that he was very honest about what worked and didn't for him. A worthy reading, and this book is what actually conviced me to give IF a try.

Haha, I'm rambling too! :grin:
Re: Experimentation
17 Oct 2013, 08:57
Thanks Dee. I'm going to read the book - just downloaded it. Always interesting, and sometimes inspiring, reading others' stories!
Re: Experimentation
17 Oct 2013, 21:47
Just read John Berardi's ebook - very interesting. He does about 10 times the exercise I do, so not all of it was relevant for me, but great to read about someone else's experiments with fasting. Recommend it.
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