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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Does anyone fast two consecutive days with a bit more calories? An acquaintance just told me she's doing two consecutive days a week at about 600 calories each day! She eats whatever she wants the other 5. And she's losing! She said she got this from a book The 2 Day Diet by Dr. Harvie. Does anyone fast this way? I wouldn't mind fasting back to back if I could eat a bit more calories (600 instead of 500). Anyone do this?
Did it once at much less calories. It was difficult however when the third am came I could have cared less if I ever ate. I normally fast mon/wed which by eating tues makes my tummy want food on wed. Does this make sense? I know I mean.
Claire, thank you so much for answering. Yes, that is what my friend says too! She says the two back to back days really lowers your insulin levels, so that by the time the third morning comes, your appetite is low.

I am going to try this. I am ordering two of Dr. Harvie's books that I saw on amazon. My friend doesn't follow the Meditteranean diet Harvie recommends for the the other 5 days, she just eats normally. That's what I'm going to do too!

The last time I did 5:2, I followed Dr. Mosley's instructions in his book, but I think this time around I'll do what my friend is doing.
Fasting Two Consecutive Days
26 Mar 2014, 19:17
I posted this in the wrong forum, but someone was kind enough to answer me. I meant to post it here in Rules and Variations!
Does anyone fast two consecutive days with a bit more calories? An acquaintance just told me she's doing two consecutive days a week at about 600 calories each day! She eats whatever she wants the other 5. And she's losing! She said she got this from a book The 2 Day Diet by Dr. Harvie. Does anyone fast this way? I wouldn't mind fasting back to back if I could eat a bit more calories (600 instead of 500). Anyone do this?

Also, my friend said fasting back to back lowers your insulin levels and by the third morning, you just aren't hungry!

I'm ordering 2 of Harvie's books I saw on amazon. Last go-round I followed Dr. Mosley's advice, but this time I'm going to do it the way my friend is doing it: 2 consec days at 600 cals/ eat normally the remaining 5 (ignoring Harvie's advice to eat Meditteranean).
There is quite a lot about the two day diet in the 5:2 Lab. It is based on a very low carbohydrate diet on two days (with about a 800 cal allowance) followed by 5 days following a Mediterranean diet. Thus you have to diet for 7 days a week although the 5 days have more carbs allowed than the 2 very low carb days. It is quite complex but has been subject to a couple of clinical trials.

Here are some links to our discussion of the diet on the forum:
Wow, thank you Carorees. Those links are great.

So I was looking at your signature. Do you just do 16:8 and low carb now? Do you count anything like carb grams? Also, do you do the 16:8 every single day? I am keeping my options to all forms of fasting this time around. Thanks.
p.s. Congratulations on your weight loss!
marigolds53 wrote: Wow, thank you Carorees. Those links are great.

So I was looking at your signature. Do you just do 16:8 and low carb now? Do you count anything like carb grams? Also, do you do the 16:8 every single day? I am keeping my options to all forms of fasting this time around. Thanks.

Yes, every day. I make sure I keep my 'eating window' to under 8 hours. Most days it is around 7 hours, sometimes only 5. I count carb grams some days just to check but not every day and aim to keep carbs around 100-150g per day.

Check out the 'eating window' tent: fastonbury-glamping-grounds-f34/the-16-8-tent-and-17-7-18-6-19-5-etc-t11084.html
Also the low carb tent: fastonbury-glamping-grounds-f34/2014-low-carbers-tent-t10527.html
Thanks Carorees. You might find it humorous to know that I am now in competition with a family member who just started 4:3 and is frequenting this board! It will be interesting to see if 4:3 beats my 2 day diet! I am going to do two consecutive days at of about 600 cals, but I don't think I could do 5 days of portion controlled Mediterranean eating like Harvie apparently recommends. I'll just eat normally. This competition will be interesting! No way can I do this 3 x a week!

I guess now we'll both be hogging the computer. I hope no one else in my family starts this way of eating (we're all fat). Then we'll ALL be fighting for the lone computer. Someone needs a lap top! ha ha!
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